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Self-learning Python 50 regular expressions (2) Using the re module


​# Python 正則表達式(二)使用 re模塊


本篇在Python正則表達式(一)的基礎上,繼續講解PythonRelated content of regular expressions.


  • 一、reIntroduction to module library functions
  • 二、使用 compile() 函數編譯正則表達式
  • 三、使用函數 match() 匹配正則表達式
  • 四、使用函數search()Scan the string and return a successful match
  • 五、使用函數 findall()Find and return matching strings
  • 六、Use the search and replace functionsub()和subn()
  • 七、Use the split functionsplit()

在Python語言中,使用 reThe module provides built-in standard library functions to process regular expressions.在這個模塊中,Both basic functions that can directly match regular expressions,It is also possible to compile a regular expression object,and use its methods to use regular expressions.在本節的內容中,將詳細講解使用reBasic knowledge of modules.

一、reIntroduction to module library functions

在下表中,列出了 Python語言內置模塊reCommonly used built-in functions and methods,它們中的大多數函數也與已經編譯的正則表達式對象((regex obiect)和正則匹配對象(regex matchobject) The Wanfa has the same name and has the same functionality.

函數/方法描述compile(pattern,flags = 0)使用任何可選的標記來編譯正則表達式的模式,然後返回一個正則表達式對象match(pattern,string,flags=0)嘗試使用帶有可選的標記的正則表達式的模式來匹配字符串.The fruit match is successful,就返回匹配對象;如果失敗,就返回Nonesearch(pattern,string,flags=0)使用可選標記搜索字符串中第一次出現的正則表達式模式.如果匹配成功,則返回匹配對象;如果失敗,則返回 Nonefindall(pattern,string [, flags])查找字符串中所有(非重復)The regular Maida pattern that appears,並返回一個匹配列表finditer(pattern,string [, flags])與findall()函數相同,但返回的不是一個列表,而是一個迭代器.對於每一次匹配,迭代器都返回一個匹配對象split(patterm,string,maxsplit=0)根據正則表達式的模式分隔符,split函數將字符串分割為列表,然後返回成功匹配的列表,分割最多操作maxsplit次(默認分割所有匹配成功的位置)sub(pattern,repl, string,count=0)使用replReplace all occurrences of the regular expression pattern in the string,除非定義count,Otherwise, all occurrences will be replaced(另見subn()函數,The function returns the number of replacement operations)purge()清除隱式編譯的正則表達式模式group(num=0)返回整個匹配對象,或者編號為num的特定子組groups(default=None)返回一個包含所有匹配子組的元組(如果沒有成功匹配,則返回一個空元組)groupdict(default=None)Returns a dictionary containing all matching named subgroups,All subgroup names are used as dictionary keys(如果沒有成功匹配,則返回一個空字典)

二、使用 compile() 函數編譯正則表達式

在 Python程序中,函數compile()The function is to compile regular expressions.使用函數compile()的語法如下所示.

compile(source, filename, mode [, flags [,dont_ inherit] ])

By using the above format,能夠將source編譯為代碼或者AST 對象.代碼對象能夠通過 exec語句來執行或者eval()進行求值.各個參數的具體說明如下所示.
●參數 source: 字符串或者AST(Abstract Syntax Trees)對象;
●參數 filename: 代碼文件名稱,如果不是從文件讀取代碼則傳遞一些可辨認的值;
●參數 mode:指定編譯代碼的種類,可以指定為exce、eval 和 single;
●參數 flags 和 dont_inherit: 可選參數,極少使用.
例如在下面的實例中,演示了使用函數 cmpile() 將正則表達式的字符串形式編譯為Patterm實例的過程:

import re
pattern = re.compile('[a-zA-Z]')
result = pattern.findall('as3SioPdj#@23awe')
print (result)


三、使用函數 match() 匹配正則表達式

在Python程序中,函數match()The function of is to match a regular expression in a string,如果匹配成功則返回MatchObject對象實例.使用函數match()的語法格式如下所示.

re.match(pattern, string, flags=0)

●參數 pattern: 匹配的正則表達式;
●參數 string: 要匹配的字符串;
●參數 lags: 標志位,用於控制正則表達式的匹配方式,例如是否區分大小寫、多行匹配等.
參數lagsThe option value information for is shown in the following table:

參數meaning meaningre.I忽略大小寫re.LChanged according to local settings\w、\W、\b、\B、\s,以及\S的匹配內容re.M多行匹配模式re.S使“."Metacharacters also match newlinesre.U匹配Unicode字符re.X忽略patteyn中的空格,並且可以使用“#”注釋

匹配成功後,函數match() will return a matching object,否則返回None.我們可以使用函數group(num)或函數groups()to get the matching expression.
例如下面在PythonThe use is demonstrated in the interactive command line program of match()以及group()的過程:

>>> import re
>>> m = re.match('foo', 'foo') #模式匹配字符串
>>> if m is not None: #如果匹配成功,output matching content
... m.group()

For example below is an example of a failed match,會返回None.

>>> import re
>>> m = re.match('papa', ' foo') #模式匹配字符串
>>> if m is not None: #如果匹配成功,output matching content
... m.group()


四、使用函數search()Scan the string and return a successful match

在Python程序中,函數search()The function is to scan the entire string and return the first successful match. 事實上,The pattern to search appears in a string The probability of the middle part,遠大於出現在字符串起始部分的概率.This is also the functionsearch()派上用場的時候.函數search()how it works and functionsmatch()完全一致, 不同之處在於函數search()會用它的字符串參數,在任意位置對給定正則表達式模式搜索第一次出現的匹配情況.如果搜索到成功的匹配,就會返回一個匹配對象.否則,返回None.
An example will be given nextmatch()和search()之間的差別.Take matching a longer string as an example,Strings are used below“foo”去匹配“seafood”:

>>> import re
>>> m = re.match('foo', 'seafood')#匹配失敗
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

由此可以看到.此處匹配失敗.match()試圖從字符串的起始部分開始匹配模式.也就是說,模式中的“f"將匹配到字符串的首字母“s”上.這樣的匹配肯定是失敗的.然而,字符串“foo"確實出現在"seafood”之中(某個位置),所以,我們該如何讓python得出肯定的結果呢?答案是使用searh()函數,而不是嘗試匹配.search() Not only does the function search for the first occurrence of the pattern in a character,And strictly search from left to right for the learning symbols.

>>> import re
>>> m = re.search('foo', 'seafood')#匹配失敗
>>> if m is not None: m.group()
'foo' #搜索成功,但是匹配失敗

五、使用函數 findall()Find and return matching strings

在Python程序中,函數findall()The function of is to find all strings matching the regular expression in the string,並返回這些字符串的列表.If groups are used in regular expressions,則返回一個元組. 函數re.match()函數和函數re.search()的作用基本一樣, 不同的是,函數re.match()Matches only from the first character in the string.而函數re.scarch()then the entire string is searched.

re.findall (pattern, string, flags=0)


import re #導入模塊 re
#Defines a string variable to operate ons
s = "adfad asdfasdf asdfas asdfawef asd adsfas"
reObjl = re.compile('((\w+)\s+\w+)')
print (reObjl.findall(s)) #第1次調用函數findall()
reObj2 = re.compile('(\w+)\s+\w+')
print (reObj2.findall(s)) #第2次調用函數findall()
reObj3 = re.compile('\w+\s+\w+')
print (reObj3.findall(s)) #第3calls the functionfindal

因為函數 findall()What is returned is always a list of all matches of the regular expression in the string,So here is the main discussion list“結果”的展現方式,即fndallReturns the information contained in each element in the list.執行後會輸出:

六、Use the search and replace functionsub()和subn()

在Python程序中,有兩個函數/方法用於實現搜索和替換功能,這兩個函數是sub()和subn(). Both are almost the same,are all a string Do some form of replacement for all parts of the regex that match.用來替換的部分通常是一個字符串, 但它也可能是一個函數,該函數返回一個用來替換的字符串.函數subn()和函數sub()的用法類似,但是函數subn()You can also return a total representing the replacement,The replaced string is taken together with a number representing the total number of replacements-個擁有 A tuple of two elements is returned.

re.sub( pattern, repl, string[, count])
re.subn( pattern, repl, string[, count] )

The specific description of each of the above parameters is as follows.
●pattern: 正則表達式模式;
●repl: 要替換成的內容;
● string: A string for content substitution;
●count: 可選參數,最大替換次數.
例如在下面的實例中,演示了使用函數sub()The process of implementing a replacement function:

import re #導入模塊re
print(re.sub('[abc]', 'o','Mark')) #找出字母a、b或者C
print(re.sub('[abc]', 'o','rock')) #將"rock"變成"rook”
print(re.sub('[abc]', 'o','caps')) #將caps變成oops

在上述實例代碼中,首先在“Mark"Find the letters ina、b或者c,並以字母“o”替換,Mark就變成Mork了.然後將“rock”變成“rook”.Focus on the last line of code,Some readers may think that it can becaps 變成oaps,但事實並非如此.函數re.sub()Can replace all matches,and not just the first match.So the regex will put caps變成ops,因為c和a都被轉換為o.執行後會輸出:

七、Use the split functionsplit()

在Python程序中,模塊reand object functions in regular expressionssplit() 對於相對應字符串的工作方式是類似的,但是與分割一個固定字符串相比,它們基於正則表達式的模式分隔字符串,Add some extra functionality to the string delimiter feature.If you don't want to split the string for every occurrence of the pattern,It can be passed as a parametermax設定一個值(非零)way to specify the maximum number of divisions.If the given delimiter is not a regular expression using special symbols to match multiple patterns,那麼函數re.split()與函數str.split() 的工作方式相同,For example, the following demonstration process is split based on single quotes.

>>> re.split(':', 'strl:str2:str3')
['strl', 'str2', 'str3']


import re
DATA = (
'MMMMM View, CA 88888',
'LLL AAAAA, 99999',
'cccccc 99999',
for datum in DATA:
print(re.split(',|(?= (?:\d{5}|[A-Z]{2})) ',datum))

The above regular expression has a simple component, 使用piThe statement splits the string based on the backspace.The more important part is the regex at the end,The expansion symbol can be previewed through this regular expression.in normal English strings,如果空格緊跟在五個數字(ZIP編碼)Adult two capital letters(美國聯邦州縮寫)之後,就用spit() function to separate the space.執行後會輸出:

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