from RsInstrument.RsInstrument import RsInstrument
ipaddr = ""
# Standard LAN connection (also called VXI-11)
resource_string_1 = 'TCPIP::'+ipaddr+'::INSTR'
# Hi-Speed LAN connection - see 1MA208
resource_string_2 = 'TCPIP::'+ipaddr+'::hislip0'
resource_string_3 = 'GPIB::20::INSTR' # GPIB Connection
# USB-TMC (Test and Measurement Class)
resource_string_4 = 'USB::0x0AAD::0x0119::022019943::INSTR'
resource_string_5 = 'RSNRP::0x0095::104015::INSTR' # R&S Powersensor NRP-Z86
instr = RsInstrument(resource_string_1, True, False)
idn = instr.query_str('*IDN?')
print(f"\nHello, I am: '{
print(f'RsInstrument driver version: {
print(f'Visa manufacturer: {
print(f'Instrument full name: {
print(f'Instrument installed options: {
# Close the session
# github examples repository path: SpectrumAnalyzers/Python/RsInstrument
# Example for FSW / FSV / FSVA / FPS Spectrum Analyzers
# Preconditions:
# - Installed RsInstrument Python module Version or newer from
# - Installed VISA e.g. R&S Visa 5.12.x or newer
from RsInstrument import * # The RsInstrument package is hosted on, see Readme.txt for more details
from time import time
specan = None
# Adjust the VISA Resource string to fit your instrument
specan = RsInstrument('TCPIP::localhost::INSTR', True, False)
specan.visa_timeout = 3000 # Timeout for VISA Read Operations
specan.opc_timeout = 3000 # Timeout for opc-synchronised operations
specan.instrument_status_checking = True # Error check after each command
except Exception as ex:
print('Error initializing the instrument session:\n' + ex.args[0])
print(f'Driver Version: {
print(f'SpecAn IDN: {
print(f'SpecAn Options: {
specan.write_str('INIT:CONT OFF') # Switch OFF the continuous sweep
specan.write_str('SYST:DISP:UPD ON') # Display update ON - switch OFF after debugging
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Basic Settings:
# -----------------------------------------------------------
specan.write_str('DISP:WIND:TRAC:Y:RLEV 10.0') # Setting the Reference Level
specan.write_str('FREQ:CENT 3.0 GHz') # Setting the center frequency
specan.write_str('FREQ:SPAN 200 MHz') # Setting the span
specan.write_str('BAND 100 kHz') # Setting the RBW
specan.write_str('BAND:VID 300kHz') # Setting the VBW
specan.write_str('SWE:POIN 10001') # Setting the sweep points
specan.query_opc() # Using *OPC? query waits until all the instrument settings are finished
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# SyncPoint 'SettingsApplied' - all the settings were applied
# -----------------------------------------------------------
specan.VisaTimeout = 2000 # Sweep timeout - set it higher than the instrument acquisition time
specan.write_str_with_opc('INIT') # Start the sweep and wait for it to finish
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# SyncPoint 'AcquisitionFinished' - the results are ready
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Fetching the trace
# The functions are universal for binary or ascii data format
# -----------------------------------------------------------
t = time()
trace = specan.query_bin_or_ascii_float_list('FORM ASC;:TRAC? TRACE1') # Query ascii array of floats
print(f'Instrument returned {
len(trace)} points in the ascii trace, query duration {
time() - t:.3f} secs')
t = time()
specan.bin_float_numbers_format = BinFloatFormat.Single_4bytes # This tells the driver in which format to expect the binary float data
trace = specan.query_bin_or_ascii_float_list('FORM REAL,32;:TRAC? TRACE1') # Query binary array of floats - the query function is the same as for the ASCII format
print(f'Instrument returned {
len(trace)} points in the binary trace, query duration {
time() - t:.3f} secs')
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Setting the marker to max and querying the X and Y
# -----------------------------------------------------------
specan.write_str_with_opc('CALC1:MARK1:MAX') # Set the marker to the maximum point of the entire trace, wait for it to be set
markerX = specan.query_float('CALC1:MARK1:X?')
markerY = specan.query_float('CALC1:MARK1:Y?')
print(f'Marker Frequency {
markerX:.2f} Hz, Level {
markerY:.3f} dBm')
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Making an instrument screenshot and transferring the file to the PC
# -----------------------------------------------------------
specan.write_str("HCOP:DEV:LANG PNG")
specan.write_str(r"MMEM:NAME 'c:\temp\Dev_Screenshot.png'")
specan.write_str("HCOP:IMM") # Make the screenshot now
specan.query_opc() # Wait for the screenshot to be saved
specan.read_file_from_instrument_to_pc(r"c:\temp\Dev_Screenshot.png", r"c:\Temp\PC_Screenshot.png") # Transfer the instrument file to the PC
print(r"Instrument screenshot file saved to PC 'c:\Temp\PC_Screenshot.png'")
# Close the session
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