As one of the current mainstream programming language,pythonWith user-friendly grammar and a lot of third-party libraries,At present is mainly used in web crawler、web開發、數據分析、人工智能等領域,涉及面甚廣.But back then small make up learningpythonBut designed to when hackers,I also want to imagine《黑客帝國》Mourinho in the so,馳騁“Network battlefield”,所向披靡
然而現實總是殘酷的,When I'm trying to learn the hacker technology,There is always an invisible energy in stop me progress(其實是我懶),Cause I learn to learn to become prick silk youth
In order to let is reallypythonFind some friends learning fun and a sense of achievement,Or the friend of the single female shen hui a SAO operation,I decided to take me to learn the hacker's“半成品”分享給大家,Knowledgeable of lightly spray,My face thin
言歸正傳,下面就以3A small example for everyone to countpythonCommon hacking:
用pyhton自帶的zipfile庫即可,First, you need a password dictionary,可以自己生成,Also can go online to download ready-made,本次我以1個設置6A compression code package of brute force, for example,代碼如下:
這裡我直接forLoop directly to brute force,1開頭的6A password in total20秒,According to this calculation12位的密碼40秒就搞定了,Also seems to be too simple beep,But where is the feeling a bit strange.
從理論上來說,As long as your computer is running fast enough、Dictionaries are strong enough,You can break any encryption package(Just theoretical,大家別當真).
Keyboard record is an old hacker technology,Is still widely used in different aspects,Widely to I still rely on the technology writing tweets,真是慚愧啊
Keyboard record to realize there are many ways,Here to offer you a way
總共有6行代碼,Feeling in numerous methods is not the best,But it is the most pure(Probably the most waste)
In a mess a knock,Feel the whole out casually are poems,Ha, ha, ha, please call me wit.
Most of penetration testing framework and malicious software has the ability to intercept long-range target screen snapshot.It can help us to capture open pictures、或者其他敏感信息(So don't literally to install unknown software).
Some screen capture software only grab the active window or application of the image,But this will be for us to analyze the whole screen grab,主要代碼如下:
好了,今天的分享就到此為止,Don't know if mobile phone before you can like me before,Like the chicken blood immediately to learn.
學好 Python 不論是就業還是做副業賺錢都不錯,但要學會 Python 還是要有一個學習規劃.最後大家分享一份全套的 Python 學習資料,給那些想學習 Python 的小伙伴們一點幫助!