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Python takes you to realize video collection, automatic comments and automatic likes




技術賦能,Use technology to enhance each person's unique sense of well-being.

on fast,用戶可以用照片和短視頻記錄自己的生活點滴,也可以通過直播與粉絲實時互動.

Fast content covers all aspects of life,用戶遍布全國各地.



  • 動態數據抓包

  • requests發送請求

  • json數據解析


  • python 3.8 運行代碼

  • pycharm 2021.2 輔助敲代碼

  • requests 第三方模塊 發送請求 Python工具 訪問網站


  1. 發送請求

  2. 獲取數據

  3. 解析數據

  4. 保存數據

Capture video code





import requests # 第三方模塊 發送請求
import re


headers = {

'content-type': 'application/json',
'Cookie': 'kpf=PC_WEB; kpn=KUAISHOU_VISION; clientid=3; did=web_d3f9d8c2cbebafd126b80eb0b1c13360; client_key=65890b29; didv=1658130458000; userId=270932146; kuaishou.server.web_st=ChZrdWFpc2hvdS5zZXJ2ZXIud2ViLnN0EqABymzXlGDinYWz3v5NKZWKq6Ld14uOvyRNPT3Gi7uJwI8CE4aatjowKRbPtRt5YIE3s2otZdFEzL7kvW1PQuijqUT_qUe4-u0FlfN1S49mhR4QRc9YKQNObXAPYzZRWIRcrSvdohIwUW8TBTSWLUtMlMh2He2FyvNMR-JfhUHaK-YSkwqXKUj-N-zlHTCPp0z0y6cSgrR9RIdlXqIJFifSbxoSsguEA2pmac6i3oLJsA9rNwKEIiB86mXKYIgbGBbtkVuyoy8TCIwZ2uckiTnfAGZiyV9imCgFMAE; kuaishou.server.web_ph=7353170c91b8f7f05c250730c2faea5355e1',
'Host': 'www..com',
'Origin': 'https://www..com',
'Referer': 'https://www..com/search/video?searchKey=%E6%B3%B3%E8%A3%85%E5%B0%8F%E5%A7%90%E5%A7%90',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
for page in range(1, 11):
# postOnly in the request
json = {

'operationName': "visionSearchPhoto",
'query': "fragment photoContent on PhotoEntity {\n id\n duration\n caption\n likeCount\n viewCount\n realLikeCount\n coverUrl\n photoUrl\n photoH265Url\n manifest\n manifestH265\n videoResource\n coverUrls {\n url\n __typename\n }\n timestamp\n expTag\n animatedCoverUrl\n distance\n videoRatio\n liked\n stereoType\n profileUserTopPhoto\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment feedContent on Feed {\n type\n author {\n id\n name\n headerUrl\n following\n headerUrls {\n url\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n photo {\n ...photoContent\n __typename\n }\n canAddComment\n llsid\n status\n currentPcursor\n __typename\n}\n\nquery visionSearchPhoto($keyword: String, $pcursor: String, $searchSessionId: String, $page: String, $webPageArea: String) {\n visionSearchPhoto(keyword: $keyword, pcursor: $pcursor, searchSessionId: $searchSessionId, page: $page, webPageArea: $webPageArea) {\n result\n llsid\n webPageArea\n feeds {\n ...feedContent\n __typename\n }\n searchSessionId\n pcursor\n aladdinBanner {\n imgUrl\n link\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n}\n",
'variables': {
'keyword': "Miss swimsuit", 'pcursor': str(page), 'page': "search", 'searchSessionId': "MTRfMjcwOTMyMTQ2XzE2NTg5MjM5NDExODBf5rOz6KOF5bCP5aeQ5aeQXzE4NzQ"}
url = 'https://www..com/graphql'

1. 發送請求

 response = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, json=json)

<Response [200]>: 請求成功

<Response [400]>: The resource you were looking for was not found on the server

give you data 是兩回事

2. 獲取數據

.text: 字符串

.json(): 字典類型數據

 json_data = response.json()

3. 解析數據


css Only the data in the source code of the web page can be retrieved

re 如果當 xpathcssjson when not available 都可以取 (復雜)

json 只能取 {"":""} ["", ""]

 feeds = json_data['data']['visionSearchPhoto']['feeds']
for i in range(0, len(feeds)):
photoUrl = feeds[i]['photo']['photoUrl']
caption = feeds[i]['photo']['caption']
print(caption, photoUrl)
caption = re.sub('[\\/:*?"<>|\\n]', '', caption)

4. 保存視頻

一般情況下, 大部分網站 視頻鏈接 圖片鏈接 音頻鏈接 都可以直接用get

.content: 獲取視頻二進制數據

 video_data = requests.get(photoUrl).content
with open(f'video/{
caption}.mp4', mode='wb') as f:

源碼、解答、教程加Q裙:261823976 點擊藍字加入【python學習裙】

自動評論, 自動點贊

import requests
class KuaiShou():
def __init__(self):
self.headers = {

'content-type': 'application/json',
'Cookie': 'kpf=PC_WEB; kpn=KUAISHOU_VISION; clientid=3; did=web_d3f9d8c2cbebafd126b80eb0b1c13360; client_key=65890b29; didv=1658130458000; userId=270932146; kuaishou.server.web_st=ChZrdWFpc2hvdS5zZXJ2ZXIud2ViLnN0EqABymzXlGDinYWz3v5NKZWKq6Ld14uOvyRNPT3Gi7uJwI8CE4aatjowKRbPtRt5YIE3s2otZdFEzL7kvW1PQuijqUT_qUe4-u0FlfN1S49mhR4QRc9YKQNObXAPYzZRWIRcrSvdohIwUW8TBTSWLUtMlMh2He2FyvNMR-JfhUHaK-YSkwqXKUj-N-zlHTCPp0z0y6cSgrR9RIdlXqIJFifSbxoSsguEA2pmac6i3oLJsA9rNwKEIiB86mXKYIgbGBbtkVuyoy8TCIwZ2uckiTnfAGZiyV9imCgFMAE; kuaishou.server.web_ph=7353170c91b8f7f05c250730c2faea5355e1',
'Host': 'www..com',
'Origin': 'https://www..com',
'Referer': 'https://www..com/search/video?searchKey=%E6%B3%B3%E8%A3%85%E5%B0%8F%E5%A7%90%E5%A7%90',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
self.url = 'https://www..com/graphql'
def getSearch(self, keyword, page):
""" Get search videos :param keyword: 關鍵字 :param page: 頁碼 :return: json_data """
json = {

'operationName': "visionSearchPhoto",
'query': "fragment photoContent on PhotoEntity {\n id\n duration\n caption\n likeCount\n viewCount\n realLikeCount\n coverUrl\n photoUrl\n photoH265Url\n manifest\n manifestH265\n videoResource\n coverUrls {\n url\n __typename\n }\n timestamp\n expTag\n animatedCoverUrl\n distance\n videoRatio\n liked\n stereoType\n profileUserTopPhoto\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment feedContent on Feed {\n type\n author {\n id\n name\n headerUrl\n following\n headerUrls {\n url\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n photo {\n ...photoContent\n __typename\n }\n canAddComment\n llsid\n status\n currentPcursor\n __typename\n}\n\nquery visionSearchPhoto($keyword: String, $pcursor: String, $searchSessionId: String, $page: String, $webPageArea: String) {\n visionSearchPhoto(keyword: $keyword, pcursor: $pcursor, searchSessionId: $searchSessionId, page: $page, webPageArea: $webPageArea) {\n result\n llsid\n webPageArea\n feeds {\n ...feedContent\n __typename\n }\n searchSessionId\n pcursor\n aladdinBanner {\n imgUrl\n link\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n}\n",
'variables': {
'keyword': keyword, 'pcursor': str(page), 'page': "search",
'searchSessionId': "MTRfMjcwOTMyMTQ2XzE2NTg5MjM5NDExODBf5rOz6KOF5bCP5aeQ5aeQXzE4NzQ"}
json_data = requests.post(url=self.url, headers=self.headers, json=json).json()
return json_data
def isLike(self, photoAuthorId, photoId):
""" 點贊操作 :param photoAuthorId: 作品的作者id :param photoId: 作品id :return: """
json = {

'operationName': "visionVideoLike",
'query': "mutation visionVideoLike($photoId: String, $photoAuthorId: String, $cancel: Int, $expTag: String) {\n visionVideoLike(photoId: $photoId, photoAuthorId: $photoAuthorId, cancel: $cancel, expTag: $expTag) {\n result\n __typename\n }\n}\n",
'variables': {

'cancel': 0,
'expTag': "1_a/2001481596260506114_xpcwebsearchxxnull0",
'photoAuthorId': photoAuthorId,
'photoId': photoId
json_data = requests.post(url=self.url, headers=self.headers, json=json).json()
return json_data
def postComment(self, content, photoAuthorId, photoId):
""" 發布評論 :param content: 評論內容 :param photoAuthorId: 作品的作者id :param photoId: 作者id :return: """
json = {

'operationName': "visionAddComment",
'query': "mutation visionAddComment($photoId: String, $photoAuthorId: String, $content: String, $replyToCommentId: ID, $replyTo: ID, $expTag: String) {\n visionAddComment(photoId: $photoId, photoAuthorId: $photoAuthorId, content: $content, replyToCommentId: $replyToCommentId, replyTo: $replyTo, expTag: $expTag) {\n result\n commentId\n content\n timestamp\n status\n __typename\n }\n}\n",
'variables': {

'content': content,
'expTag': "1_a/2001481596260506114_xpcwebsearchxxnull0",
'photoAuthorId': photoAuthorId,
'photoId': photoId
json_data = requests.post(url=self.url, headers=self.headers, json=json).json()
return json_data
def getComment(self, photoId, pcursor):
""" 獲取評論 :param photoId: 作品id :param pcursor: 頁碼 :return: 評論內容 """
json = {

'operationName': "commentListQuery",
'query': "query commentListQuery($photoId: String, $pcursor: String) {\n visionCommentList(photoId: $photoId, pcursor: $pcursor) {\n commentCount\n pcursor\n rootComments {\n commentId\n authorId\n authorName\n content\n headurl\n timestamp\n likedCount\n realLikedCount\n liked\n status\n subCommentCount\n subCommentsPcursor\n subComments {\n commentId\n authorId\n authorName\n content\n headurl\n timestamp\n likedCount\n realLikedCount\n liked\n status\n replyToUserName\n replyTo\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n}\n",
'variables': {
'photoId': photoId, 'pcursor': str(pcursor)}
json_data = requests.post(url=self.url, headers=self.headers, json=json).json()
return json_data
def getUserInfo(self, userId):
""" 獲取用戶信息 :param userId: 用戶id :return: """
json = {

'operationName': "visionProfile",
'query': "query visionProfile($userId: String) {\n visionProfile(userId: $userId) {\n result\n hostName\n userProfile {\n ownerCount {\n fan\n photo\n follow\n photo_public\n __typename\n }\n profile {\n gender\n user_name\n user_id\n headurl\n user_text\n user_profile_bg_url\n __typename\n }\n isFollowing\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n}\n",
'variables': {
'userId': userId}
json_data = requests.post(url=self.url, headers=self.headers, json=json).json()
return json_data
def getUserPhoto(self, userId, pcursor):
""" Get user works :param userId: 用戶id :param pcursor: 頁碼參數 :return: """
json = {

'operationName': "visionProfilePhotoList",
'query': "fragment photoContent on PhotoEntity {\n id\n duration\n caption\n likeCount\n viewCount\n realLikeCount\n coverUrl\n photoUrl\n photoH265Url\n manifest\n manifestH265\n videoResource\n coverUrls {\n url\n __typename\n }\n timestamp\n expTag\n animatedCoverUrl\n distance\n videoRatio\n liked\n stereoType\n profileUserTopPhoto\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment feedContent on Feed {\n type\n author {\n id\n name\n headerUrl\n following\n headerUrls {\n url\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n photo {\n ...photoContent\n __typename\n }\n canAddComment\n llsid\n status\n currentPcursor\n __typename\n}\n\nquery visionProfilePhotoList($pcursor: String, $userId: String, $page: String, $webPageArea: String) {\n visionProfilePhotoList(pcursor: $pcursor, userId: $userId, page: $page, webPageArea: $webPageArea) {\n result\n llsid\n webPageArea\n feeds {\n ...feedContent\n __typename\n }\n hostName\n pcursor\n __typename\n }\n}\n",
'variables': {
'userId': userId, 'pcursor': pcursor, 'page': "profile"}
json_data = requests.post(url=self.url, headers=self.headers, json=json).json()
return json_data
if __name__ == '__main__':
kuaishou = KuaiShou()



希望本篇文章有對你帶來幫助 ,有學習到一點知識~



不知道評論啥的,即使扣個6666也是對博主的鼓舞吖 感謝

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