One that is often used in computing work Python 內置函數是 abs() 函數.abs() The function accepts a numeric value as input,and returns the absolute value of that input.Absolute value refers to the non-negative value of a number.因此,例如,-10的絕對值是10.10的絕對值也是10.在本教程中,We'll see how in some small onesPython程序中使用abs()函數的例子.
我們將使用Jupyter Notebook來運行這些例子,Because it's a great tool for quick and easy code testing.第一個例子使用abs()函數,接受整數80的輸入.在輸出中,我們看到80的絕對值是80.
在abs()Example 2 of the function,We can use it againabs()函數.這次我們向 abs() The function is passed a negative integer.This negative integer is -75.在輸出中,我們看到 -75 的絕對值是 75.
Python abs()The third example of is an example of getting the absolute value of temperature.This means that this time we pass in a float value,because it has one decimal place.結果是一樣的,abs()顯示98.6的絕對值是98.6.太棒了.
Maybe you live in a no(很幸運)的地區,There will be cases where the temperature enters a negative value.在這個 Python abs() in the fourth example,We initialize another temperature variable to creepy negative 27.5.Then we pass this negative floating point value to abs()函數.結果是,-27.5的絕對值是27.5.Not very warm though,但還是可以接受的!
Example 5 shows how to use it when doing calculations that require absolute values abs() 函數.This example computes the Manhattan distance between two points,That is, the distance between points measured along a right-angled axis.If taking a grid-like path,The distance to travel from one point to another.讓我們用abs()function to see what it does.
abs()Functions also work with complex numbers.These numbers are such as 5+7j或9-3j.讓我們看一個abs()Examples of how to handle these values.
abs()函數在Pythonis used to get the absolute value of a's for integers、Both floating point and complex numbers are valid,As we have seen in all the examples above.