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[Python from entry to practice] Why learn Python?


Introduction to Python

    • What is a programming language?
    • The origin of Python?
    • Where is python going (what can python do?)?
    • Why learn Python?
    • How to learn Python well or go deeper?
    • How to fix bugs?

What is a programming language?

A programming language is a formal language used to define the execution flow of computer instructions

The origin of Python?

Python was founded by the Dutch Guido van Rossum [6].During Christmas 1989, in Amsterdam, Guido decided to develop a new script interpreter as a successor to the ABC language in order to pass the Christmas boredom.The reason why Python (meaning python) was chosen as the name of the programming language was taken from the TV comedy "Monty Python's FlyingCircus" which first aired in the UK in the 1970s

The development direction of python (what can python do?)?

Development direction one: Linux operation and maintenance

Development direction 2: Python Web site engineer

Development direction three: Python automated testing

Development direction four: data analysis

Development direction five: artificial intelligence

Why learn Python?

The Python programming language is favored by many IT practitioners who use the Python programming language due to its "clear" and "simple" features.Also, for beginners, Python is easier to pick up than other programming languages.Coupled with the fact that many companies use the Python programming language, the market demand for Python programmers has increased

How to learn Python well or go deeper into the field?

I also consulted the giants in the domestic industry on this issue, and the specific summary is as follows
Preliminary: The novice Xiaobai follows the video to get started

Mid-early period: Read more books and column blogs, because they are the author's comprehension and the essence of knowledge.One of the most helpful ways to understand the mind.Looking at the official documentation is the most formal and effective way of knowledge points and programming rules

Mid-term: Look at the architecture and the source code of the framework.Learn more about how big guys write programs and understand more about how others write projects and products

Later: Contribute to the open source community.Such as developing your own open source products or participating in the development of open source products (such as picking up an issue and trying to solve it)

In addition: learn to summarize, learn to record, so that you will not step on a pit many times.

What are the common ways to solve bugs?

Bug is something that every engineer is with us all the time. Don't panic, just solve it.
1. Query official documents
2. Solve the problem according to the error report, which requires a certain professional knowledge base.
3. Copy the error report directly to Baidu or bing. Bing is recommended here.Bing's search engine is professional and doesn't have too many advertisements.
4. Before consulting the boss, try to solve the error by yourself

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