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Similarities and differences between determining whether objects are equal in Java and Python

The similarities and differences of judging whether objects are equal in Java and PythonJavaFor basic types, equals and == only judge whether the values ​​are the same;Integer type: byte, short, int, long;Float: float, doubleBoolean: booleanCharacter type: charThere are two cases for object types:a. String type (Because the String class overrides the equals method; at this time, equals compares whether the values ​​are equal, == indicates whether the addresses are equal ):b. Other types (provided that the equals method is not overridden, at this time: == and the equals method both compare whether the addresses of the two are the same)PythonPython determines whether objects are equal (== and is)Objects in Python contain three basic elements, namely:id: used to uniquely identify an object, which can be understood as a memory address;type: identifies the type of the object;value: the value of the object;== : Compare whether the contents of two objects are equal, that is, whether the values ​​of the two objects are equal, regardless of whether idEqual, the default will call the object's __eq__() methodis: The comparison is whether the two objects are exactly the same, that is, their ids are equal.id() can get the memory address of the objectThat is, if a is b is True, then a == b is also TrueIn other words, in Python is is the comparison id(memory address) equal, == is the comparison value is equal( is to determine whether two objects point to the same memory area).

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