PythonRich modules are provided,It can be used directly in almost any hacking field.For areas not provided by the hacker module,可以使用cType calls the native one provided by the operating systemAPI.簡而言之,PythonCan be used to attack almost any field,如應用程序、Web、網絡、系統等.Each of these areas is described belowPython黑客技術.
App hacking:您可以將任何DLLor source code into a running application,Intercept user's keyboard input to steal passwords.此外,Hacking code can also insert image files,傳遍網絡.
Web黑客:您可以創建Web爬蟲程序,收集WebLinks contained in the page,實現SQL注入,And inject the error code into the part that handles user input.使用Python,You can do itHTTPpackage and uploadWeb shellThe files required for the attack are simple to implementWeb浏覽器功能.
網絡黑客攻擊:A network check can be performed,Search for open ports on the system,Collect and analyze packets on the network,進行網絡嗅探.偽裝服務器地址,實施IP欺騙攻擊,Illegal theft of sensitive information.It can also send large numbers of packets,進行拒絕服務攻擊,使服務器癱瘓,無法正常提供服務.
系統黑客攻擊:Hackers can write backdoors to control usersPC,And develop search and modificationPC注冊表的功能.You can also exploit an application bug to exploit the attack through buffer overflows or format strings.
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