Python可應用於多平台包括 Linux 和 Mac OS X.
你可以通過終端窗口輸入 \"python\"
Because the current market enterprises are based on3.5to the above versionPython,所以也可能是3.5、3.6、3.7,So we install a ratio
higher version.如何下載安裝呢?讓我們一起來看看吧.
https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-372/,打開Python官網網站,You will see the page as shown:
打開網址,slide to the groundFiles處:
Then there are installation packages based on many versions,Just install what you need,如果基於mocOS開發,It is recommended to choose selectionmacOS
installer如果是基於windows開發,推薦選擇windows x86-64 executabel
will be installed by defaultc盤,It is recommended that you do not change directories,Because the interpreter doesn't take up much space)
After installation, let's verifyPython解釋器是否安裝成功,打開C:\Users\Administrator目錄,打開AppData
文件,如果沒有的話,Click the file bar’查看’,And check hidden items
Next, open the files one by oneAppData\Local\Programs\python\Python37文件夾,The following page means the installation is successful:
你也可以使用Doscommand to verify yoursPython解釋器,windows+R,輸入cmd,輸入python看到如下頁
那麼,After the interpreter has been installed successfully,We write with an interpreterpython代碼嗎?當然不是,The interpreter is just used
to explain what we wrotepython代碼(小知識:In the computer it only knows0和1,So how does the code we write
Can be read by a computer?That's where our interpreter comes in handy),Next we learn about one we used to writepython
IDE(集成開發環境),帶有一整套可以幫助用戶在使用pythonmentioned during language development
PyCharm分為專業版和社區版,What we explain here is to install the community version as the standard.
https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/#section=windows 下載地址
We said earlier that we are installing based on the community version, so click when opening the URLDownload進行安裝
點擊Create New
Project新建項目,Find a file you found on the disk and create a new folder(Name you in English
folder for examplecode),to store the files we want to write,This makes post-processing easier.
LocationSelect the folder you just created,Then we come to choose ourspython解釋器:
在interpreterafter browsing(…),選擇System lnterpreter
選擇你存放python解釋器的路徑,After loading, click on itOK,create打開Pycharm即可,那麼,
你會發現pycharm是英文的,Then for better usepycharm,We modified it to English(當然如果
Your English is better…).
First click on the top left corner" **file **“,打開” **settings **"
接著進入左邊欄的" **plu gins **"
Then enter above" **Chinese **"And click on the Chinese character package below.
Then click on the top right corner" **install **"You can download and install the Chinese language pack.
等待安裝完成後,點擊" **restart **"Restart the software to change to Chinese interface.
那麼,After modifying it to Chinese, we can start writing ourspython代碼啦.
輸入print(‘hello word’)右擊空白處,點擊運行 ‘運行index’.
pythonwas successfully output,恭喜你,你已經完成了python的基礎環境搭建!!!
This installation tutorial is for me to find information on the Internet to learn and install,Here is a summary to share with everyone, hoping to help you,如有侵權,聯系本人刪除,當然了,如果你在安裝過程中遇到問題,可以在評論區留言.