Use the time before going to bed after showering,It took three or four days,Made this program as my internship assignment.
It can realize batch extraction of tables in the specified format,Sorted by time and summarized into a table file according to the specified format,And then automatically sent to the mailbox,There is also a simple one for the programGUI,Folders can be manually selected as workspaces.
GUIIt is relatively simple to use and can be quickly createdpysimplegui,甚至比tkinterMuch simpler,The body is a progress bar
Then select the folder and click Run to start the thread that implements the function
Threads are mentioned here,沒錯!It must be implemented using multithreadinggui,並且pysimpleguiis occupying the main thread,This is also clearly stated in the official documentation(不得不說pysimpleguiThe documentation is well done)
def init_gui():
layout = [[sg.Text('當前文件夾:'), sg.Text('', key='text_path')],
[sg.ProgressBar(100, orientation='h', size=(50, 20), key='progressbar')],
[sg.Text('', key='progressname')],
[sg.FolderBrowse('打開文件夾', key='folder', target='text_path'), sg.Button('運行'), sg.Cancel()]]
window = sg.Window('執行進度', layout)
progress_bar = window['progressbar']
progress_name = window['progressname']
return progress_bar, progress_name, window
Updates to progress bar and current file:
需要在mainSet the loop body in ,循環體中
def work():
global complete_flag
workbook, worksheet, app = init_worksheet()
worksheet = read_excel(folder_path, worksheet, workbook, app)
complete_flag = 2
To enhance the maintainability of the code,A little effort was put into packaging,The work function is encapsulated into this function according to the process
The following sentence is to solve in multi-threadingxlwings會報錯的問題
We use protected mode to create threads for worker functions,Protected mode is when the main thread closes the thread
worker_task = threading.Thread(target=work)
Suspend is essential in the main thread,Otherwise, the worker thread cannot run
We use to read datapandas,pandasProvides a more powerful and convenient query function,And for writing use isxlwings
首先是xlwings初始化,xlwings會打開Excel創建一個新的表格,We edit on the form
def init_worksheet():
global progress_point, progress_name_str
progress_point = 10
progress_name_str = 'Excel初始化中'
app = xw.App(visible=False, add_book=False)
workbook = app.books.add()
worksheet = workbook.sheets.add('工作記錄')
worksheet.range('A1').value = '報修時間'
worksheet.range('B1').value = '報修部門'
worksheet.range('C1').value = 'Repair class'
worksheet.range('D1').value = '報修內容'
worksheet.range('E1').value = 'Repair judgment'
worksheet.range('F1').value = 'Material replacement'
worksheet.range('G1').value = '維修人員'
return workbook, worksheet, app
利用osThe library implements traversal of table files,Call the function in this function to insert the table element into the new table
def read_excel(folder_path, worksheet, workbook, app):
global progress_point, progress_name_str
file_list = os.listdir(folder_path)
per_point = 60 / len(file_list)
for i in file_list:
if i == 'total work order.xlsx':
progress_point += per_point
progress_name_str = i
worksheet = read_elem(worksheet, i)
return worksheet
用pandasThe library will read the table file builddataframe,Extract by location,The extracted elements are inserted into a new table.
This step is to customize the processed form,This is also something I've always wanted to improve,但是感覺太麻煩了
def read_elem(worksheet, filename):
data = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_excel(folder_path + '\\' + filename))
time = data.iloc[1][1] # 行列
content = data.iloc[2][1]
department = data.iloc[0][1]
classes = data.iloc[0][3]
worker = data.iloc[0][5]
result = data.iloc[3][1]
goods = data.iloc[4][1]
worksheet = insert_elem(worksheet, time, department, classes, content, result, goods, worker)
return worksheet
We insert elements into a row according to their position,This is also the core of aggregation
def insert_elem(worksheet, time, department, classes, content, result, goods, worker):
global count
count += 1
worksheet.range('A' + str(count)).value = time
worksheet.range('B' + str(count)).value = department
worksheet.range('C' + str(count)).value = classes
worksheet.range('D' + str(count)).value = content
worksheet.range('E' + str(count)).value = result
worksheet.range('F' + str(count)).value = goods
worksheet.range('G' + str(count)).value = worker
return worksheet
The previously saved files are only intermediate files,Read the output file again,利用sort_values對時間進行排序
def sort_elem():
global progress_point, progress_name_str
progress_point = 90
progress_name_str = 'ExcelFile sorting'
data = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_excel(output_path))
data = data.sort_values(by='報修時間', ascending=True)
data.to_excel(output_path, index=False)
Read the sorted table file to set the table shape,If you don't set it, it will look bad,We can set the table properties as we want,There is no loop involved here,時間復雜度低.
def shape_excel():
app = xw.App(visible=False, add_book=False)
workbook =
worksheet = workbook.sheets[0]
value = worksheet.range('A1').expand('down')
value.column_width = 16 # 寬度
value = worksheet.range('D1').expand('down')
value.column_width = 20 # 寬度
value = worksheet.range('E1').expand('down')
value.column_width = 30 # 寬度
value = worksheet.range('F1').expand('down')
value.column_width = 16 # 寬度
value = worksheet.range('A1').expand('right')
value.row_height = 30 # 行高 磅數
value = worksheet.range('A2').expand('table')
value.row_height = 20 # 行高 磅數
The information presented below is fictitious,This code borrows the method of some bloggers
def sendemail():
global progress_point, progress_name_str
progress_name_str = '郵件發送中'
host_server = '' # 126郵箱smtp服務器
sender_email = '[email protected]' # 發件人郵箱
pwd = 'Go to email to apply for onestmp的授權碼'
receiver = ['1********[email protected]'] # 收件人郵箱
mail_title = 'Communication Information Class7-8Summary of monthly work orders' # 郵件標題
mail_content = "大王,Please review this month's report!" # 郵件正文內容
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg["Subject"] = Header(mail_title, 'utf-8')
msg["From"] = sender_email
msg["To"] = ";".join(receiver)
msg.attach(MIMEText(mail_content, 'plain')) # html/plain
attachment = MIMEApplication(open(output_path, 'rb').read())
attachment["Content-Type"] = 'application/octet-stream'
basename = "Communication Information Class7-8Summary of monthly work orders.xlsx" # Rename the attachment The file extension cannot be changed
attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
filename=('utf-8', '', basename)) # 注意:此處basename要轉換為gbk編碼,否則中文會有亂碼.
smtp = SMTP_SSL(host_server) # ssl登錄連接到郵件服務器
smtp.set_debuglevel(1) # 0是關閉,1是開啟debug
smtp.ehlo(host_server) # 跟服務器打招呼,告訴它我們准備連接,最好加上這行代碼
smtp.login(sender_email, pwd)
smtp.sendmail(sender_email, receiver, msg.as_string())
progress_point = 100
progress_name_str = '任務完成'
except smtplib.SMTPException:
The table below is purely fictitious
Twenty sheets were tested
Email received
import numpy as np
import time
import pandas as pd
import xlwings as xw
import os
import os.path
import smtplib
import string
from smtplib import SMTP_SSL
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.header import Header
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication # Used to add attachments
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import threading
import pythoncom
import win32
complete_flag = 0
count = 1
progress_point = 0
progress_name_str = ''
folder_path = ''
output_path = folder_path + r'\total work order.xlsx'
def init_gui():
layout = [[sg.Text('當前文件夾:'), sg.Text('', key='text_path')],
[sg.ProgressBar(100, orientation='h', size=(50, 20), key='progressbar')],
[sg.Text('', key='progressname')],
[sg.FolderBrowse('打開文件夾', key='folder', target='text_path'), sg.Button('運行'), sg.Cancel()]]
window = sg.Window('執行進度', layout)
progress_bar = window['progressbar']
progress_name = window['progressname']
return progress_bar, progress_name, window
def init_worksheet():
global progress_point, progress_name_str
progress_point = 10
progress_name_str = 'Excel初始化中'
app = xw.App(visible=False, add_book=False)
workbook = app.books.add()
worksheet = workbook.sheets.add('工作記錄')
worksheet.range('A1').value = '報修時間'
worksheet.range('B1').value = '報修部門'
worksheet.range('C1').value = 'Repair class'
worksheet.range('D1').value = '報修內容'
worksheet.range('E1').value = 'Repair judgment'
worksheet.range('F1').value = 'Material replacement'
worksheet.range('G1').value = '維修人員'
return workbook, worksheet, app
def insert_elem(worksheet, time, department, classes, content, result, goods, worker):
global count
count += 1
worksheet.range('A' + str(count)).value = time
worksheet.range('B' + str(count)).value = department
worksheet.range('C' + str(count)).value = classes
worksheet.range('D' + str(count)).value = content
worksheet.range('E' + str(count)).value = result
worksheet.range('F' + str(count)).value = goods
worksheet.range('G' + str(count)).value = worker
return worksheet
def read_elem(worksheet, filename):
data = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_excel(folder_path + '\\' + filename))
time = data.iloc[1][1] # 行列
content = data.iloc[2][1]
department = data.iloc[0][1]
classes = data.iloc[0][3]
worker = data.iloc[0][5]
result = data.iloc[3][1]
goods = data.iloc[4][1]
worksheet = insert_elem(worksheet, time, department, classes, content, result, goods, worker)
return worksheet
def read_excel(folder_path, worksheet, workbook, app):
global progress_point, progress_name_str
file_list = os.listdir(folder_path)
per_point = 60 / len(file_list)
for i in file_list:
if i == 'total work order.xlsx':
progress_point += per_point
progress_name_str = i
worksheet = read_elem(worksheet, i)
return worksheet
def sort_elem():
global progress_point, progress_name_str
progress_point = 90
progress_name_str = 'ExcelFile sorting'
data = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_excel(output_path))
data = data.sort_values(by='報修時間', ascending=True)
data.to_excel(output_path, index=False)
def shape_excel():
app = xw.App(visible=False, add_book=False)
workbook =
worksheet = workbook.sheets[0]
value = worksheet.range('A1').expand('down')
value.column_width = 16 # 寬度
value = worksheet.range('D1').expand('down')
value.column_width = 20 # 寬度
value = worksheet.range('E1').expand('down')
value.column_width = 30 # 寬度
value = worksheet.range('F1').expand('down')
value.column_width = 16 # 寬度
value = worksheet.range('A1').expand('right')
value.row_height = 30 # 行高 磅數
value = worksheet.range('A2').expand('table')
value.row_height = 20 # 行高 磅數
def sendemail():
global progress_point, progress_name_str
progress_name_str = '郵件發送中'
host_server = '' # 126郵箱smtp服務器
sender_email = '[email protected]' # 發件人郵箱
pwd = '**********'
receiver = ['1*******[email protected]'] # 收件人郵箱
mail_title = 'Communication Information Class7-8Summary of monthly work orders' # 郵件標題
mail_content = "大王,Please review this month's report!" # 郵件正文內容
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg["Subject"] = Header(mail_title, 'utf-8')
msg["From"] = sender_email
msg["To"] = ";".join(receiver)
msg.attach(MIMEText(mail_content, 'plain')) # html/plain
attachment = MIMEApplication(open(output_path, 'rb').read())
attachment["Content-Type"] = 'application/octet-stream'
basename = "Communication Information Class7-8Summary of monthly work orders.xlsx" # Rename the attachment The file extension cannot be changed
attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
filename=('utf-8', '', basename)) # 注意:此處basename要轉換為gbk編碼,否則中文會有亂碼.
smtp = SMTP_SSL(host_server) # ssl登錄連接到郵件服務器
smtp.set_debuglevel(1) # 0是關閉,1是開啟debug
smtp.ehlo(host_server) # 跟服務器打招呼,告訴它我們准備連接,最好加上這行代碼
smtp.login(sender_email, pwd)
smtp.sendmail(sender_email, receiver, msg.as_string())
progress_point = 100
progress_name_str = '任務完成'
except smtplib.SMTPException:
def work():
global complete_flag
workbook, worksheet, app = init_worksheet()
worksheet = read_excel(folder_path, worksheet, workbook, app)
complete_flag = 2
if __name__ == "__main__":
progress_bar, progress_name, window = init_gui()
worker_task = threading.Thread(target=work)
while True:
event, values =
if event == 'Cancel' or complete_flag == 2:
if values['folder']:
folder_path = values['folder']
complete_flag = 1
if event == '運行' and complete_flag == 1:
if event == '運行' and complete_flag == 0:
sg.popup('Please select a folder before clicking Run', title='Error', auto_close=True, auto_close_duration=5, grab_anywhere=True)