""" 1.獲取資源 2.The code execution process is compiled and interpreted 3.使用集成開發環境pycharm """
""" Currency conversion device """ # 1.獲取數據 usa_money = float(input("please ")) # 2.邏輯運算 china_money = usa_money * 6.18 # 3.輸出結果 print("answer = " + str(china_money))
""" 函數 print 1.字面含義:打印內容 2.作用:Display the program contents to the terminal 3.語法:print("hello") 4.適用:When you need to print the results """ print("hello")
""" print verse """ print(" 登高 ") print(" 作者:杜甫 ") print(" 風急天高猿嘯哀,渚清沙白鳥飛回.") print(" 無邊落木蕭蕭下,不盡長江滾滾來.") print(" 萬裡悲秋常作客,百年多病獨登台. ") print(" 艱難苦恨繁霜鬓,潦倒新停濁酒杯.")
""" 函數 - input 1.字面含義:輸入東西 2.作用:終端輸入 3.語法格式:返回字符串 4.適應性:when you need to get data """ name = input(" please") print("input is "+name)
#Determine the composition of English sentences:I kiss you zhuyu = input("zhuyu") weiyu = input("weiyu") bingyu = input("bingyu") print("zhu yu :" + zhuyu) print("weiyu :" + weiyu) print("bingyu :" + bingyu)
""" 變量 The program runs in memory 程序(行為)在處理數據 語法:變量名稱 = 數據 """ #創建變量:memory level to understand it #pythonThe variables in do not store the data itself,Just store its address, # Give this address space an aliasname #If the data has no variables go grab it,Then this data will be automatically recycled when it is used up #Draw your own memory map a = "悟空" b = "八戒" d = b c = a + b b = "唐僧" print(c)
""" Variable memory stick practice """ hubei = "湖北" hunan = "湖南" hunan = "湖南省" hunan = hubei print(hunan)
#Draw a memory map to show the result beijing,region = "北京","市" beijing_region = beijing+region region = "省" print(beijing_region) del beijing print(beijing_region)
""" del 用於刪除變量,同時解除與對象的關聯.如果可能則釋放對象 """ name01 = name02 = "悟空" # Create two variables in succession while pointing to the data del name01 # 引用計數為1 刪除變量 數據存在 del name02 # 引用計數為0 刪除數據與變量 name03, name04 = "a", "b" del name03, name04 # print(name03)
""" 核心數據類型 1.字符串 2.整數類型 3.浮點類型 類型轉換(長得像) 1.String to integer type,Integer type to string 2.字符串轉浮點數,浮點數轉字符串 3.Integer type to floating point,Floating point to integer type """ str1 = "hello" str2 = "21" number1 = 1 number2 = 1.0 a = int("123") print(a) b = int(1.9) # 向下取整 print(b) a = float("123") print(a)
""" 練習:Enter the unit price of the product in the terminal、Quantity purchased and amount paid.計算應該找回多少錢. 效果: 請輸入商品單價:5 請輸入購買數量:3 請輸入支付金額:20 應找回:5.0 """ danjia = float(input("please danjia")) num = int(input("please num")) pay = float(input("please pay")) print("zhao ling " + str(pay - danjia * num))
""" 運算符 算術運算符 + 加法 - 減法 * 乘法 / 除法:結果為浮點數 // 整除:除的結果去掉小數部分 % 求余 ** 冪運算 增強運算符 y += x 相當於 y = y + x y -= x 相當於 y = y - x y *= x 相當於 y = y * x y /= x 相當於 y = y / x """ print(5 ** 2) print(5 // 2) # 小數商,向下取整 print(5 / 2)
""" Enter a number of confirmed cases in the terminal and then enter a number of cured patients,Print the cure scale 格式:The cure rate is xx% 效果:Please enter the number of confirmed cases:500 Please enter the number of recovered patients:495 The cure rate is 99.0% """ quezheng = int(input("quezheng people")) zhiyu = int(input("zhiyu people")) print("zhi yu bi li " + str(zhiyu / quezheng * 100) + "%")
""" Ancient scales,A pound and sixteen taels.Get two in the terminal,計算幾斤零幾兩. 效果:Please enter a total of two numbers:100 結果為:6 斤 4 兩 """ liang = int(input("please liang")) print(str(liang//16)+"jing "+str(liang%16)+"liang")
""" Velocity and displacement formulas for uniformly variable linear motion: 位移 = 初速度 × 時間 + 加速度 * 時間的平方 / 2 已知(在終端中錄入):時間、初速度 加速度 計算:位移 """ chushudu = float(input("chushudu")) time = float(input("time")) jiashudu = float(input("jiashudu")) print(chushudu * time + jiashudu * (time ** 2) / 2)
""" Enter a four-digit integer into the terminal,計算每位相加和. 例如:錄入 1234,打印 1+2+3+4 結果 效果:請輸入四位整數:1234 結果是:10 """ num = int(input("please")) num0 = num // 1000 num1 = num % 1000 // 100 num2 = num % 100 // 10 num3 = num % 10 print(num0 + num1 + num2 + num3) # 變量少,更加節約內存,優秀啊 result = 0 result += num % 10 result += num % 100 // 10 result += num % 1000 // 100 result += num // 1000 print(result)