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13 Python GUI libraries that Python developers must know



Python It's a high-level programming language , It is used for general purpose programming , from Guido van Rossum stay 1991 First released in 2004 .Python The design of focuses on the readability of the code .

Python There is a very large standard library , And it has a dynamic type system , It also has automatic memory management function , Support a variety of programming examples . These include :
● object-oriented
● imperative
● Functional expression
● Procedural

Graphical user interface (GUI)

GUI It is a man-machine interactive interface . let me put it another way , It is a way for human beings to interact with computers . It uses Windows , Icons and menus , It can also be operated by mouse and keyboard .

GUI library

GUI Library is when writing software , Requires a graphical user interface (GUI) Required libraries . In building the program GUI when , It is usually stacked , Graphic control elements are superimposed directly .

Python GUI

When you use python When writing an application , You must use GUI.Python GUI There are many choices . For the moment ,Python GUI The library has 30 Multiple cross platform frameworks . Now list what I think is the best 13 individual :

1. Tkinter

It's a lightweight cross platform gui (GUI) development tool , yes Tk GUI toolkit standard Python Interface , At present, it can run in most Unix platform 、Windows and Macintosh System (Tkinter Tutorial page :http://python-textbok.readthedocs.io/en/1.0/Introduction_to_GUI_Programming.html

2. Flexx

many Python GUI Libraries are based on libraries written in other languages , For example C++ The library compiled is wxWidgets and libavg. but Flexx Yes, it is Python Created , Use Web technology , That's why Flexx It's cross platform . Just need to have Python And browser to run .( Tutorial address :http://flexx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

3. CEF Python

The framework is based on Google Chromium, oriented Windows,MAC OS and Linux, It is mainly used in the use of embedded browser in third-party applications .( Project address :https://github.com/cztomczak/cefpython

4. Dabo

Dabo Is a cross platform application development framework , be based on wxpython The repackaging Library of . It provides database access , Business logic and user interface .( Project address :https://dabodev.com/

5. Kivy

Kivy be based on OpenGL ES 2, To enable programs created with the same source code to run across platforms . This framework is event driven , Based on the main loop , Great for developing games .( Project address :https://kivy.org/#home

6. Pyforms

Pyforms Is a for development GUI Application's Python 2.7 / 3.x Run the framework across environments .( Project address :https://pyforms.readthedocs.io/en/v3.0/

7. PyGObject

adopt PyGObject, You can have the GNOME Project preparation Python Applications , You can also use GTK + To write Python Applications .( Project address :http://pygobject.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html

8. PyQt

Qt It is a cross platform framework . It is to use C ++ Compiling . This is a very comprehensive library . It contains many tools and API. It is widely used in many industries . It covers many platforms .PyQt yes Qt Library Python edition .PyQt3 Support Qt1 To Qt3. PyQt4 Support Qt4.( Project address :https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download5

9. PySide

Qt(cute) It's using “C++” Language applications / The user interface (UI) frame .“PySide” yes “Qt” Encapsulation . And PySide The difference is that PyQt Commercially available .( Project address :https://wiki.qt.io/Category:LanguageBindings::PySide::Downloads

10. PyGUI

PyGUI One of the main purposes of is to minimize Python Application and platform bottom GUI Between the amount of code , oriented Unix,Macintosh and Windows platform ( Project address :http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/python_gui/

11. libavg

This is a third-party library , use C ++ Compiling . It has the following characteristics :

● With Python Display elements in the form of variables

● Event handling system

● timer

● Log support ( Project address :https://www.libavg.de/site/

12. PyGTK

stay Linux Commonly used “GTK+” yes “PyGTK” Of “GTK +” encapsulation . And Kivy and PyQt comparison , It can be , Stable operation of various operating systems , Such as Linux,Windows,MacOS etc. ( Project address :https://github.com/GNOME/pygtk

13. wxPython

wxPython yes Python A good set of languages GUI Graphics library , allow Python It's very convenient for programmers to create complete 、 All function keys GUI The user interface . ( Project address :https://wxpython.org/

These are described above GUI frame , Most developers need to be covered . You can according to your own needs , Choose the right GUI library .

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