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Python Programming for children 1-python introduction


One 、Python brief introduction :

Python The founder of : Dutch Guido · Van rosum (Guido van Rossum).

1989 During Christmas , stay Amsterdam , Guido to kill Christmas Boring , Determined to develop a new script interpreter , As ABC Language An inheritance of .

Python( Python means ):

Monti · Parson's Flying Circus : 

Python As the name of the programming language , It's from England 20 century 70 The first TV comedy of the S 《 Monti · Parson's Flying Circus 》(Monty Python's Flying Circus). Guido yes 《 Monti · Parson's Flying Circus 》 A big fan of , For this reason, he named this programming language Python.

Python characteristic :

1. Cross platform .Python It's a dynamically interpreted programming language .Python Can be in Windows、UNIX、MAC And other operating systems , It can also be in Java、.NET Development platform .

2. Scripting language . Write a script anywhere and anytime to process data , It is very convenient .

3. Rich library .Python In dealing with various areas of the class library is also very rich , Reptiles 、 machine learning 、 Data processing 、 Image processing and so on meet the needs of most fields .

Python The main disadvantage of is the slow running speed , and C The program is very slow , because Python It's interpreted language , Your code will be translated line by line into CPU Understandable machine code , This translation process is very time-consuming , So it's slow . and C The program is compiled directly into CPU Executable machine code , So very fast .

What are interpreted languages and compiled languages :

Two 、Python Can do

Python Powerful , Can be used to do Web Development 、 Automatic operation and maintenance 、 Data analysis 、 Game development 、 automated testing 、 machine learning 、 Reptiles 、 Development of embedded and desktop applications, etc .

1. Do website development 、web application development , Many famous websites like Zhihu 、YouTube Namely Python Written . Many large websites use Python Developed , for example YouTube、Instagram, There are also domestic Douban . A lot of big companies , Include Google、Yahoo etc. , even to the extent that NASA( NASA ) They all use a lot of Python.

2. Data Science , Like artificial intelligence 、 machine learning 、 Face recognition 、 Data analysis, etc , Now it is more and more widely used .

3. Write a script , Scripting usually refers to writing small programs designed to automatically perform simple tasks . It is convenient to write scripts to do some daily tasks , Like downloading videos 、MP3、 Automation excel、 Send e-mail automatically .

Python Application in some companies :

Google :Google App Engine 、code.google.com 、Google earth 、 Google crawler 、Google Advertising and other projects are widely used Python Development

CIA: The CIA website uses Python Developed

NASA: NASA (NASA) A lot of use Python Data analysis and calculation

YouTube: The largest video website in the world YouTube Just use Python Developed

Dropbox: The largest online cloud storage website in the United States , All use Python Realization , Daily website processing 10 Upload and download of 100 million files

Instagram: The largest photo sharing social network in the United States , More than 3 Tens of millions of photos shared , All use Python Development

Facebook: A large number of basic libraries pass Python Realized

Redhat: The most popular in the world Linux In the release yum Package management tools are python Developed

douban : Almost all of the company's business is through Python Developed

You know : The largest Q & a community in China , adopt Python Development ( Abroad Quora)

3、 ... and 、 reference

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