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Getting started with Python 1 and common linux commands


1、python What numerical and sequence types are there ?

value type : integer 、 floating-point 、 Boolean type 、 Plural

Sequence type : list 、 Tuples 、 character string

2、linux Common commands

Toggle directory :cd

establish :touch

Copy :cp

rename :mv oldname newname

Move :mv filename Pathname (/home/pyvip/)

Create folder :mkdir

Delete folder :rm -rf filename

vim operation :

Create a file and enter :vim filename 


Edit mode :a perhaps i Get into

home: Head of line   end : At the end of the line

i: Insert from the front of the cursor

I: Insert at the beginning of the current line

a: Insert from behind the cursor

A: Insert at end of current line

o: Add a new line under the line where the cursor is located

O: Insert


Command mode :ESC Get into

gg: Go to the first line of the file

G: Go to the last line of the file (shift+g)

^: Non blank line beginning

Copy :

yy: Copy the entire line

3yy: Copy 3 Row content

yw: Copy the current cursor to the end of the word

p: Paste

Delete :

dd: Deletes the line where the cursor is located

dw: Delete a word

x: Delete cursor character

u: Undo last action

ctr+r: The previous step


Last row mode : Save and exit :wq   q sign out   q! Exit without saving

noh: Remove the color on the characters after searching

Search for :

/: Search forward  

?: Backward search

Replace :




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