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The biggest lie of blind self-study of Python is the so-called studious (including video and Book Resources)


I am 18 Self study in Python, Now it's a Python The whole development of the stack . Although not a big man , But I still want to pour some cold water first !

Don't be influenced by all kinds of Python The training advertisement dazzled my mind :

① By the end Python, You can't get a salary of 10000 or 20000 immediately , You may not even find a job !

②Python It's not that simple , Not just hands !

③ Don't think about 1 Months 、2 You can learn... In a month , You have to set aside at least half a year to study full-time !!!

If you still insist on learning Python, So nice , Next, let's see how to learn .Python As a scripting language , It's a little easier than other languages in terms of difficulty . But for people who don't have a computer foundation , It may be configured at the beginning Python The compiling environment can make him flinch . Here is a tutorial for beginners to learn .

《Python》Python Zero basics to mastery , Three day quick start , After learning, you can get a job and get a raise ~_ Bili, Bili _bilibili​

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1、Python Learning Roadmap

Learning must not be blind , Only if you know what to learn first , How to learn , To learn more efficiently Python.

This is a Python The whole knowledge system map of , For starters , There's no need to learn so much . The first Python Basic and advanced knowledge , Is the key to getting started . In the follow-up, you are developing and further studying at the front end , Or go to the trendy big data 、 Artificial intelligence , Just rely on your own interests . But I believe you at this time , It should not be so confused as now .

2、 About how to learn Python

In fact, online Python There are many courses , Are more systematic . learn Python Introductory and advanced knowledge , Online classes are enough . but Python It is essentially the use of a language tool , Actual combat is more important than theory .

We must knock more when we study 、 More practice 、 Think more !!!

Writing code doesn't just follow video lessons or follow books , We need to clarify the logic of each line of code . Just started learning , It's best to comment on every sentence of code , Help us sort out the logic , Deepen the impression .

meanwhile , After learning a knowledge point, you should find more corresponding cases to practice , Achieve the deep combination of theory and practice . Recommend a set of practical combat tutorials for tank war project .

【Python actual combat 】 Restore the classic tank battle project in one hour ​


3、Python Learning resources

  • Python Learning Websites
name link explain Code class https://sourl.cn/qFSUNJ The curriculum is rich , Can program online Py Resources in Chinese http://t.cn/Rq0C0ET Various python Packages and management tools PEP8 Py Coding standard Chinese version https://dwz.cn/30uIzs9W Code specification is as important as the foundation Py Code Exampleshttps://dwz.cn/dawtruYk Fine to method level code cases Py Module of the Weekhttps://pymotw.com Each article introduces one Py Use of standard library Novice tutorial http://t.cn/RLGeMuW The most classic language tutorial website Liao Xuefeng Py course https://dwz.cn/drygpxjk Daniel gives you a quick and easy introduction Py Automated testing blog https://dwz.cn/raopItkV A blog of the automated testing guru Py Chinese learning base http://www.pythondoc.com A good one Flask Learning Websites One a day Python Applet https://github.com/Yixiaohan/show-me-the-code Most suitable for beginners Django course Don't worry about it Pyhttps://morvanzhou.github.io I have a good knowledge of machine learning Ng machine learning https://dwz.cn/F8Aad3DY Netease cloud classroom ( in / English subtitles ) How many? Py Exercises https://dwz.cn/ExJnmwOJ There are several good practical exercises CheckiOhttps://py.checkio.org/ One study Py Interesting website for
  • Learning books
  • Python actual combat pdf Books , Backstage private mail me “PDF” led ~

Python Books :

《Python The third edition of basic tutorial 》

《 smooth Python》

《Python cookbook》

Algorithm class :

《 Algorithm diagram 》

《Python Algorithm 》

《 Introduction to algorithms 》

Computer network books :

《 computer network : From the top down 》

《TCP/IP Detailed explanation 1: agreement 》

《 Fundamentals of computer network 》


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