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Relying on the 170 Python interview questions given by senior brother Ali, I have successfully landed [Python basics]


Elder martial brother Ali carefully sorted it out Python Relevant basic knowledge , For interview , Or review at ordinary times , It's all very good ! I don't say much nonsense , Directly

Because the article is too long , Xiaobian also sorted the article into PDF file , If you want to watch and learn more conveniently, check the acquisition method at the end of the article ~

  • The basic chapter
    • 1. Why study Python
    • 2. The difference between interpreted and compiled languages
    • 3. Brief description Python String in 、 list 、 Tuples and dictionaries
    • 4. Briefly describe the common methods of the above data types
    • 5. sketch Python String encoding in
    • 6. One line of code to realize numerical exchange
    • 7. is and == The difference between
    • 8.Python Parameter types in functions
    • 9.`*arg` and `**kwarg` effect
    • 10. One line of code 1-100 The sum of the
    • 11. Get the current time
    • 12.PEP8 standard
    • 13.Python Deep and light copies of
    • 14. View the output of the following code
    • 15. Variable type and immutable type
    • 16. Print the multiplication table
    • 17.filter、map、reduce The role of
    • 18.re Of match and search difference
    • 19. Object oriented `__new__` and `__init__` difference
    • 20. Ternary operation rules
    • 21. Generate random number
    • 22.zip The usage function
    • 23.range and xrange The difference between
    • 24.with Method to open a file
    • 25. What is regular greedy matching
    • 26. Why not suggest that the default parameters of a function be passed into a mutable object
    • 27. String to list
    • 28. String to integer
    • 29. Delete duplicate values from the list
    • 30. String word statistics
    • 31. The list of deduction , Find odd even numbers
    • 32. One line of code expands the list
    • 33. Realize the dichotomy search function
    • 34. Dictionary and json transformation
    • 35. List derivation 、 Dictionary derivation and generator
    • 36. sketch read、readline、readlines The difference between
    • 37. Disrupt a list
    • 38. Reverse string
    • 39. Function of single underline and double underline
    • 40. New type and old type
    • 41.Python What are the characteristics of inheritance in object-oriented
    • 42.super Function function
    • 43. Various functions in the class
    • 44. How to determine whether it is a function or a method
    • 45.isinstance The role of and type() The difference between
    • 46. Singleton mode and factory mode
    • 47. Look at all the files in the directory
    • 48. Calculation 1 To 5 Consisting of three digits that do not repeat each other
    • 49. Remove the leading and trailing spaces from the string
    • 50. Remove the space in the middle of a string
    • 51. String formatting
    • 52. take "hello world" Convert the initial to uppercase "Hello World"( Don't use title function )
    • 53. The integers in a row of transcoding lists are strings
    • 54. Merge two tuples into the dictionary
    • 55. Give the following code input , And simply explain
    • 56. Python Reflection in
    • 57. Implement a simple one API
    • 58. metaclass The metaclass
    • 59. sort and sorted The difference between
    • 60. Python Medium GIL
    • 61. produce 8 Bit random password
    • 62. Output original characters
    • 63. In the list , The dictionary follows value Size sorting
    • 64. sketch any() and all() Method
    • 65. Invert integers
    • 66. Functional programming
    • 67. On closure
    • 68. A brief introduction to decorators
    • 69. The advantages of synergy
    • 70. To achieve a Fibonacci sequence
    • 71. Regular segmentation string
    • 72. yield usage
    • 73. Bubble sort
    • 74. Quick sort
    • 75. requests brief introduction
    • 76. Compare the two json Is the data equal
    • 77. Read keyboard input
    • 78. enumerate
    • 79. pass sentence
    • 80. Regular matching mailbox
    • 81. Count the number of uppercase letters in a string
    • 82. json Keep Chinese when serializing
    • 83. A brief introduction to inheritance
    • 84. What is monkey patch
    • 85. help() Functions and dir() function
    • 86. explain Python Medium `//`,`%` and `**` Operator
    • 87. Actively throw an exception
    • 88. tuple and list transformation
    • 89. Brief assertion
    • 90. What is asynchronous nonblocking
    • 91. What is a negative index
    • 92. sign out Python after , Whether all memory is released
    • 93. Flask and Django Similarities and differences
    • 94. Create and delete files on the operating system
    • 95. sketch logging modular
    • 96. Count the number of words in the string
    • 97. Regular re.complie The role of
    • 98. try except else finally The meaning of
    • 99. Reverse list
    • 100. Substitution of numbers in a string

The basic chapter

1. Why study Python

Python The language is easy to understand , The easier , With AI Trend , More and more fire

2. The difference between interpreted and compiled languages

Compiler language : Compile all the good source programs into binary runnable programs . then , You can run this program directly . Such as :C,C++ Explanatory language : Translate a good source program into , Then execute a sentence , Until the end ! Such as :Python, (Java Something special ,java Programs also need to be compiled , But there is no direct compilation called machine language , Instead, the compilation is called bytecode , Then execute bytecode in an interpretive way .)

3. Brief description Python String in 、 list 、 Tuples and dictionaries

character string (str): A string is any text enclosed in quotation marks , Is the most commonly used data type in programming languages . list (list): A list is an ordered collection , You can add or remove elements to it . Tuples (tuple): Tuples are also ordered sets , But it cannot be modified . That is, tuples are immutable . Dictionaries (dict): Dictionaries are unordered collections , By key-value Composed of . aggregate (set): It's a group. key Set , Each element is unique , Not repeated and disordered .

4. Briefly describe the common methods of the above data types

character string :

  1. section mystr='luobodazahui' mystr[1:3] output 'uo'
  2. format mystr2 = "welcome to luobodazahui, dear {name}" mystr2.format(name="baby") output 'welcome to luobodazahui, dear baby'
  3. join Can be used to connect strings , The string 、 Tuples 、 Elements in the list with the specified characters ( Separator ) The connection generates a new string .mylist = ['luo', 'bo', 'da', 'za', 'hui'] mystr3 = '-'.join(mylist) print(mystr3) outout 'luo-bo-da-za-hui'
  4. replace String.replace(old,new,count) In the string old Replace the character with New character ,count Is the number of replacements mystr4 = 'luobodazahui-haha' print(mystr4.replace('haha', 'good'))

output luobodazahui-good

  1. split Cut string , Get a list
mystr5 = 'luobo,dazahui good'
# Split by space
# With h Division
# Comma separated


['luobo,dazahui', 'good']
['luobo,daza', 'ui good']
['luobo', 'dazahui good']

list :

  1. section With the string
  2. append and extend Add elements to the list
mylist1 = [1, 2]
mylist2 = [3, 4]
mylist3 = [1, 2]


[1, 2, [3, 4]]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
  1. Remove elements del: Delete according to subscript pop: Delete the last element remove: Delete based on the value of the element
mylist4 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
del mylist4[0]


['b', 'c', 'd']
['b', 'c']
  1. Element ordering sort: Yes, it will list Rearrange in a specific order , Default is from small to large , Parameters reverse=True It can be changed to reverse order , From big to small .reverse: Yes, it will list Inversion
mylist5 = [1, 5, 2, 3, 4]


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

Dictionaries :

  1. Empty dictionary dict.clear()
dict1 = {'key1':1, 'key2':2}


  1. Specify the delete Use pop Method to specify the deletion of an item in the dictionary
dict1 = {'key1':1, 'key2':2}
d1 = dict1.pop('key1')


{'key2': 2}
  1. Ergodic dictionary
dict2 = {'key1':1, 'key2':2}
mykey = [key for key in dict2]
myvalue = [value for value in dict2.values()]
key_value = [(k, v) for k, v in dict2.items() ]


['key1', 'key2']
[1, 2]
[('key1', 1), ('key2', 2)]
  1. fromkeys Used to create a new dictionary , Use the elements in the sequence as the keys of the dictionary ,value Is the initial value of all keys in the dictionary
keys = ['zhangfei', 'guanyu', 'liubei', 'zhaoyun']
dict.fromkeys(keys, 0)


{'zhangfei': 0, 'guanyu': 0, 'liubei': 0, 'zhaoyun': 0}

5. sketch Python String encoding in

Computers in the original design , Adopted 8 A bit (bit) As a byte (byte) The way . The largest integer a byte can represent is 255( Binary system 11111111= Decimal system 255), If you want to represent a larger integer , You have to use more bytes . Earliest , Computer only ASCII code , That is, it only contains upper and lower case English letters 、 Numbers and symbols , These are for other languages , Such as Chinese , Japanese is obviously not enough . Later, I invented Unicode,Unicode Unify all languages into one set of codes , So there won't be any more confusion . When you need to save to a hard disk or need to transfer , Just switch to UTF-8 code .UTF-8 It belongs to Unicode Variable length encoding method . stay Python in , With Unicode Method encoded string , have access to encode() Method to encode into the specified bytes, It can also be done through decode() The way to put bytes Encoded as a string .encode

" chinese ".encode('utf-8')






' chinese '

6. One line of code to realize numerical exchange

1a = 1
2b = 2
3a, b = b, a
4print(a, b)


12 1

7. is and == The difference between

So let's do an example

c = d = [1,2]
e = [1,2]
print(c is d)
print(c == d)
print(c is e)
print(c == e)



== Comparison operator , Just judge the value of the object (value) Is it consistent , and is Then we judge the identity between objects ( Memory address ) Is it consistent . The identity of the object , Can pass id() Method to see




It can be seen that , Only id Consistent time ,is Comparison will return True, And when value Consistent time ,== The comparison will return True

8.Python Parameter types in functions

Positional arguments , Default parameters , Variable parameters , Key parameters

9.*arg and **kwarg effect

Allows us to pass in multiple arguments when calling a function

def test(*arg, **kwarg):
if arg:
print("arg:", arg)
if kwarg:
print("kearg:", kwarg)
test('ni', 'hao', key='world')


arg: ('ni', 'hao')
kearg: {'key': 'world'}

It can be seen that ,*arg It converts the position parameter to tuple**kwarg Will convert keyword parameters to dict

10. One line of code 1-100 The sum of the

sum(range(1, 101))

11. Get the current time

import time
import datetime
print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))


2019-06-07 18:12:11.165330
2019-06-07 18:12:11

12.PEP8 standard

Simple list 10 strip : Try not to use small letters alone 'l', Capital 'O', And capital letters 'I' Wait for confusing letters . Function names are all lowercase , You can use underscores . Constant names are all uppercase , You can use underscores . Use has or is Prefix names Boolean elements , Such as : is_connect = True; has_member = False Don't put a semicolon at the end of the line , And don't use semicolons to put two commands on the same line . Don't use backslashes to connect lines . Empty space between top-level definitions 2 That's ok , Null between method definitions 1 That's ok , There are two empty lines between the top-level definitions . If a class does not inherit from other classes , It's obvious from object Inherit . Classes used internally 、 Method or variable , Prefix required _ Indicates that this is for internal use . To implement static type checking with assertions .

13.Python Deep and light copies of

Shallow copy

import copy
list1 = [1, 2, 3, [1, 2]]
list2 = copy.copy(list1)
print(list1, list2)


[1, 2, 3, [1, 2, 'a']] [1, 2, 3, [1, 2, 'a'], 'a']

Can see , Shallow copies only succeed ” Independent “ Copied the outer layer of the list , And the inner list of the list , It's still shared

Deep copy

import copy
list1 = [1, 2, 3, [1, 2]]
list3 = copy.deepcopy(list1)
print(list1, list3)


[1, 2, 3, [1, 2]] [1, 2, 3, [1, 2, 'a'], 'a']

Deep copy makes the two lists completely independent , The operation of each list , Will not affect another

14. View the output of the following code

def num():
return [lambda x:i*x for i in range(4)]
print([m(1) for m in num()])


[3, 3, 3, 3]

By running the results , It can be seen that i The values for 3, Amazing

15. Variable type and immutable type

Variable data type :list、dict、set

Immutable data types :int/float、str、tuple

16. Print the multiplication table

for i in range(1, 10):
for j in range(1, i+1):
print("%s*%s=%s " %(i, j, i*j), end="")


2*1=2 2*2=4
3*1=3 3*2=6 3*3=9
4*1=4 4*2=8 4*3=12 4*4=16
5*1=5 5*2=10 5*3=15 5*4=20 5*5=25
6*1=6 6*2=12 6*3=18 6*4=24 6*5=30 6*6=36
7*1=7 7*2=14 7*3=21 7*4=28 7*5=35 7*6=42 7*7=49
8*1=8 8*2=16 8*3=24 8*4=32 8*5=40 8*6=48 8*7=56 8*8=64
9*1=9 9*2=18 9*3=27 9*4=36 9*5=45 9*6=54 9*7=63 9*8=72 9*9=81

print function , The default is line feed , It has a default parameter end, If, for example , We put end The parameter display is set to "", that print After the function is executed , There will be no line change , In this way, the effect of 99 multiplication table is achieved

17.filter、map、reduce The role of

filter Function to filter the sequence , It receives a function and a sequence , Put the function on each element of the sequence , Then according to the return value is True still False Decide whether to keep or discard the element

mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
list(filter(lambda x: x%2 == 1, mylist))


[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

Keep odd list

map Function passes in a function and a sequence , And apply the function to each element of the sequence , Returns an iteratable object

mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
list(map(lambda x: x*2, mylist))


[2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]

reduce Function is used to recursively calculate , You also need to pass in a function and a sequence , The calculation results of function and sequence elements are calculated with the next element

from functools import reduce
reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, range(101))



It can be seen that , The above three functions are used in combination with anonymous functions , Can write powerful and concise code

18.re Of match and search difference

match() The function only detects whether the character to be matched is in string The start of the match ,search() Will scan the whole string Find a match

19. Object oriented __new__ and __init__ difference

__new__ It is called before the instance is created , Because its task is to create an instance and return the instance object , It's a static method .__init__ It is called when the instance object is created , Then set some initial values of the object properties , It is usually used to initialize a class instance , Is an example method

1、__new__ At least one parameter cls, Represents the current class , This parameter is instantiated by Python The interpreter automatically recognizes .2、__new__ There must be a return value , Return the instantiated instance , This is achieved by myself __new__ We should pay special attention to it , Sure return Parent class ( adopt super( The name of the class , cls))__new__ The examples come out , Or directly object Of __new__ The examples come out .3、__init__ There is a parameter self, This is this. __new__ The returned instance ,__init__ stay __new__ On the basis of this, we can complete some other initialization actions ,__init__ You don't need to return a value .4、 If __new__ Create an instance of the current class , Automatically called __init__ function , adopt return Statement __new__ The first argument to the function is cls To ensure that it is the current class instance , If it's the class name of another class ,; Then the actual creation returns instances of other classes , In fact, the current class will not be called __init__ function , No other classes will be called __init__ function

20. Ternary operation rules

a, b = 1, 2
# provided that a>b establish It outputs a-b otherwise a+b
h = a-b if a>b else a+b



21. Generate random number

print(random.randint(1, 100))



22.zip The usage function

zip() Function takes an iteratable object as an argument , Package the corresponding elements in the object into tuples , Then return a list of these tuples

list1 = ['zhangfei', 'guanyu', 'liubei', 'zhaoyun']
list2 = [0, 3, 2, 4]
list(zip(list1, list2))


[('zhangfei', 0), ('guanyu', 3), ('liubei', 2), ('zhaoyun', 4)]

23.range and xrange The difference between

range([start,] stop[, step]), according to start And stop Specified scope and step Set the step size , Generate a sequence . and xrange Generate a generator , It can save a lot of memory

24.with Method to open a file

Some exceptions may occur when opening a file for reading and writing , If you follow the routine f.open How to write it , We need to try,except,finally, Make abnormal judgment , And in the end, whatever happens to the file , To perform all finally f.close() Close file ,with Methods help us achieve finally in f.close

25. What is regular greedy matching

Python The default is greedy matching pattern

Greedy mode : Regular expressions tend to match the maximum length

Non greedy model : On the premise that the whole expression matches successfully , As few matches as possible

26. Why not suggest that the default parameters of a function be passed into a mutable object

for example :

def test(L=[]):


test() # ['test']
test() # ['test', 'test']

The default parameter is a list , It's a mutable object [],Python At the time of function definition , Default parameters L The value of is calculated , yes [], Every time you call a function , If L The value of has changed , So the next time you call , The value of the default parameter is no longer [] 了

27. String to list

mystr = '1,2,3'


['1', '2', '3']

28. String to integer

mylist = ['1', '2', '3']
list(map(lambda x: int(x), mylist))


[1, 2, 3]

29. Delete duplicate values from the list

mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5]

30. String word statistics

from collections import Counter
mystr = 'sdfsfsfsdfsd,were,hrhrgege.sdfwe!sfsdfs'
Counter({'s': 9,
'd': 5,
'f': 7,
',': 2,
'w': 2,
'e': 5,
'r': 3,
'h': 2,
'g': 2,
'.': 1,
'!': 1})

31. The list of deduction , Find odd even numbers

[x for x in range(10) if x%2 == 1]


[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

32. One line of code expands the list

list1 = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
[j for i in list1 for j in i]


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

33. Realize the dichotomy search function

Binary search algorithm is also called half search , The basic idea is to halve , Compare the size and then half find , It must be an ordered sequence to use binary search

A recursive algorithm

 def binary_search(data, item):
# recursive
n = len(data)
if n > 0:
mid = n // 2
if data[mid] == item:
return True
elif data[mid] > item:
return binary_search(data[:mid], item)
return binary_search(data[mid+1:], item)
return False
list1 = [1,4,5,66,78,99,100,101,233,250,444,890]
binary_search(list1, 999)

non-recursive algorithm

 def binary_search(data, item):
# Non recursive
n = len(data)
first = 0
last = n - 1
while first <= last:
mid = (first + last)//2
if data[mid] == item:
return True
elif data[mid] > item:
last = mid - 1
first = mid + 1
return False
list1 = [1,4,5,66,78,99,100,101,233,250,444,890]
binary_search(list1, 99)

34. Dictionary and json transformation

Dictionary transfer json

import json
dict1 = {'zhangfei':1, "liubei":2, "guanyu": 4, "zhaoyun":3}
myjson = json.dumps(dict1)
'{"zhangfei": 1, "liubei": 2, "guanyu": 4, "zhaoyun": 3}'
json Turn Dictionary
mydict = json.loads(myjson)


{'zhangfei': 1, 'liubei': 2, 'guanyu': 4, 'zhaoyun': 3}

35. List derivation 、 Dictionary derivation and generator

import random
td_list=[i for i in range(10)]
print(" List derivation ", td_list, type(td_list))
ge_list = (i for i in range(10))
print(" generator ", ge_list)
dic = {k:random.randint(4, 9)for k in ["a", "b", "c", "d"]}
print(" Dictionary derivation ",dic,type(dic))


 List derivation [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] <class 'list'>
generator <generator object <genexpr> at 0x0139F070>
Dictionary derivation {'a': 6, 'b': 5, 'c': 8, 'd': 9} <class 'dict'>

36. sketch read、readline、readlines The difference between

read Read entire file

readline Read next line , Using the generator method

readlines Read the entire file to an iterator for us to traverse

37. Disrupt a list

list2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]


[4, 6, 5, 1, 2, 3]

38. Reverse string

str1 = 'luobodazahui'



39. Function of single underline and double underline

__foo__: An agreement ,Python Internal name , Used to distinguish other user-defined names , In case of conflict , For example __init__(),__del__(),__call__() Some special methods

_foo: An agreement , Used to specify variable private . Out-of-service from module import * Import , Other aspects are accessed as public variables

__foo: This has a real meaning : The parser uses _classname__foo To replace the name , With the same name as other classes , It can't be accessed directly like a public member , By object name ._ Class name __xxx This way you can access

40. New type and old type

a. stay python Rivan inherited object Class , It's all new

b. Python3 There are only new types in it

c. Python2 It's inherited object It's a new class , It's the classic class that doesn't write the parent class

d. Classic classes are currently in Python There's basically no application in it

41.Python What are the characteristics of inheritance in object-oriented

a. Single inheritance and multiple inheritance are supported at the same time , Single inheritance when there is only one parent class , Multiple inheritance when there are multiple parent classes

b. The subclass inherits all the properties and methods of the parent class , Subclasses can also override variables and methods with the same name as the parent class

c. Construction of base class in inheritance (__init__()) Method will not be called automatically , It needs to be specifically called in the construction of its derived class

d. When a method of a base class is called , Need to prefix the class name of the base class , And you need to bring it self Parameter variable . Unlike calling ordinary functions in classes, you don't need to bring them up. self Parameters

42.super Function function

super() Function is used to call the parent class ( Superclass ) One way

 class A():
def funcA(self):
print("this is func A")
class B(A):
def funcA_in_B(self):
super(B, self).funcA()
def funcC(self):
print("this is func C")
ins = B()


this is func A
this is func C

43. Various functions in the class

It is mainly divided into example method 、 Class methods and static methods

Example method

Definition : The first parameter must be an instance object , The parameter name is generally agreed as “self”, Pass the properties and methods of the instance through it ( You can also pass the properties and methods of a class )

call : Can only be called by instance object

Class method

Definition : Use decorators @classmethod. The first parameter must be the current class object , The parameter name is generally agreed as “cls”, Pass the properties and methods of the class through it ( Cannot pass instance properties and methods )

call : Instance objects and class objects can call

Static methods

Definition : Use decorators @staticmethod. Random parameters , No, “self” and “cls” Parameters , But you cannot use any properties or methods of a class or instance in a method body

call : Instance objects and class objects can call

Static methods are functions in a class , There is no need for instance . Static methods are mainly used to store logical code , Mainly some logic belongs to the class , But there is no interaction with the class itself . That is, in the static method , It doesn't involve the operation of methods and properties in the class . It can be understood that static methods exist in the namespace of this class

A class method is a method that operates on the class itself as an object . The difference between it and static methods is : Whether this method is called from an instance or from a class , It all passes the class with the first argument

44. How to determine whether it is a function or a method

Not bound to classes or instances function They all belong to functions (function)

Bound to classes and instances function They all belong to methods (method)

Ordinary function :

def func1():
<function func1 at 0x01379348>
Functions in class :
class People(object):
def func2(self):
def func3():
def func4(cls):
people = People()


<bound method People.func2 of <__main__.People object at 0x013B8C90>>
<function People.func3 at 0x01379390>
<bound method People.func4 of <class '__main__.People'>>

45.isinstance The role of and type() The difference between

isinstance() Function to determine whether an object is a known type , similar type()

difference :

type() A subclass is not considered a superclass type , Do not consider inheritance relationships

isinstance() Think of a subclass as a superclass type , Consider inheritance relationships

 class A(object):
class B(A):
a = A()
b = B()
print(isinstance(a, A))
print(isinstance(b, A))
print(type(a) == A)
print(type(b) == A)



46. Singleton mode and factory mode

The singleton pattern : The main purpose is to ensure that only one instance of a class exists

Factory mode : Include a superclass , This superclass provides an abstract interface to create a specific type of object , Instead of deciding which object can be created

47. Look at all the files in the directory

import os

48. Calculation 1 To 5 Consisting of three digits that do not repeat each other

# 1 To 5 Consisting of three digits that do not repeat each other
k = 0
for i in range(1, 6):
for j in range(1, 6):
for z in range(1, 6):
if (i != j) and (i != z) and (j != z):
k += 1
if k%6:
print("%s%s%s" %(i, j, z), end="|")
print("%s%s%s" %(i, j, z))



49. Remove the leading and trailing spaces from the string

str1 = " hello nihao "


'hello nihao'

50. Remove the space in the middle of a string

str2 = "hello you are good"
print(str2.replace(" ", ""))
"".join(str2.split(" "))



51. String formatting

  1. Use % The operator
print("This is for %s" % "Python")
print("This is for %s, and %s" %("Python", "You"))


This is for Python
This is for Python, and You
  1. str.format

stay Python3 in , This new string formatting method is introduced

print("This is my {}".format("chat"))
print("This is {name}, hope you can {do}".format(name="zhouluob", do="like"))


This is my chat
This is zhouluob, hope you can like
  1. f-strings

stay Python3-6 in , This new string formatting method is introduced

name = "luobodazahui"
print(f"hello {name}")


hello luobodazahui

A more complicated example :

def mytest(name, age):
return f"hello {name}, you are {age} years old!"
people = mytest("luobo", 20)


hello luobo, you are 20 years old!

52. take "hello world" Convert the initial to uppercase "Hello World"( Don't use title function )

str1 = "hello world"
" ".join(list(map(lambda x: x.capitalize(), str1.split(" "))))


Hello World
'Hello World'

53. The integers in a row of transcoding lists are strings

Such as :[1, 2, 3] -> ["1", "2", "3"]

list1 = [1, 2, 3]
list(map(lambda x: str(x), list1))


['1', '2', '3']

54. Merge two tuples into the dictionary

Such as :("zhangfei", "guanyu"),(66, 80) -> {'zhangfei': 66, 'guanyu': 80}

a = ("zhangfei", "guanyu")
b = (66, 80)


{'zhangfei': 66, 'guanyu': 80}

55. Give the following code input , And simply explain

Example 1:

a = (1,2,3,[4,5,6,7],8)
a[3] = 2


TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-35-59469d550eb0> in <module>
1 a = (1,2,3,[4,5,6,7],8)
----> 2 a[3] = 2
3 #a
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

Example 2:

a = (1,2,3,[4,5,6,7],8)
a[3][2] = 2


(1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 2, 7], 8)

From the example 1 It can be seen from the error report of ,tuple It's an immutable type , Can't change tuple Elements in , Example 2 in ,list It's a variable type , Changing its elements is allowed

56. Python Reflection in

Reflection is in the form of strings , The import module ; In the form of strings , Go to the module to find the specified function , And implement . Use the form of string to remove objects ( modular ) In the operation ( lookup / obtain / Delete / add to ) member , A string based event driver !

Simple understanding is used to determine what a string is , Variables or methods

 class NewClass(object):
def __init__(self, name, male):
self.name = name
self.male = male
def myname(self):
print(f'My name is {self.name}')
def mymale(self):
print(f'I am a {self.male}')
people = NewClass('luobo', 'boy')
print(hasattr(people, 'name'))
print(getattr(people, 'name'))
setattr(people, 'male', 'girl')
print(getattr(people, 'male'))



getattr,hasattr,setattr,delattr Changes to the module are made in memory , It doesn't affect the real content of the file

57. Implement a simple one API

Use flask structure web The server

 from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def simple_api():
result = request.get_json()
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":

58. metaclass The metaclass

Class and instance :

First define the class, then , You can create instances based on this class , therefore : First define classes , Then create an instance

Class and metaclass :

First define metaclasses , according to metaclass Create a class , therefore : First define metaclass, Then create the class

class MyMetaclass(type):
def __new__(cls, class_name, class_parents, class_attr):
class_attr['print'] = "this is my metaclass's subclass %s" %class_name
return type.__new__(cls, class_name, class_parents, class_attr)
class MyNewclass(object, metaclass=MyMetaclass):
myinstance = MyNewclass()


"this is my metaclass's subclass MyNewclass"56. Python Reflection in
Reflection is in the form of strings , The import module ; In the form of strings , Go to the module to find the specified function , And implement . Use the form of string to remove objects ( modular ) In the operation ( lookup / obtain / Delete / add to ) member , A string based event driver !
Simple understanding is used to determine what a string is , Variables or methods
class NewClass(object):
def __init__(self, name, male):
self.name = name
self.male = male
def myname(self):
print(f'My name is {self.name}')
def mymale(self):
print(f'I am a {self.male}')
people = NewClass('luobo', 'boy')
print(hasattr(people, 'name'))
print(getattr(people, 'name'))
setattr(people, 'male', 'girl')
print(getattr(people, 'male'))
getattr,hasattr,setattr,delattr Changes to the module are made in memory , It doesn't affect the real content of the file
57. Implement a simple one API
Use flask structure web The server
from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def simple_api():
result = request.get_json()
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
58. metaclass The metaclass
Class and instance :
First define the class, then , You can create instances based on this class , therefore : First define classes , Then create an instance
Class and metaclass :
First define metaclasses , according to metaclass Create a class , therefore : First define metaclass, Then create the class
class MyMetaclass(type):
def __new__(cls, class_name, class_parents, class_attr):
class_attr['print'] = "this is my metaclass's subclass %s" %class_name
return type.__new__(cls, class_name, class_parents, class_attr)
class MyNewclass(object, metaclass=MyMetaclass):
myinstance = MyNewclass()
"this is my metaclass's subclass MyNewclass"

59. sort and sorted The difference between

sort() It's a list of variable objects (list) Methods , No parameter , No return value ,sort() Will change the mutable objects

dict1 = {'test1':1, 'test2':2}
list1 = [2, 1, 3]


[1, 2, 3]

sorted() It's about creating a new object .sorted(L) Returns a sorted L, Don't change the original L,sorted() Applicable to any iteratable container

dict1 = {'test1':1, 'test2':2}
list1 = [2, 1, 3]


['test1', 'test2']
[1, 2, 3]

60. Python Medium GIL

GIL yes Python The global interpreter lock , If there are multiple threads running in the same process , A thread is running Python The program will take up Python Interpreter ( Add a lock, that is GIL), Make other threads in the process unable to run , After the thread has finished running, other threads can run . If a thread runs into time-consuming operations , The interpreter lock is released , Make other threads run . So in multithreading , Threads still run in sequence , Not at the same time

61. produce 8 Bit random password

import random
"".join(random.choice(string.printable[:-7]) for i in range(8))



62. Output original characters




63. In the list , The dictionary follows value Size sorting

list1 = [{'name': 'guanyu', 'age':29},
{'name': 'zhangfei', 'age': 28},
{'name': 'liubei', 'age':31}]
sorted(list1, key=lambda x:x['age'])


[{'name': 'zhangfei', 'age': 28},
{'name': 'guanyu', 'age': 29},
{'name': 'liubei', 'age': 31}]

64. sketch any() and all() Method

all If there is 0 Null False return False, Otherwise return to True;any If it's all 0,None,False,Null when , return True

print(all([1, 2, 3, 0]))
print(all([1, 2, 3]))
print(any([1, 2, 3, 0]))
print(any([0, None, False]))



65. Invert integers

 def reverse_int(x):
if not isinstance(x, int):
return False
if -10 < x < 10:
return x
tmp = str(x)
if tmp[0] != '-':
tmp = tmp[::-1]
return int(tmp)
tmp = tmp[1:][::-1]
x = int(tmp)
return -x



First, judge whether it is an integer , Then judge whether it is a number , Finally, judge whether it is a negative number

66. Functional programming

Functional programming is a highly abstract programming paradigm , Functions written in pure functional programming languages have no variables , therefore , Any function , As long as the input is certain , The output is certain , This pure function is called no side effects . And programming languages that allow variables , Because the state of the variable inside the function is uncertain , Same input , It's possible to get different output , therefore , This function has side effects . because Python Allow variables , therefore ,Python It's not a pure functional programming language

One of the features of functional programming is , Allows the function itself to be passed as an argument to another function , It also allows you to return a function !

Function as an example of the return value :

 def sum(*args):
def inner_sum():
tmp = 0
for i in args:
tmp += i
return tmp
return inner_sum
mysum = sum(2, 4, 6)


<class 'function'>

67. On closure

If it's in an internal function , On the external scope ( But not in the global scope ) The variables are quoted , So internal functions are considered closures (closure) Attach the function scope picture

Closure characteristics

1. Must have an embedded function

2. An embedded function must refer to a variable in an external function

3. The return value of an external function must be an embedded function

68. A brief introduction to decorators

Decorators are special closures , That is to pass a function on the basis of closure , Then override the execution entry of the original function , When you call this function later, , You can do some extra functions

A print log Example :

 import time
def log(func):
def inner_log(*args, **kw):
print("Call: {}".format(func.__name__))
return func(*args, **kw)
return inner_log
def timer():


Call: timer

Essentially ,decorator It's a higher-order function that returns a function

69. The advantages of synergy

Subroutine switching is not thread switching , It's controlled by the program itself

There is no overhead for thread switching , Ratio to multithreading , The more threads there are , The greater the performance advantage of the coroutine

No multi-threaded locking mechanism is required , Because there's only one thread , There is no conflict between writing variables at the same time , Control Shared resources without locking in the coroutine

70. To achieve a Fibonacci sequence

Fibonacci sequence :

Also called golden section series , It refers to such a sequence :1、1、2、3、5、8、13、21、34、…… In Mathematics , Fibonacci sequence is defined recursively as follows :F(1)=1,F(2)=1, F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2)(n>=2,n∈N*)

Generator method :

 def fib(n):
if n == 0:
return False
if not isinstance(n, int) or (abs(n) != n): # It's a positive integer
return False
a, b = 0, 1
while n:
a, b = b, a+b
n -= 1
yield a
[i for i in fib(10)]


[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

Recursive method :

 def fib(n):
if n == 0:
return False
if not isinstance(n, int) or (abs(n) != n):
return False
if n <= 1:
return n
return fib(n-1)+ fib(n-2)
[fib(i) for i in range(1, 11)]


[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

71. Regular segmentation string

import re
str1 = 'hello world:luobo dazahui'
result = re.split(r":| ", str1)


['hello', 'world', 'luobo', 'dazahui']

72. yield usage

yield Is the syntax used to generate iterators , In the function , If included yield, So this function is an iterator . When the code is executed to yield when , Will interrupt code execution , Until the program calls next() Function time , Only last time yield Where to continue to carry out

def foryield():
print("start test yield")
while True:
result = yield 5
print("result:", result)
g = foryield()


start test yield
result: None

You can see , The first call next() function , The program just goes to "result = yield 5" here , At the same time as yield Interrupted the program , therefore result It's not assigned either , So the second execution next() when ,result yes None

73. Bubble sort

 list1 = [2, 5, 8, 9, 3, 11]
def paixu(data, reverse=False):
if not reverse:
for i in range(len(data) - 1):
for j in range(len(data) - 1 - i):
if data[j] > data[j+1]:
data[j], data[j+1] = data[j+1], data[j]
return data
for i in range(len(data) - 1):
for j in range(len(data) - 1 - i):
if data[j] < data[j+1]:
data[j], data[j+1] = data[j+1], data[j]
return data
print(paixu(list1, reverse=True))


[11, 9, 8, 5, 3, 2]

74. Quick sort

Fast thinking : So let's just pick an arbitrary number ( The first number of the array is usually chosen ) As key data , And then I'm going to put all the smaller Numbers in front of it , All the Numbers that are bigger than that are going to go after that , This process is called a quick sort , And then recursively sort the data on both sides

Select benchmark : Pick a member of the sequence , be called " The benchmark "(pivot)

Division : Reorder the sequence , All elements smaller than the benchmark value are placed in front of the benchmark , All elements larger than the reference value are placed behind the reference ( A number equal to the reference value can go to either side )

After this split , Sorting the baseline values is complete

Recursively sort subsequences : Recursively sorts subsequences that are less than the base value element and subsequences that are greater than the base value element

 list1 = [8, 5, 1, 3, 2, 10, 11, 4, 12, 20]
def partition(arr,low,high):
i = ( low-1 ) # Minimum element index
pivot = arr[high]
for j in range(low , high):
# The current element is less than or equal to pivot
if arr[j] <= pivot:
i = i+1
arr[i],arr[j] = arr[j],arr[i]
arr[i+1],arr[high] = arr[high],arr[i+1]
return ( i+1 )
def quicksort(arr,low,high):
if low < high:
pi = partition(arr,low,high)
quicksort(arr, low, pi-1)
quicksort(arr, pi+1, high)
quicksort(list1, 0, len(list1)-1)


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 20]

75. requests brief introduction

The library is initiated by HTTP Powerful library of requests , Easy to call , Powerful

 import requests
url = "http://www.luobodazahui.top"
response = requests.get(url) # Get the request
response.encoding = "utf-8" # Change the code
html = response.text # Get web content
binary__content = response.content # Get binary data
raw = requests.get(url, stream=True) # Get the original response content
headers = {'user-agent': 'my-test/0.1.1'} # Custom request header
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
cookies = {"cookie": "# your cookie"} # cookie Use
r = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies)

76. Compare the two json Is the data equal

 dict1 = {"zhangfei": 12, "guanyu": 13, "liubei": 18}
dict2 = {"zhangfei": 12, "guanyu": 13, "liubei": 18}
def compare_dict(dict1, dict2):
issame = []
for k in dict1.keys():
if k in dict2:
if dict1[k] == dict2[k]:
sum_except = len(issame)
sum_actually = sum(issame)
if sum_except == sum_actually:
print("this two dict are same!")
return True
print("this two dict are not same!")
return False
test = compare_dict(dict1, dict2)


[1, 1, 1]
this two dict are same!

77. Read keyboard input

input() function
def forinput():
input_text = input()
print("your input text is: ", input_text)


your input text is: hello

78. enumerate

enumerate() Function is used to traverse a data object ( As listing 、 Tuples or strings ) Combined into an index sequence , List both data and data index , Generally used in for Cycle of

data1 = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
for i, enu in enumerate(data1):
print(i, enu)


0 one
1 two
2 three
3 four

79. pass sentence

pass It's an empty statement , To maintain the integrity of the program structure .pass Not doing anything , Generally used as occupation statement

def forpass(n):
if n == 1:
print('not 1')

80. Regular matching mailbox

import re
email_list= ["[email protected]","[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ]
for email in email_list:
ret = re.match("[\w]{4,20}@(.*)\.com$",email)
if ret:
print("%s It's a compliant email address , After matching, the result is :%s" % (email,ret.group()))
print("%s Unqualified " % email)


[email protected] It's a compliant email address , After matching, the result is :[email protected]
[email protected] Unqualified
[email protected] Unqualified
[email protected] It's a compliant email address , After matching, the result is :[email protected]

81. Count the number of uppercase letters in a string

str2 = 'werrQWSDdiWuW'
counter = 0
for i in str2:
if i.isupper():
counter += 1



82. json Keep Chinese when serializing

Normal serialization :

import json
dict1 = {'name': ' radish ', 'age': 18}
dict1_new = json.dumps(dict1)


{"name": "\u841d\u535c", "age": 18}

Keep Chinese

import json
dict1 = {'name': ' radish ', 'age': 18}
dict1_new = json.dumps(dict1, ensure_ascii=False)


{"name": " radish ", "age": 18}

83. A brief introduction to inheritance

One class inherits from another , It can also be said to be a child class / Derived class / Subclass , Inherited from the parent class / Base class / Superclass , Get all class members at the same time ( Properties and methods )

Inheritance allows us to reuse code , And it's easier to create and maintain code

Python Supports the following types of inheritance :

Single inheritance - A subclass inherits from a single base class

multiple inheritance - A subclass inherits from more than one base class

Multilevel inheritance - A subclass inherits from a base class , The base class inherits from another base class

Hierarchical inheritance - Multiple subclasses inherit from the same base class

Mixed inheritance - A combination of two or more inheritance types

84. What is monkey patch

Monkey patch refers to dynamically modifying classes and modules at runtime

Monkey patch mainly has the following uses :

Replace methods at run time 、 Properties, etc

Add functions that were not supported before without modifying the third-party code

Add... To objects in memory at run time patch Instead of adding... To the disk's source code

85. help() Functions and dir() function

help() Function returns help documentation and parameter descriptions :



Help on class dict in module builtins:
class dict(object)
| dict() -> new empty dictionary
| dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's
| (key, value) pairs
| dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via:
| d = {}
| for k, v in iterable:
| d[k] = v
| dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs
| in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)

dir() Function returns all members of the object ( Any kind of )




86. explain Python Medium //, and ** Operator

// Operator performs floor Division , Returns the integer part of the result ( Rounding down )

% It's a modulo symbol , Returns the remainder of the division

** The sign denotes exponentiation . a**b return a Of b Power




75. requests brief introduction

The library is initiated by HTTP Powerful library of requests , Easy to call , Powerful

 import requests
url = "http://www.luobodazahui.top"
response = requests.get(url) # Get the request
response.encoding = "utf-8" # Change the code
html = response.text # Get web content
binary__content = response.content # Get binary data
raw = requests.get(url, stream=True) # Get the original response content
headers = {'user-agent': 'my-test/0.1.1'} # Custom request header
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
cookies = {"cookie": "# your cookie"} # cookie Use
r = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies)

76. Compare the two json Is the data equal

 dict1 = {"zhangfei": 12, "guanyu": 13, "liubei": 18}
dict2 = {"zhangfei": 12, "guanyu": 13, "liubei": 18}
def compare_dict(dict1, dict2):
issame = []
for k in dict1.keys():
if k in dict2:
if dict1[k] == dict2[k]:
sum_except = len(issame)
sum_actually = sum(issame)
if sum_except == sum_actually:
print("this two dict are same!")
return True
print("this two dict are not same!")
return False
test = compare_dict(dict1, dict2)


[1, 1, 1]
this two dict are same!

77. Read keyboard input

input() function
def forinput():
input_text = input()
print("your input text is: ", input_text)


your input text is: hello

78. enumerate

enumerate() Function is used to traverse a data object ( As listing 、 Tuples or strings ) Combined into an index sequence , List both data and data index , Generally used in for Cycle of

data1 = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
for i, enu in enumerate(data1):
print(i, enu)


0 one
1 two
2 three
3 four

79. pass sentence

pass It's an empty statement , To maintain the integrity of the program structure .pass Not doing anything , Generally used as occupation statement

def forpass(n):
if n == 1:
print('not 1')

80. Regular matching mailbox

import re
email_list= ["[email protected]","[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ]
for email in email_list:
ret = re.match("[\w]{4,20}@(.*)\.com$",email)
if ret:
print("%s It's a compliant email address , After matching, the result is :%s" % (email,ret.group()))
print("%s Unqualified " % email)


[email protected] It's a compliant email address , After matching, the result is :[email protected]
[email protected] Unqualified
[email protected] Unqualified
[email protected] It's a compliant email address , After matching, the result is :[email protected]

81. Count the number of uppercase letters in a string

str2 = 'werrQWSDdiWuW'
counter = 0
for i in str2:
if i.isupper():
counter += 1



82. json Keep Chinese when serializing

Normal serialization :

import json
dict1 = {'name': ' radish ', 'age': 18}
dict1_new = json.dumps(dict1)


{"name": "\u841d\u535c", "age": 18}

Keep Chinese

import json
dict1 = {'name': ' radish ', 'age': 18}
dict1_new = json.dumps(dict1, ensure_ascii=False)


{"name": " radish ", "age": 18}

83. A brief introduction to inheritance

One class inherits from another , It can also be said to be a child class / Derived class / Subclass , Inherited from the parent class / Base class / Superclass , Get all class members at the same time ( Properties and methods )

Inheritance allows us to reuse code , And it's easier to create and maintain code

Python Supports the following types of inheritance :

Single inheritance - A subclass inherits from a single base class

multiple inheritance - A subclass inherits from more than one base class

Multilevel inheritance - A subclass inherits from a base class , The base class inherits from another base class

Hierarchical inheritance - Multiple subclasses inherit from the same base class

Mixed inheritance - A combination of two or more inheritance types

84. What is monkey patch

Monkey patch refers to dynamically modifying classes and modules at runtime

Monkey patch mainly has the following uses :

Replace methods at run time 、 Properties, etc

Add functions that were not supported before without modifying the third-party code

Add... To objects in memory at run time patch Instead of adding... To the disk's source code

85. help() Functions and dir() function

help() Function returns help documentation and parameter descriptions :



Help on class dict in module builtins:
class dict(object)
| dict() -> new empty dictionary
| dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's
| (key, value) pairs
| dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via:
| d = {}
| for k, v in iterable:
| d[k] = v
| dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs
| in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)

dir() Function returns all members of the object ( Any kind of )




86. explain Python Medium //, and ** Operator

// Operator performs floor Division , Returns the integer part of the result ( Rounding down )

% It's a modulo symbol , Returns the remainder of the division

** The sign denotes exponentiation . a**b return a Of b Power




87. Actively throw an exception

Use raise

def test_raise(n):
if not isinstance(n, int):
raise Exception('not a int type')


Exception Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-262-b45324f5484e> in <module>
4 else:
5 print('good')
----> 6 test_raise(8.9)
<ipython-input-262-b45324f5484e> in test_raise(n)
1 def test_raise(n):
2 if not isinstance(n, int):
----> 3 raise Exception('not a int type')
4 else:
5 print('good')
Exception: not a int type

88. tuple and list transformation

tuple1 = (1, 2, 3, 4)
list1 = list(tuple1)
tuple2 = tuple(list1)


[1, 2, 3, 4](1, 2, 3, 4)

89. Brief assertion

Python The assertion of is to detect a condition , If the condition is true , It does nothing ; Instead, it triggers a... With an optional error message AssertionError

def testassert(n):
assert n == 2, "n is not 2"
print('n is 2')


AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-268-a9dfd6c79e73> in <module>
2 assert n == 2, "n is not 2"
3 print('n is 2')
----> 4 testassert(1)
<ipython-input-268-a9dfd6c79e73> in testassert(n)
1 def testassert(n):
----> 2 assert n == 2, "n is not 2"
3 print('n is 2')
4 testassert(1)
AssertionError: n is not 2

90. What is asynchronous nonblocking

Asynchrony refers to the relationship between the caller and the callee

So called synchronization , When a function call is issued , Before we get results , The call will not return , Once called back , You get the return value

The concept of asynchrony is relative to synchronization , The call is made after , This call returns directly , So no results returned . When the asynchronous function is completed , The callee can use the State 、 Notify or callback to notify the caller

Blocking non blocking is the relationship between threads or processes

Blocking call refers to the call result before returning , The current thread will be suspended ( If encountered io operation ). The calling thread will return... Only after it gets the result . The function will only activate the blocked thread if it gets the result

The concepts of non blocking and blocking correspond , A nonblocking call means that it returns immediately before it can get the result immediately , At the same time, this function will not block the current thread

91. What is a negative index

Python The sequence in is indexed , It's made up of positive and negative numbers . Positive numbers use '0' As the first index ,'1' As the second index , And so on

The index of a negative number is from '-1' Start , Represents the last index in the sequence ,' - 2' As the penultimate index , By analogy

92. sign out Python after , Whether all memory is released

No, it isn't , Variables with object circular references or global namespace references , stay Python It's not always released when you exit

In addition, it will not release C Part of what the library keeps

93. Flask and Django Similarities and differences

Flask yes “microframework”, Mainly used to write small applications , But as the Python The popularity of , A lot of big programs are also in use Flask. meanwhile , stay Flask in , We have to use external libraries

Django For large applications . It provides flexibility , And complete program framework and fast project generation method . You can choose different databases ,URL structure , Template style, etc

94. Create and delete files on the operating system

import os
f = open('test.txt', 'w')

95. sketch logging modular

logging The module is Python Built in standard modules , It is mainly used to output the operation log , You can set the level of output log 、 Log save path 、 Log file rollback, etc ; comparison print, It has the following advantages :

You can set different log levels , stay release Only important information is output in the version , Without having to display a lot of debugging information

print Output all information to standard output , Seriously affect developers to view other data from standard output ;logging It's up to the developer to decide where to output the information , And how to output

Simple configuration :

import logging
logging.debug("debug log")
logging.info("info log")
logging.warning("warning log")
logging.error("error log")
logging.critical("critica log")


WARNING:root:warning log
ERROR:root:error log
CRITICAL:root:critica log

By default , Only greater than or equal to is displayed WARNING Level of logging .logging.basicConfig() Function to adjust the log level 、 Output format, etc

96. Count the number of words in the string

from collections import Counter
str1 = "nihsasehndciswemeotpxc"


Counter({'s': 3, 'e': 3, 'n': 2, 'i': 2, 'h': 2, 'c': 2, 'a': 1, 'd': 1, 'w': 1, 'm': 1, 'o': 1, 't': 1, 'p': 1, 'x': 1})

97. Regular re.complie The role of

re.compile Is to compile a regular expression into an object , Speed up , And reuse

98. try except else finally The meaning of

try..except..else No exception was caught , perform else sentence

try..except..finally Whether or not an exception is caught , All implemented finally sentence

99. Reverse list

Using slice :

$ python -m timeit -n 1000000 -s 'import numpy as np' 'mylist=list(np.arange(0, 200))' 'mylist[::-1]'
1000000 loops, best of 5: 15.6 usec per loop

Use reverse():

$ python -m timeit -n 1000000 -s 'import numpy as np' 'mylist=list(np.arange(0, 200))' 'mylist.reverse()'
1000000 loops, best of 5: 10.7 usec per loop

Both methods can reverse the list , But it should be noted that the built-in functions reverse() Will change the original list , The slicing method creates a new list .

obviously , Built in functions reverse() Faster than list slicing !

100. Substitution of numbers in a string

Use re Regular substitution

import re
str1 = ' I'm Zhou radish , This year, 18 year '
result = re.sub(r"\d+","20",str1)


 I'm Zhou radish , This year, 20 year 

Elder martial brother Ali sorted it out 170 Avenue Python Complete interview questions PDF Download address

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