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Inheritance of Python classes, knowledge points you dont know


One 、 summary

object-oriented programming (OOP) One of the main functions of language is “ Inherit ”. Inheritance is the ability to : It can use all the functionality of an existing class , And extend these functions without having to rewrite the original class .

A new class created by inheritance is called “ Subclass ” or “ Derived class ”, The inherited class is called “ Base class ”、“ Parent class ” or “ Superclass ”, The process of inheritance , It's a process from general to special . In some OOP In language , A subclass can inherit multiple base classes . But in general , A subclass can only have one base class , To implement multiple inheritance , It can be realized through multi-level inheritance .

The main ways to realize the concept of inheritance are 2 class : Implementation inheritance 、 Interface inheritance .

  • Implementation inheritance refers to the ability to use the properties and methods of the base class without additional coding .
  • Interface inheritance refers to using only the names of properties and methods 、 But subclasses must provide the ability to implement ( Subclass refactoring parent method ).

When considering using inheritance , There is one caveat , That is, the relationship between the two classes should be “ Belong to ” Relationship . for example ,Employee It's a person ,Manager It's also a person , So both classes can inherit Person class . however Leg Class can't inherit Person class , Because legs are not alone .

The development paradigm is roughly : Divide the object → abstract class → Organize classes into hierarchies ( Inheritance and composition ) → Design and implement several stages with classes and instances .

Two 、 Class inheritance

1 The definition of inheritance

class Person(object): # Define a parent class 
def talk(self): # Methods in the parent class 
print("person is talking....")
class Chinese(Person): # Define a subclass , Inherit Person class 
def walk(self): # Define its own methods in subclasses 
print('is walking...')
c = Chinese()
c.talk() # Call inherited Person Class method 
c.walk() # Call its own method 
# Output 
person is talking....
is walking...

2 Inheritance of constructors

If we want to give examples c The ginseng , We're going to use constructors , So how do constructors inherit , At the same time, how to define their own properties in subclasses ?

The construction method of inheritance class :

  • The writing of classic class : Parent class name .__init__(self, Parameters 1, Parameters 2,...)

  • The new type of writing :super( Subclass ,self).__init__( Parameters 1, Parameters 2,....)

class Person(object):
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.weight = 'weight'
def talk(self):
print("person is talking....")
class Chinese(Person):
def __init__(self, name, age, language): # Inherit first , In refactoring 
Person.__init__(self, name=name, age=age) # Inherit the construction method of the parent class , Or you could write it as :super(Chinese,self).__init__(name=name, age=age)
self.language = language # Define the properties of the class itself 
def walk(self):
print('is walking...')
class American(Person):
c = Chinese('bigberg', 22, 'Chinese')

If we're just in subclasses Chinese Define a constructor in , In fact, it's refactoring . In this way, the subclass cannot inherit the properties of the parent class . So when we define the constructor of a subclass , You have to inherit before you construct , In this way, we can also get the properties of the parent class .

The process of the subclass constructor is as follows :

Instantiate objects c ----> c Call subclass __init__() ---- > Subclass __init__() Inherited parent class __init__() ----- > Call the parent class __init__()

3 Subclass's rewriting of parent methods

If we're talking about base classes / The method of the parent class needs to be modified , You can refactor this method in subclasses .

As follows talk() Method

class Person(object):
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.weight = 'weight'
def talk(self):
print("person is talking....")
class Chinese(Person):
def __init__(self, name, age, language):
Person.__init__(self, nname=name, age=age)
self.language = language
print(self.name, self.age, self.weight, self.language)
def talk(self): # Subclass refactoring 
print('%s is speaking chinese' % self.name)
def walk(self):
print('is walking...')
c = Chinese('bigberg', 22, 'Chinese')
# Output 
bigberg 22 weight Chinese
bigberg is speaking chinese

3、 ... and 、 Examples of class inheritance

''' No one answers the problems encountered in learning ? Xiaobian created a Python Exchange of learning QQ Group :153708845 Looking for small partners who share the same aspiration , Help each other , There are also good video tutorials and PDF e-book ! '''
class SchoolMember(object):
''' Learn member base classes '''
member = 0
def __init__(self, name, age, sex):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.sex = sex
def enroll(self):
' register '
print('just enrolled a new school member [%s].' % self.name)
SchoolMember.member += 1
def tell(self):
print('----%s----' % self.name)
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
print(k, v)
def __del__(self):
print(' Fired [%s]' % self.name)
SchoolMember.member -= 1
class Teacher(SchoolMember):
' Teachers' '
def __init__(self, name, age, sex, salary, course):
SchoolMember.__init__(self, name=name, age=age, sex=sex)
self.salary = salary
self.course = course
def teaching(self):
print('Teacher [%s] is teaching [%s]' % (self.name, self.course))
class Student(SchoolMember):
' Student '
def __init__(self, name, age, sex, course, tuition):
SchoolMember.__init__(self, name=name, age=age, sex=sex)
self.course = course
self.tuition = tuition
self.amount = 0
def pay_tuition(self, amount):
print('student [%s] has just paied [%s]' % (self.name, amount))
self.amount += amount
t1 = Teacher('Wusir', 28, 'M', 3000, 'python')
s1 = Student('haitao', 38, 'M', 'python', 30000)
s2 = Student('lichuang', 12, 'M', 'python', 11000)
del s2


just enrolled a new school member [haitao].
age 38
sex M
name haitao
amount 0
course python
tuition 30000
just enrolled a new school member [lichuang].
Fired [lichuang]
Fired [Wusir]
Fired [haitao]

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