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Python3 tutorial: detailed usage of shutil module


shutil Is a relatively powerful python Package of operation files for

pip install shutil

1、 Copy file

This is a more commonly used function

1.1 shutil.copy(src, dst)

# The return value is the path after replication 
shutil.copy(' Source address ', ' Destination address ')

1.2 shutil.copy2(src, dst)

and shutil.copy() almost , The copied results retain all the original information ( Include status information )
1.3 shutil.copyfile()

Copy the contents of one file into another file , The target file does not need to exist

# The return value is the path after replication 
shutil.copyfile(' Source document ', ' Target file ')

1.4 shutil.copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst[,length=16*1024]))

Copy the contents of one file into another file , You can specify the content size
( Use less )

shutil.copyfileobj(open(' Source document ','r'),open(' Target file ','w'))

1.5 shutil.copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None)

Copy the entire file directory
( Whether the folder is empty or not , Can be copied , And all the contents in the folder will be copied , Destination directory cannot exist )

The third parameter is if True, The symbolic link under the folder will be maintained when copying the directory , yes False, Then a physical copy will be generated in the replicated directory to replace the symbolic connection .

ignore Means to exclude , such as ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns(‘.pyc’, 'tmp’)

shutil.copytree(' Source directory ',' Target directory ', True, )

2、 Delete file

2.1 shutil.rmtree()

Deleted folder , If you delete a file os.unlink(path)

Recursively remove the entire directory , Whether empty or not

shutil.rmtree(' Directory path ')

3、 Moving files


shutil.move(' Source address ',' Destination address ')

4、 Package files

shutil.make_archive(base_name, format,...)

Create a zip and return the file path , for example :zip、tar

  • base_name: Filename of the package , It can also be the path of the compressed package . When it's just a filename , Save to current directory , Otherwise save to the specified path ,
  • Such as data_bak => Save to current path
  • Such as :/tmp/data_bak => Save to /tmp/
  • format: Type of compression package ,“zip”, “tar”, “bztar”,“gztar”
  • root_dir: Folder path to compress ( Default current directory )
  • owner: user , Default current user
  • group: Group , Default current group
  • logger: For logging , Usually logging.Logger object
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# take /data Package and place the current program directory under 
import shutil
ret = shutil.make_archive("data_bak", 'gztar', root_dir='/data')
# take /data Package and place files under /tmp/ Catalog 
import shutil
ret = shutil.make_archive("/tmp/data_bak", 'gztar', root_dir='/data')
  • shutil The processing of the compressed package is called ZipFile and TarFile Two modules , detailed :
 # zipfile Compression and decompression 
import zipfile
# Compress 
z = zipfile.ZipFile('laxi.zip', 'w')
# decompression 
z = zipfile.ZipFile('laxi.zip', 'r')
 # tarfile
import tarfile
# Compress 
>>> t=tarfile.open('/tmp/egon.tar','w')
>>> t.add('/test1/a.py',arcname='a.bak')
>>> t.add('/test1/b.py',arcname='b.bak')
>>> t.close()
# decompression 
>>> t=tarfile.open('/tmp/egon.tar','r')
>>> t.extractall('/egon')
>>> t.close()

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