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No 50W bride price girlfriend was forcibly dragged away. Pythons analysis of the national bride price situation cooled his heart.


Just after the Spring Festival , I believe that for those young people who are of marriageable age , The hall of marriage “ Betrothal gifts ” It is always a topic that cannot be bypassed . Just yesterday ,B A pet blogger posted a video saying “ No, 50W Betrothal gifts , His girlfriend was forcibly dragged away by his family ” The news of is on the hot search .

From the released video, we can see that the girlfriend was dragged and beaten on the ground , Into the car . The man caught up and was beaten . Bloggers say they have bought a house and Wrote his girlfriend's name , But it was still strongly opposed by his family . Regarding this , The lawyer said : If true , Parents are suspected of violent interference with others' freedom of marriage , If the circumstances are serious, you may be suspected of committing a crime , Accessible 2 Fixed term imprisonment of not more than years Or criminal detention .

Today, Xiaobian passed Python Let's analyze the bride price situation all over the country , And the cost of marriage in all parts of the country ?!

The popularity of bride price

Just the year before last, Tencent News Guyu data launched 《2020 Chinese bride price survey in 》, According to the survey , More than 70% (73.8%) All marriages have received betrothal gifts , among Shandong Nearly 90% (86.6%) The proportion has become the most popular province for gift giving , Hebei and Guangdong provinces follow closely , See the figure below for details.

c = (
    .add_xaxis([' Shandong ', ' hebei ', ' guangdong ', ' anhui ', ' gansu ',
                ' shanxi ', ' shaanxi ', " Henan ", " jiangxi ", " fujian "])
    .add_yaxis(" Province ", [])
        title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title=" The proportion of married people who have given or received betrothal gifts (%)"),
        yaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(axislabel_opts=opts.LabelOpts(formatter="{value} %"),
                                 min_=70, max_=90),


Men and women have different attitudes towards bride price

But in the face of bride price , There are great differences in attitudes between men and women . The survey shows that ,60.9% Of women think that betrothal gifts The amount is very important Of , After all, this reflects the sincerity of the man . But only 15% Of men think the amount of the bride price is very important . And for the range of betrothal gifts , The range of masculinity is 1-5 Ten thousand yuan , Women prefer 5-10 Ten thousand yuan

bar = (
    .add_yaxis(" Proportion of male (%)", num_1)
    .add_yaxis(" The proportion of women (%)", num_2)
    .set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title=" What do you think is the most reasonable range of betrothal gifts "),
                     legend_opts=opts.LegendOpts(orient="vertical", pos_right="5%"),
                     yaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(min_= 0, max_=50),


Comparison of betrothal gifts across the country

The survey shows that , National betrothal gifts The average value is 6.9 ten thousand , and 2021 Per capita disposable income of national residents in 3.51 Ten thousand yuan , This means that the average person needs to take out one year's income 2 More than times to pay the bride price . Different regions have different betrothal gifts , Among them, Zhejiang 、 The amount of betrothal gifts in Fujian and other places is on the high side , Of course, the economy of southeast coastal areas is relatively developed , however Heilongjiang and Jiangxi provinces The amount of betrothal gifts is a little unimaginable

c = (
        .add("", [list(z) for z in zip(provinces, values)], "china")
        title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title=" Comparison of betrothal gifts across the country "),
        visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts(max_=20, min_=0,
).render(path=" Betrothal gifts .html")


Shanghai has the least pressure on bride price 、 guangdong 、 Chongqing 、 Beijing 、 Hainan and other places , One year's disposable income is enough to pay the bride price .

The cost of holding weddings all over the country

Finished the bride price , And the cost of the wedding , After all, this is also a real expenditure . The total cost of a wedding includes Preparation of wedding supplies 、 Wedding site layout 、 Wedding company 、 Wedding makeup artist 、 Wedding cameraman 、 Wedding host, etc cost , Due to the different levels of regional economic development , So the wedding expenses are different everywhere , For example, the cost of getting married in Beijing :

  • 80 A set of houses with more than square meters and the cost of house decoration , Required for decoration 20W

  • The cost of household appliances and furniture , total :10W, Other women come and go

  • An ordinary car :12W

  • stay 4 Star hotels please 20 The cost of table banquet , Each table with 2000 Yuan calculation , You need to 4W

  • If you go on your honeymoon , Everyone 1W If it comes to calculation , Also needed 2W

  • From falling in love to getting married , Including buying clothes 、 Travel and buy gifts , According to the average monthly 2000 Yuan to calculate , To talk about 2 Year 2000122=4.8W

To sum up :20+10+12+4+2+4.8=52.8W

In other words, it doesn't count as buying a house , If parents pay the down payment for buying a house , The cost of marriage for men and their families is also quite high .

From the various components of wedding expenses , The cost of the wedding banquet and wedding service company Occupy the first two big heads , As shown in the figure below

p = (
            .add("", [list(z) for z in zip(cate, nums)],
                 radius=["35%", "58%"],
                 center=["58%", "42%"])
            .set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title=" Cost distribution ", pos_left="40%"),
            .set_series_opts(label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(formatter="{b}: {c}%"))



And the total cost is 5W-10W、10W-20W Mainly , Of course, there are also many couples' wedding expenses 20W Even 30W The above

p = (
            .add("", [list(z) for z in zip(cate_1, nums_1)],
                 radius=["35%", "58%"],
                 center=["58%", "42%"])
            .set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title=" The wedding cost ( Including wedding banquet )", pos_left="40%"),
            .set_series_opts(label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(formatter="{b}: {c}%"))



It's because getting married once is very expensive , Therefore, there are also many strategies to save money , for example 38% New people think Wedding room layout Is the most economical place , Next is Wedding car with makeup 、 Dresses and rings Details

At the end

Betrothal gifts and dowries should be the starting funds for a better life and development of a newly married family , It is not a means for a family to seek property for personal gain , It is not a way for one family to seek property on the grounds of marriage , Again, I sincerely hope that all lovers in the world can get married , Not because of the bride price 、 Break up due to dowry and other factors . And finally , If you need source code, click here to get

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