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Python extracts the specified content in the file and copies it to another file

Now there are many different names txt Type file In every file Another sentence with the same content I want to extract and add this before this sentence txt Folder name

for example A Folder has log.txt file
B Folder has log.txt file
C Folder has log.txt file
Every log.txt There is result=89
Need to put log.txt in result=89 Copy to a specified file And add the folder name in front A result=89 such
The result in the new file is Here's how
A result=89
B result=89
C result=89

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Take the answer :
import ospath=r'C:\Users\85949\Desktop\total'dirs=os.listdir(path) # Read the secondary directory under the primary directory bc=open(" Last .txt",'w+',encoding='utf-8') # To save last txtfor odirs in dirs: edir=os.path.join(path,odirs) # Splice the primary directory with the folder name under the directory ( Get the absolute path of the folder ) edirs=os.listdir(edir) # Read the files in the folder  for file in edirs: files=os.path.join(edir,file) # Splice the path of the folder with the file name under the folder ( Get the absolute path of the file ) a=open(files,'r') for b in a.readlines(): c=b.strip('\n') # Delete the newline character of the traversal line  if 'pos close'in c: bc.write(odirs + ' ' + c + '\n') elif 'POS CLOSE' in c: # Judge whether this line has “pos close” character  bc.write(odirs+' '+c+'\n')bc.close()

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