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Method of encrypting Python source code V


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Due to the confidentiality needs of the project , The developed projects need to be encrypted , This paper gives two methods .

One 、 take py File compiled into pyc

encryption py Code , Although compiled as pyc Not much ( It is easy to decompile the source code ), But it still has some encryption effect , If the project is tight , This method can be used for emergency treatment .

python -m compileall -f -q -b "py Folder "

This command will send py Files will generate corresponding pyc file

Then execute the following command , Delete the py file , Only keep pyc file

find . -name "*.py" -type f -print -exec rm -rf {
} \;

Finally, execute the run pyc Just file it

Such as : python ****.pyc

Be careful : This method encrypts and uses python The version should be consistent , Otherwise, an error will be reported . I.e. operation  python -m compileall -f -q -b "py Folder "  And  python ****.pyc  The version should be consistent .

Two 、 take py Turn it into so file

2.1 preparation

pip3 install Cython
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-devel
sudo apt-get install gcc

2.2 newly build py2so.py file

Fill in the following :

#-* -coding: UTF-8 -* -
The premise of execution :
System installation python-devel and gcc
Python install cython
Compile a folder :
python py2so.py BigoModel
Generate results :
Catalog build Next
After the build is complete :
The startup file also needs py/pyc Take on , Must be activated py/pyc Copy to the compilation directory and delete so file
import sys, os, shutil, time
from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
starttime = time.time()
setupfile= os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), __file__)
def getpy(basepath=os.path.abspath('.'), parentpath='', name='', build_dir="build",
excepts=(), copyOther=False, delC=False):
obtain py Path to file
:param basepath: The root path
:param parentpath: Parent path
:param name: file / clip
:param excepts: Exclude files
:param copy: whether copy Other documents
:return: py Iterator for files
fullpath = os.path.join(basepath, parentpath, name)
for fname in os.listdir(fullpath):
ffile = os.path.join(fullpath, fname)
if os.path.isdir(ffile) and ffile != os.path.join(basepath, build_dir) and not fname.startswith('.'):
for f in getpy(basepath, os.path.join(parentpath, name), fname, build_dir, excepts, copyOther, delC):
yield f
elif os.path.isfile(ffile):
# print("\t", basepath, parentpath, name, ffile)
ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1]
if ext == ".c":
if delC and os.stat(ffile).st_mtime > starttime:
elif ffile not in excepts and ext not in('.pyc', '.pyx'):
# print("\t\t", basepath, parentpath, name, ffile)
if ext in('.py', '.pyx') and not fname.startswith('__'):
yield os.path.join(parentpath, name, fname)
elif copyOther:
dstdir = os.path.join(basepath, build_dir, parentpath, name)
if not os.path.isdir(dstdir): os.makedirs(dstdir)
shutil.copyfile(ffile, os.path.join(dstdir, fname))
if __name__ == "__main__":
currdir = os.path.abspath('.')
parentpath = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv)>1 else "."
currdir, parentpath = os.path.split(currdir if parentpath == "." else os.path.abspath(parentpath))
build_dir = os.path.join(parentpath, "build")
build_tmp_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, "temp")
print("start:", currdir, parentpath, build_dir)
# obtain py list
module_list = list(getpy(basepath=currdir,parentpath=parentpath, build_dir=build_dir, excepts=(setupfile)))
setup(ext_modules = cythonize(module_list),script_args=["build_ext", "-b", build_dir, "-t", build_tmp_dir])
module_list = list(getpy(basepath=currdir, parentpath=parentpath, build_dir=build_dir, excepts=(setupfile), copyOther=True))
except Exception as ex:
print("error! ", ex)
module_list = list(getpy(basepath=currdir, parentpath=parentpath, build_dir=build_dir, excepts=(setupfile), delC=True))
if os.path.exists(build_tmp_dir): shutil.rmtree(build_tmp_dir)
print("complate! time:", time.time()-starttime, 's')

2.3 Compile project folder

python py2so.py project_dir_path

At the end of the run , project_dir_path  Will generate a  build  Folder , Put the .os All files are moved to the corresponding location of the encrypted folder , Delete py file , If it is a startup file , It is suggested to keep , You can run the program through the startup file .

take py File compiled into pyc:

Python A standard library is provided with the name  compileall  The library of , It's easy to compile . Easy and convenient , Raised a little source code crack threshold

Good platform compatibility , py  Where can I run , pyc  Where to run . But there are ready-made decompilers ( python-uncompyle6 ), The cost of cracking is low . It is suggested that the project time is tight , Use in case of emergency .

take py Turn it into so file :

Cython Method encryption is to encrypt  py  The file to  so  file , use  so  File replacement  py  file , The execution rate will be faster than python faster , But sometimes I encounter some code that doesn't work well , Only test against , The invalid ones will not be encrypted or encrypted in other ways . Good encryption effect , Not easy to decompile , But the project needs to be tested step by step .

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