Banker algorithm is a famous deadlock avoidance algorithm , The idea is : Think of the operating system as a banker , The resources managed by the operating system are equivalent to the funds managed by bankers , A process requests the operating system to allocate resources, which is equivalent to a user lending to a banker . The operating system allocates resources to processes according to the rules set by the banker . Declare the maximum demand for various resources before the process runs , When the process continues to request resources during execution , First, test whether the sum of the number of resources occupied by the process and the number of resources applied for this time exceeds the declared maximum demand of the process . If more than, refuse to allocate resources , If not, retest whether the existing resources of the system can meet the maximum resources required by the process , If it can be met, the resources will be allocated according to the current application amount , Otherwise, we have to postpone the distribution .
Design program to simulate the working process of banker algorithm to avoid deadlock . Assume that there are n A process : P 1 , P 2 , … , P n P_1,P_2,\dots,P_n P1,P2,…,Pn, Yes m Class allocatable resources R 1 , … , R m R_1,\dots,R_m R1,…,Rm, At some point , process P i P_i Pi Assigned j Class resources are A l l o c a t i o n [ i ] [ j ] Allocation[i][j] Allocation[i][j] individual , It also needs to be j Class resources n e e d [ i ] [ j ] need[i][j] need[i][j] individual , At present, the system remains j Class resources A v a i l a b l e [ j ] Available[j] Available[j] individual .
among ,n Is the number of processes ,m Is the number of resource types .
Set up n=5;m=3
T0 Time resource allocation table
Available: [3 3 2]
P Allocation Need
0 [0 1 0] [7 4 3]
1 [2 0 0] [1 2 2]
2 [3 0 2] [6 0 0]
3 [2 1 1] [0 1 1]
4 [0 0 2] [4 3 1]
(1)P1 Request resources ,Request1 = [1, 0, 2]
Through legitimacy and resource checks , Is assumed to be P1 Allocate resources , Then conduct a security check :
P Work Need Allocation Work+Allocation
1 [2 3 0] [0 2 0] [3 0 2] [5 3 2]
3 [5 3 2] [0 1 1] [2 1 1] [7 4 3]
0 [7 4 3] [7 4 3] [0 1 0] [7 5 3]
2 [7 5 3] [6 0 0] [3 0 2] [10 5 5]
4 [10 5 5] [4 3 1] [0 0 2] [10 5 7]
Secured Sequence is [1, 3, 0, 2, 4].
Pass the safety check , by P1 Allocate resources , Output current resource allocation information :
Available: [2 3 0]
P Allocation Need
0 [0 1 0] [7 4 3]
1 [3 0 2] [0 2 0]
2 [3 0 2] [6 0 0]
3 [2 1 1] [0 1 1]
4 [0 0 2] [4 3 1]
(2)T1 moment ,P4 Continue to request resources :
Request4 = [3, 3, 0]
Request4<=Need[4], but Request4>Available, Resource check failed ,P4 Waiting to allocate resources
(3)T2 moment ,P0 Request resources :
Request0 = [0, 2, 0]
Pass the legitimacy and resource test , Assuming that P0 Allocate resources , here Available Does not satisfy the banker's Algorithm , Security check failed , if P0 Allocating resources can lead to deadlocks , So return to the original state .
(4)T3 moment ,P3 Request resources :
Request3 = [0, 2, 1]
Report errors , Because the requested resources are greater than the demand !
# @Sylvan Ding 2022.05.31
import numpy as np
def err(P):
raise Exception("ERROR!P{} REQUEST EXCEEDS ITS NEED!".format(P))
def valid_check(P, Request, Need):
if np.sum(Request > Need[P, :]):
print("\033[0;32mVALID CHECK PASSED!\033[0m")
def resource_check(Request, Available):
if np.sum(Request > Available):
print("\033[0;31mREQUEST EXCEEDS AVAILABLE!\033[0m")
return False
print("\033[0;32mRESOURCE CHECK PASSED!\033[0m")
return True
def safe_check(Work, Need, Allocation, n):
Q = []
while True:
i = 0
while i < n:
if i not in Q and not np.sum(Need[i, :] > Work):
temp = Work.copy()
Work = Work + Allocation[i, :]
print_safe_check(i, temp, Need, Allocation, Work)
i = i + 1
if i == n:
if len(Q) < n:
print("\033[0;31mSAFE CHECK FAILED!\033[0m")
return False
print("\033[0;32mSAFE CHECK PASSED!\nSecured Sequence is {}.\033[0m".format(Q))
return True
def try_allocate(Available, Allocation, Need, Request, P):
Available = Available - Request
Allocation[P, :] = Allocation[P, :] + Request
Need[P, :] = Need[P, :] - Request
return Available, Need, Allocation
def print_safe_check(k, Work, Need, Allocation, Work_Allocation):
print("{}\t {}\t {}\t {}\t {}".format(k,
Need[k, :],
Allocation[k, :],
def print_resource(Available, Need, Allocation, n):
print("Current resource information: ")
print("Available: {}".format(Available))
print("P\t Allocation\t Need")
for i in range(n):
print("{}\t {}\t {}".format(i, Allocation[i, :], Need[i, :]))
def print_request_info(P, Request):
print("\033[0;33mP{} requests {}.\033[0m".format(P, Request))
def Banker(n, Available, Max, Allocation, P, Request):
""" :param n: int :param Available: array[n][m] :param Max: array[n][m] :param Allocation: array[n][m] :param P: index of process to request :param Request: array[m] :return: Available, Need, Allocation """
print_request_info(P, Request)
Available = np.asarray(Available)
Max = np.asarray(Max)
Allocation = np.asarray(Allocation)
Request = np.asarray(Request)
Need = Max - Allocation
print_resource(Available, Need, Allocation, n)
valid_check(P, Request, Need)
if (resource_check(Request, Available) and
Request, P), n)):
Available, Need, Allocation = try_allocate(Available.copy(),
Request, P)
print_resource(Available, Need, Allocation, n)
return Available, Need, Allocation
def BankerAlgorithm():
n = 5
# m = 3
Available = [3, 3, 2]
Max = [[7, 5, 3],
[3, 2, 2],
[9, 0, 2],
[2, 2, 2],
[4, 3, 3]]
Allocation = [[0, 1, 0],
[2, 0, 0],
[3, 0, 2],
[2, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 2]]
P1 = 1
Request1 = [1, 0, 2]
Available, Need, Allocation = Banker(n, Available, Max, Allocation, P1, Request1)
P4 = 4
Request4 = [3, 3, 0]
Available, Need, Allocation = Banker(n, Available, Max, Allocation, P4, Request4)
P0 = 0
Request0 = [0, 2, 0]
Available, Need, Allocation = Banker(n, Available, Max, Allocation, P0, Request0)
P3 = 3
Request3 = [0, 2, 1]
Banker(n, Available, Max, Allocation, P3, Request3)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Original article : Reprint please indicate the source ️ Sylvan Ding