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Python Data Science Library 05 (PANDAS)


Python Data Science Database 05(pandas)

Study 05

Data consolidation join

join: By default, it merges the same data in the row index

Data consolidation merge

merge: Combine the data in a certain way according to the specified column

Example :

df1 And df2 A merger ( Default inner connection inner**): Get empty DataFrame, That is, by default, the union is obtained ,df1 Is full of 1,df3 Is full of 0, The union set is empty .**

take df3 Perform a new assignment :

Proceed again df1 And df3 Merge :

If again df1 Of "A" That's ok "a" Column data assignment 100,
And merge again . The result is only one line .

If the combination method of the two is external connection outer, Take Union , The result is :

If left connection is selected , Mainly on the left :

If you select right connection , Mainly on the right :

Group and aggregate ( important )

Now we have a set of statistics about Starbucks stores around the world , If I want to know Which is more Starbucks in the United States than in China , Or I want to know The number of Starbucks in each province of China The situation of , So what to do ?
Ideas : Go through it , Every time add 1 ???
Data sources :https://www.kaggle.com/starbucks/store-locations/data

DataFrameGroupBy Objects have many optimized methods

01、 There are so many Starbucks in America and China :
stay pandas We have a very simple way to complete similar grouping operations in

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

file_path= r’D:\whole_development_of_the_stack_study\RS_Algorithm_Course\ For its 1 Year of CV Course \03 machine learning - Data Science Database \14100_ machine learning - Data Science Database (HM)\ Data analysis data \day05\code\starbucks_store_worldwide.csv’
df= pd.read_csv(file_path)

# Countries are grouped
grouped = df.groupby(by = “Country”)

#DataFrameGroupBy It can be traversed 、 Call aggregate method
## Traversal
#for i,j in grouped:
## You can also select... Directly through Boolean operation

# Call aggregate method
country_count = grouped[“Brand”].count()

result :

02、 The number of Starbucks in each province of China :
# Method 1
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

file_path= r’D:\whole_development_of_the_stack_study\RS_Algorithm_Course\ For its 1 Year of CV Course \03 machine learning - Data Science Database \14100_ machine learning - Data Science Database (HM)\ Data analysis data \day05\code\starbucks_store_worldwide.csv’
df= pd.read_csv(file_path)

# Count the number of stores in each province of China
china_data = df[df[“Country”]== “CN”]

grouped = china_data.groupby(by = “State/Province”).count()[“Brand”]

# Method 2
# Data is grouped according to multiple criteria , return Series
grouped2 = df[“Brand”].groupby(by=[df[“Country”],df[“State/Province”]]).count()

# among grouped2 The data type is Series, There are two index columns , An index is Country, The other is State/Province

# Method 3
# Let the data be grouped by multiple criteria , return DataFrame
grouped3 = df[[“Brand”]].groupby(by=[df[“Country”],df[“State/Province”]]).count()


explain ,[[ ]] Two brackets , Can be Series To DataFrame type

If we need to group countries and provinces , How to operate it ?

grouped = df.groupby(by=[df[“Country”],df[“State/Province”]])

Most of the time, we only want to get some data after grouping , Or we just want to group a few columns of data , What should we do at this time ?

Get some data after grouping :

Group several columns of data :

Observations , Because only one column of data is selected , So the result is a Series type
If I want to return one DataFrame Type? ?
t1 = df[[“Country”]].groupby(by=[df[“Country”],df[“State/Province”]]).count()t2 = df.groupby(by=[“Country”,“State/Province”])[[“Country”]].count()

The results of the above two commands are the same
The difference from the previous result is that the current return is a DataFrame type

So here comes the question :
Compared with the previous use of a grouping condition , What are the first two columns of the current return result ? answer : Composite index

Index and composite index

Simple index operation :

1、 obtain index:df.index:

2、 Appoint index :df.index = [‘x’,‘y’]:

3、 To reset index : df.reindex(list(“abcedf”)):

4、 Designate a column as index :df.set_index(“Country”,drop=False)
drop The default is True, That is, delete the setting as index The column of .

5、 return index The only value of :df.set_index(“Country”).index.unique()
index There is a unique() Methodical , explain index It can be repeated .

6、 hypothesis a For one DataFrame, So when a.set_index([“c”,“d”]) That is, what is the result of setting two indexes ?

Example :
a = pd.DataFrame({‘a’: range(7),‘b’: range(7, 0, -1),‘c’: [‘one’,‘one’,‘one’,‘two’,‘two’,‘two’, ‘two’],‘d’: list(“hjklmno”)})

Series Composite index

I just want to index h What about the corresponding value ?
swaplevel You can swap the order of columns that match the index , Swap inner and outer columns .

DataFrame Composite index


1、 Use matplotlib Show the top of the total number of stores 10 The country
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

file_path= r’D:\whole_development_of_the_stack_study\RS_Algorithm_Course\ For its 1 Year of CV Course \03 machine learning - Data Science Database \14100_ machine learning - Data Science Database (HM)\ Data analysis data \day05\code\starbucks_store_worldwide.csv’
df= pd.read_csv(file_path)

#1、 Use matplotlib Show the top of the total number of stores 10 The country
# Prepare the data
data1 = df.groupby(by=“Country”).count()[“Brand”].sort_values(ascending=False)[:10]

_x = data1.index
_y = data1.values

# drawing
plt.figure(figsize=(20,8),dpi = 80)


2、 Use matplotlib Show the number of stores in each city in China
import pandas as pd
# Modify the configuration dictionary at the beginning of the program rcParams, matplotlib The font used in the default configuration file of does not display Chinese correctly . In order to make the chart display Chinese correctly , There are several solutions .
from pylab import *
mpl.rcParams[‘font.sans-serif’] = [‘SimHei’] # Specify default font
mpl.rcParams[‘axes.unicode_minus’] = False # Resolve save image is negative ’-' Questions displayed as squares

file_path= r’D:\whole_development_of_the_stack_study\RS_Algorithm_Course\ For its 1 Year of CV Course \03 machine learning - Data Science Database \14100_ machine learning - Data Science Database (HM)\ Data analysis data \day05\code\starbucks_store_worldwide.csv’
df= pd.read_csv(file_path)
df= df[df[“Country”]==‘CN’]
#1、 Use matplotlib Show the top of the total number of stores 10 The country
# Prepare the data
data1 = df.groupby(by=“City”).count()[“Brand”].sort_values(ascending=False)[:25]

_x = data1.index
_y = data1.values

# drawing
plt.figure(figsize=(20,8),dpi = 80)

3、 Now we have the top in the world 10000 Data in this book , Then please count the following questions :
01. Number of books in different years
02. Average score of books in different years
Receipt source :https://www.kaggle.com/zygmunt/goodbooks-10k

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
# Modify the configuration dictionary at the beginning of the program rcParams, matplotlib The font used in the default configuration file of does not display Chinese correctly . In order to make the chart display Chinese correctly , There are several solutions .
from pylab import *
mpl.rcParams[‘font.sans-serif’] = [‘SimHei’] # Specify default font
mpl.rcParams[‘axes.unicode_minus’] = False # Resolve save image is negative ’-' Questions displayed as squares

file_path= r’D:\whole_development_of_the_stack_study\RS_Algorithm_Course\ For its 1 Year of CV Course \03 machine learning - Data Science Database \14100_ machine learning - Data Science Database (HM)\ Data analysis data \day05\code\books.csv’
df= pd.read_csv(file_path)

# Number of books in different years
# The year after checking is missing
# Get the year without missing rows
#data1 = df[pd.notnull(df[“original_publication_year”])]
#grouped = data1.groupby(by= “original_publication_year”).count()[“title”]

# Average score of books in different years
# Get the year without missing rows
data1 = df[pd.notnull(df[“original_publication_year”])]

# drawing
plt.figure(figsize=(20,8),dpi = 80)


summary :

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