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Use the given, Use Monte Carlo tree search algorithm to complete black and white chess AI.
AI Functions to be completed :
In the current chessboard state , Choose a legal and algorithmically optimal placement , As return value
The search and decision-making time shall not exceed one minute , If there is no legal location, return None
At the end of the game ( That is, both parties have no legal settlement position ) when , Try to maximize the difference in the number of chess pieces between your side and your opponent
design idea
While (time_is_enough):
For (node = root; all son_node.visited in node.sons; node =
Choson_son = the son with max UCB of node
# Selection, From the root down , Select a node whose son has not been fully accessed
Expand_Candidate = x if ((x in node.sons) and (not x.visited))
Node_to_expand = random.choice(Expand_Candidate)
# Expansion, Randomly select a child node that has not been visited
Leaf = node
For (node = Node_to_sxpand; node has son; node =
Leaf = node
# Simulation, Randomly select the child node until the leaf node
For (node = Leaf; node != root; node = node.father)
# Back Propagation, Update the visited information and the results / Reward score information
During search , every time “ sampling ” There are four steps : choice , Expand , Simulation and back propagation :
But according to UCB Of score Function composition , In fact, we can find out k If it's just the coefficient of multiplication , It's essentially C, But add one k It can be easily adjusted and more intuitive .
Finally, the number of searches can have an impact on the search results , Given the time limit of one minute , Although used in testing 25s The effect of sampling time is good , But when submitting, it should still be against the time limit ( laugh )
Code content
def UCB1(self, color, board_in):
""" :param color: The color corresponding to the current node :param board_in: Current chessboard status :return : According to the sampling results , Yes AI Fang's most favorable position """
board = deepcopy(board_in)
score_act = None
act = None
action_list = list(board.get_legal_actions(color))
rec_sum = 0 # Record the total score of this node ( Used to calculate select Child nodes of )
for action in action_list:
play_board = deepcopy(board)
play_board._move(action, color)
tmp_key = tuple(np.ravel(play_board._board))
# Calculate the action Of the corresponding chessboard key value
if self.rec.get((color, tmp_key)):
# Once visited, the total score will continue to be calculated
rec_sum += self.rec.get((color, tmp_key))
for action in action_list:
play_board = deepcopy(board)
play_board._move(action, color)
tmp_key = tuple(np.ravel(play_board._board))
score_tmp = (self.scr.get((color, tmp_key)) / self.rec.get((color,
tmp_key)) +
self.C * math.sqrt(
math.log(rec_sum) / self.rec.get((color, tmp_key))
# Calculate the key value And integral
if score_act == None:
score_act, act = (score_tmp, action)
if score_act < score_tmp:
score_act, act = (score_tmp, action)
# Update the child node with the highest score
return act
// choice :
def Select(self, board):
""" :param board: Enter the chessboard to be searched :return: color yes select The color of the chess pieces that have been settled at the last node , act It's the last one The position of the fall , tmpkey Is the state of the chessboard """
color = self.color
# always select Until a node is not fully extended
action_list = list(board.get_legal_actions(color))
if len(action_list) == 0:
return None, None, None
all_explored = True # Whether all the child nodes of this node have visited
non_vis_son = [] # Record the child nodes that have not been visited
rec_sum = 0 # Record the total score of this node ( Used to calculate select Child nodes of )
for action in action_list:
play_board = deepcopy(board)
play_board._move(action, color)
tmp_key = tuple(np.ravel(play_board._board))
# Calculate the action Of the corresponding chessboard key value
if not self.rec.get((color, tmp_key)):
# If you haven't visited, you will record This child node And update the information not accessed by the node
all_explored = False
non_vis_son.append((action, tmp_key))
# Once visited, the total score will continue to be calculated
rec_sum += self.rec.get((color, tmp_key))
if all_explored:
# If you have visited all , Select the son with the highest score in this node
act = self.UCB1(color, board)
# There are unreached nodes , An unreached node is returned randomly , As extend The object of
act, tmp_key = (random.choice(non_vis_son))
board._move(act, color)
return (color, act, tmp_key)
# When you get here, you should select Next node
board._move(act, color)
tmp_key = tuple(np.ravel(board._board))
# Move later , Update new chessboard's key value
self.vis.add((color, tmp_key))
# Record the node information on the path
color = "X" if color == "O" else "O"
# Toggle color
// Expand :
def Expand(self, board, color, act, tmpkey):
""" :param board: The current chessboard to be expanded :param color: The color of the chess pieces that have been settled :param act: The current position of the finished product :param tmpkey: Current chessboard status :return: Returns the difference obtained by multiplying the coefficient """
game_state, scr_diff = self.Simulate(board, color)
self.rec[(color, tmpkey)] = 1
# Record the number of visits under this node +1
if (game_state == 0 and self.color == "O") or (game_state == 1 and
self.color == "X"):
scr_diff = - scr_diff
# hold scr_diff Change to (AI- other party ) The difference between , You can have a negative
scr_diff *= 0.4
# Add a coefficient
if color == self.color:
# If the color of the current decision node is AI The color of the , Then add the difference , Otherwise, subtract the difference
self.scr[(color, tmpkey)] = scr_diff
self.scr[(color, tmpkey)] = - scr_diff
return scr_diff
// simulation :
def Simulate(self, board, player):
""" Use random to simulate the process of playing chess :param board: Current chessboard status :param player: Currently, the player who has just completed the settlement :return: (winner, Fractional difference ), among winner yes 0 Black chess , 1 White chess , 2 It ends in a draw """
player = "X" if player == "O" else "O"
# Switch the chess player
legal_actions = list(board.get_legal_actions(player))
if len(legal_actions) == 0:
if self.game_over(board):
return board.get_winner()
# 0 Black chess , 1 White chess , 2 It ends in a draw
# Then there is a parameter of fractional difference
if len(legal_actions) == 0:
action = None
action = random.choice(legal_actions)
# Use random drop to simulate
if action is None:
board._move(action, player)
if self.game_over(board):
return board.get_winner()
//Back Propagation:
def BackPropagate(self, scr_diff):
""" :param scr_diff: Multiplied by the coefficient AI The score difference with the opponent """
for (color, key) in self.vis:
self.rec[(color, key)] += 1
if color == self.color:
# If the color of the current decision node is AI The color of the , Then add the difference , Otherwise, subtract the difference
self.scr[(color, key)] += scr_diff
self.scr[(color, key)] -= scr_diff
//UCTS Major part :
def MCTS_choice(self, board_input):
""" :param board_input: Enter the current chessboard :return: Return the coordinates of the drop The status node of the tree is represented by rec and scr Two dict To store , Saved ( The current settlement is , Chessboard status ): ( Number of visits , Total score ) The state of """
starttime =
count = 0
while True:
count += 1
currenttime =
if (currenttime - starttime).seconds > 3 or count > 1000:
board = deepcopy(board_input)
color = "X" if self.color == "O" else "O"
# color It's the other person's color
self.vis = set()
# Record the path searched in the tree , Easy to update
color, act, tmpkey = self.Select(board)
# color yes select The color of the chess pieces that have been settled at the last node
# act It's the position of the last one
# tmpkey Is the state of the chessboard
if color == None:
# If there is no place to live , Go to the next round of trying
scr_diff = self.Expand(board, color, act, tmpkey)
# Expand Get the score of the current extension node , And for bp
return self.UCB1(self.color, board_input)
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