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Python crawls Alibaba mall data



1. Preface

2、 Solution

3、 Now start the code implementation

4、 The final summary :

                            I am Zhengyin Looking forward to your attention

1. Preface

Hello everyone I am a Walking on the front line of punishment every day Zhengyin

Today, I will teach you how to get the product information on Alibaba's list page, which contains , goods title, The main picture of the commodity needs to be saved xls file save   I am a Zhengyin It's not easy to make a free attention

2、 Solution

     The first scheme given is :

     2.1、 adopt wxPython The framework writes a visual interface ,

     2.2、 Because Alibaba's anti climbing is quite serious , So I went straight through selenium Skip the anti pickpocketing mechanism by exceeding the user

     2.3、 Write browser pool to facilitate multi-threaded crawling data

     2.4、 Write data business logic

3、 Now start the code implementation

     3.1 Start with a browser pool

from multiprocessing import Manager
from time import sleep
from tool.open_browser import open_browser
class DriverPool:
    def __init__(self, max_nums,driver_path,ui,open_headless=0):
        self.ui = ui
        self.drivers = {}
        self.manager = Manager()
        self.queue = self.manager.Queue()
        self.max_nums = max_nums
        self.open_headless = open_headless
    def CreateDriver(self,driver_path):
         Initialize browser pool
        for name in range(1, self.max_nums + 1):
            name = f'driver_{name}'
            d = open_browser(excute_path=driver_path,open_headless=self.open_headless)
            d.ui = self.ui
            self.drivers[name] = d
    def getDriver(self):
         Get a browser
        :return driver
        if self.queue.empty():
            return self.getDriver()
        name = self.queue.get()
        driver = self.drivers[name]
        driver.pool_name_driver = name
        return driver
    def putDriver(self, name):
         Return a browser
        :param name: 
    def quit(self):
         Close the browser , Execute end operation
        if self.drivers:
            for driver in self.drivers.values():

     3.2 To write UI interface

    def intUIRun(self):
         initialization UI main interface
        pannel = wx.Panel(self.panel_run)
        pannel.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        self.text = wx.StaticText(pannel, -1, ' Status column :', size=(100, 40), pos=(0, 10))
        self.text_input = wx.StaticText(pannel, -1, '', size=(900, 40), pos=(100, 0))
        wx.StaticText(pannel, -1, ' Current implementation ID:', size=(100, 30), pos=(0, 65)).SetFont(self.font)
        self.text_time = wx.TextCtrl(pannel, id=self.choices_id_ref, value=self.time_str, size=(300, 30), pos=(150, 60),
                                     style=wx.TE_AUTO_URL | wx.TE_MULTILINE)
        self.reflush_text_time = wx.Button(pannel, -1, ' Refresh ID', size=(100, 50), pos=(480, 50))
        # self.text_time.SetForegroundColour(wx.RED)
        wx.Button(pannel, self.get_product, ' Get the product and save it locally ', size=(200, 100), pos=(0, 100)).SetFont(self.font)
        wx.Button(pannel, self.save_mysql, ' Save the database and OSS', size=(200, 100), pos=(200, 100)).SetFont(self.font)
        wx.Button(pannel, self.end_process, ' End to perform ', size=(200, 100), pos=(400, 100)).SetFont(self.font)
        self.log_text = wx.TextCtrl(pannel, size=(1000, 500), pos=(0, 210), style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.get_product_p, id=self.get_product)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.save_mysql_p, id=self.save_mysql)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.end_process_p, id=self.end_process)
        self.text_time.Bind(wx.EVT_COMMAND_LEFT_CLICK, self.choices_id, id=self.choices_id_ref)
        self.reflush_text_time.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.reflush_time_evt)
        self.panel_run.Sizer.Add(pannel, flag=wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

     design sketch

     3.3 Write business logic

     Get product list page data

global _getMainProduct, goods_info
def _getMainProduct(data_url):
     Multi thread to get each page link
    :param data_url:
    self, url, driver_pool = data_url
    c = Common(driver_pool.getDriver())
    goods_urls = []
        self.ui.print(f' Currently get the second {url} Page data ')
        if self.is_load_cache_cookies:
        ele = c.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[class="component-product-list"]')
        goods_urls = ele.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'a[class="product-image"]')
        goods_urls = [goods_url.get_attribute('href') for goods_url in goods_urls]
    except SystemExit:
        self.print(f' The requested page is out of range : {url} ERROR: {traceback.format_exc()}')
        if c.find_element_true(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[class="no-data common"]'):
            return goods_urls
        name = c.d.pool_name_driver
        self.queue_print.put(f' Request completed :{url}')
    return goods_urls
def getMainProduct_(self):
    g_dict = globals()
    urls = []
    sum_l = self.pageNums[1] + 1
    complate = 0
    products = []
    for i in range(self.pageNums[0], sum_l):
        if self.ui.is_exit_process:
        url = self.url.format(i)
        urls.append([self, url, self.drive_pool])
    if urls:
        p = self.pool.map_async(_getMainProduct, urls)
        while not p.ready():
            if not self.queue_print.empty():
                complate += 1
                self.print(self.queue_print.get(), f' complete :{complate}/{sum_l - 1}')
        products = p.get()
    goods_info = set()
    for xx in products:
        for x in xx:
            if x:
    self.goods_info = goods_info
    return goods_info
goods_info = getMainProduct_(self)

     Get detail page data

global goods,Common,driver_pool,goods_url,sleep,re,By
def get_info_(self, data_info):
     Multi thread to get detail page data
    :param self: 
    :param data_info: 
    if self.ui.is_exit_process:
    goods_url, driver_pool = data_info
    c = Common(driver_pool.getDriver())
        if self.is_load_cache_cookies:
        for x in range(400, 18000, 200):
        is_all = c.find_element_true(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[id="J-rich-text-description"]')  # 'J-rich-text-description'
        if not is_all:
            self.print(f' Not found : {is_all}')
        is_video = c.find_elements_true(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[class="bc-video-player"]>video')
        is_title = c.find_element_true(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[class="module-pdp-title"]')
        is_description = c.find_element_true(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[name="description"]')
        is_keywords = c.find_element_true(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[name="keywords"]')
        is_overview = c.find_element_true(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[class="do-overview"]')
        is_wz_goods_cat_id = c.find_element_true(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[class="detail-subscribe"]')
        wz_goods_cat_id = self.wz_goods_cat_id
        # if is_wz_goods_cat_id:
        #     wz_goods_cat_id = is_wz_goods_cat_id.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[class="breadcrumb-item"]>a')[
        #         -1].get_attribute('href')
        #     wz_goods_cat_id = re.search(r'(\d+)', wz_goods_cat_id).group(1)
        # goods_id = re.search(r'(\d+)\.html$', goods_url)
        goods_id = re.search(r'(ssssss\d+)\.html$', goods_url)
        goods = {
            " Classification of goods ID": int(wz_goods_cat_id) if wz_goods_cat_id else 0,
            " goods ID": goods_id.group(1) if goods_id else self.getMd5(f'{time.time()}')+' other ',
            " Product links ": goods_url,
            " describe ": c.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[name="description"]').get_attribute(
                'content') if is_description else '',
            " title ": is_title.get_attribute('title') if is_title else '',
            " keyword ": c.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[name="keywords"]').get_attribute(
                'content') if is_keywords else is_keywords,
            " Video link ": c.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[class="bc-video-player"]>video').get_attribute(
                'src') if is_video else '',
            " Main picture ": [],
            " Goods details ": c.d.execute_script(
                '''return document.querySelectorAll('[class="do-overview"]')[0].outerHTML;''') if is_overview else is_overview,
            " Commodity Description ": '',
            " Product description picture ": []
        #  Get product description pictures
        goods_desc = getDescriptionFactory1(self, c, goods_url)
        #  Get the main picture
        m_imgs = c.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[class="main-image-thumb-ul"]>li')
        for m_img in m_imgs:
                img = m_img.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[class="J-slider-cover-item"]').get_attribute('src')
                s = re.search('(\d+x\d+)', img)
                img2 = None
                if s:
                    img2 = str(img).replace(s.group(1), '')
                goods[' Main picture '].append(img)
                if img2:
                    goods[' Main picture '].append(img2)
        self.ui.status[' Quantity of goods successfully requested '] += 1
        return goods
        self.print(f'=========================\n Link request error : {goods_url} \n {traceback.format_exc()}\n=========================')
        self.error_page.append([goods_url, traceback.format_exc()])
        self.ui.status[' Request failed item quantity '] += 1
        name = c.d.pool_name_driver
        self.queue_print.put(f' Request completed :{goods_url}')
goods = get_info_(self,data_info)

     write in excel

        def export_excel(self, results):
         write in excel Method
        :param results: 
        now_dir_str = self.now
        now_file_str = time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S', time.localtime())
        img_path = os.path.join('data', 'xls', now_dir_str)
        if not os.path.exists(img_path):
        img_path = os.path.join('data', 'xls', now_dir_str, self.url_id)
        if not os.path.exists(img_path):
        if not os.path.exists(img_path):
        img_path = os.path.join(img_path, f"{now_file_str}.xlsx")
        workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(img_path)
        sheet = workbook.add_worksheet(name=' Alibaba information ')
        titles = list(results[0].keys())
        for i, title in enumerate(titles):
            sheet.write_string(0, i, title)
        for row, result in enumerate(results):
            row = row + 1
            col = 0
            for value in result.values():
                sheet.write_string(row, col, str(value))
                col += 1

4、 The final summary :

     Because of universal selenium The browser operation is not as efficient as the interface request , So in the end, we used multithreading to improve the execution efficiency .

                            I am a Zhengyin Looking forward to your attention

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