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We live in the Python age


1989 year ,Guido van Rossum Participating in the design ABC( A language of instruction ) after , Came up with the idea of developing a new language .1989 He founded python Language .1991 Beginning of the year python The first public release .

You know what? ?

Python Programming languages are not young at all , It's by Dutch programmer Guido · Van rosum (Guido van Rossum) On 1991 First published in .

Python What's interesting is that , He is the result of one's work , Most other popular programming languages are developed and published by large companies that employ a large number of professionals .Python The exception is !

Of course , Not at all python All the components of are developed by van rosum alone , It's an open source project , Thousands of people are right Python Has contributed to the development of . Even though python After years of development, great progress has been made , However, its purpose of use is similar to that of that year .

Python The birth of

Development python The main purpose of is to help programmers write logically clear code . That's why it's so popular among developers .Python Very powerful , Can be used for Web Development 、 Game development 、 Build scripts and... For desktop applications GUI、 Configure server 、 Perform scientific calculations and data analysis .

Python It can be used for almost anything !

In these major programming languages ,Python It has developed very rapidly in recent years .Stack Overflow Developer surveys show that ,Python Is the fastest growing mainstream programming language .

that , What happened these years ?python Why is it developing so fast ?

That is because the development of the following technologies has promoted python The rapid use of language .

Python - AI The best choice

Artificial intelligence (AI) And machine learning (ML) Technological advances have surpassed science fiction .

Just like Chris · Tamiflu (Chris Duffey) In his book 《 Superhuman innovation 》(Superhuman Innovati) As mentioned ,

“ The only limitation of artificial intelligence is human imagination .”

Now , As the amount of data expands , Artificial intelligence and machine learning are dealing with tasks that seemed impossible in the past . All the tech giants (Facebook、 Microsoft 、 Google 、 Amazon ) Are actively opening data work , And strive to contribute to the development of these fields .

According to the research , AI and machine learning practitioners prefer to use python, because python Easy coding and high readability , So we won't be bothered by the structure of language .

Python It's the backbone of data science

The world is full of data . Data on a global scale is like a tsunami , And the amount of data is getting larger and larger every day . Everything we do now can generate data . Whether it's taking pictures , Comment on social media , Search the Internet , Online shopping …… All this will be recorded .

To 2020 year , It is expected that every day 44 Megabytes of data . however , If we can't collect 、 Arrangement 、 Analyze and apply data to benefit society , These data are useless . This is the purpose of data science .

Python It is widely used in data science .python The community has developed excellent libraries for processing data , Such as Numpy、pandas、sci-kit-learn etc. . Collecting data 、 Clean up the data set 、 Extract important features 、 Building machine learning models and using graphics to visualize results ,python A rich feature set is provided to perform these tasks .

“ The work of data scientists is becoming more and more fascinating ,”Indeed Of economists 、 The author of the report, Andrew · Flowers (Andrew Flowers) say .“ More and more employers want to hire data scientists .”

Github An annual survey is conducted every year , Let's see Python How has it grown over the years .

image Spotify、Netflix、Quora、Facebook And big companies like Google have already developed Python. Google has supported... From the beginning Python, It is now Google's official server - side language . They will use a lot of Bash or Perl The script is recoded as Python.

Peter, Google's research director · Novid (Peter Norvig) say :“ from the beginning ,Python Has always been an important part of Google , And with the development and evolution of the system , So far . Now , Many Google engineers use Python, We are also looking for more people who master this language skill .”

Spotify and Netflix Very dependent on python To analyze the huge amount of data on the server side . By analyzing information from millions of users , They can provide better advice to each user , That's how they make billions of dollars in profits .

Python Not a young language , It has been developed for many years , And will continue to maintain its position in the next few years . Today is Python The world of , Take time to study Python Programming languages will be your best investment in the future .

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