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22. Python function (7) [Python module]


Catalog :

  • Each preface :
  • Python function ( 7、 ... and )
    • 1.1 Python modular
      • 1.1.1 import sentence
      • 1.1.2 from…import sentence
      • 1.1.3 Module search path
      • 1.1.4 dir() Find all the names defined in the module
      • 1.1.5 globals() and locals() function
      • 1.1.6 `__all__&` Import... From a package *
      • 1.1.7 `__main__`
    • Python Module to summarize :
      • ① There are several ways to import :
      • ② Code actual use :
    • Knowledge point supply station :

Each preface :

  • The authors introduce :【 Lonely and cold 】—CSDN High quality creators in the whole stack field 、HDZ Core group members 、 Huawei cloud sharing expert Python Full stack domain bloggers 、CSDN The author of the force program

  • This article has been included in Python Full stack series column :《Python Full stack basic tutorial 》
  • Popular column recommendation :《Django Framework from the entry to the actual combat 》、《 A series of tutorials from introduction to mastery of crawler 》、《 Reptile advanced 》、《 Front end tutorial series 》、《tornado A dragon + A full version of the project 》.
  • ​ This column is for the majority of program users , So that everyone can do Python From entry to mastery , At the same time, there are many exercises , Consolidate learning .
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Python function ( 7、 ... and )

1.1 Python modular

  • A module is a file that contains all the functions and variables you define , Its suffix is .py. Modules can be introduced by other programs , To use functions in the module .
  • Here is a use python Examples of modules in the standard library .
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" __author__ = Xiaoming - Code entities """
import sys
  • Output :
(base) D:\PycharmProjects\demo1>python pythonlearn/test.py
  • Modifiable PYTHONPATH environment variable , Add module search path :
(base) D:\PycharmProjects\demo1>set PYTHONPATH=.
(base) D:\PycharmProjects\demo1>python pythonlearn/test.py

1.1.1 import sentence

The grammar is as follows :

  • import module1[, module2[,... moduleN]

A module can only be imported once , No matter how many times you execute import. This prevents the import module from being executed over and over again .
When we use import At the time of statement ,Python The interpreter will look in the search path , The search path is made up of a series of directory names ,Python The interpreter looks for the introduced modules from these directories in turn .

Practical explanation :

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" __author__ = Lonely and cold """
# The import module 
from pprint import pprint
nested = [list("abcs"), list("sdff"), [1, 45, 4, 6, 7, 8], list(range(12))]
# Now you can call the functions contained in the module 

1.1.2 from…import sentence

Python Of from Statement allows you to import a specified part from a module into the current namespace .
from…import amount to java Static import of , Import only the specified part of a module
The grammar is as follows :

  • from modname import name1[, name2[, ... nameN]]

for example , To import a module datetime Of datetime function , Use the following statement :

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" __author__ = Lonely and cold """
from datetime import datetime
d = datetime.now()

and import The difference between :

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" __author__ = Lonely and cold """
import datetime
d = datetime.datetime.now()
  • As can be seen from the above example ,from…import The imported method can directly call ,import The imported method must be added with the class name .

  • It is also possible to import all the contents of a module into the current namespace , Just use the following statement :
    from modname import *

For example, we want to introduce math Everything in the module , The statement is as follows :

from math import *

1.1.3 Module search path

By default ,Python The interpreter will search the current directory 、 All installed built-in modules and third-party modules , Search paths are stored in sys Modular path variable :

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path
['', '/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pycrypto-2.6.1-py2.7-macosx-10.9-intel.egg', '/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/PIL-1.1.7-py2.7-macosx-10.9-intel.egg', ...]

If we want to add our own search directory , There are two ways :
One is direct modification sys.path, Add directory to search :

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.append('E:/demo')

This way is Modify... At run time , Failure after operation .
The second way is to set the environment variables PYTHONPATH, The contents of this environment variable will be automatically added to the module search path . Setting mode and setting Path Environment variables are similar to . Note that just add your own search path ,Python Your own search path is not affected .
for example :


1.1.4 dir() Find all the names defined in the module

dir() You can find all the names defined within the module . Return as a list of strings :

# coding=utf-8
import math

ad locum , Special string variables __name__ Point to the name of the module ,__file__ The name of the import file pointing to the module .

If there is no given parameter , that dir() The function lists all the names currently defined :

['__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'math']

1.1.5 globals() and locals() function

  • Depending on where you call ,globals() and locals() Functions can be used to return names in global and local namespace .
  • If called inside a function locals(), All the names that can be accessed in this function are returned .
  • If called inside a function globals(), All the global names that can be accessed in this function are returned .
  • The return types of both functions are dictionaries . So names can use keys() Function extraction .

1.1.6 __all__& Import... From a package *

from sound.effects import *

Will execute effects Under the bag __init__.py And import the content defined inside , If there is __all__ List variables , Then you can import the modules specified in the list .
stay :file:sounds/effects/__init__.py Contains the following code :

__all__ = ["echo", "surround", "reverse"]

This means that when you use from sound.effects import * In this way , The three sub modules in the package will be imported .

1.1.7 __main__

Python The interpreter will run the __name__ Set as __main__

if __name__=='__main__':

When we run on the command line hello Module file ,Python The interpreter takes a special variable __name__ Set as __main__, And if you import it elsewhere hello When the module ,if Judgment will fail , therefore , such if Testing allows a module to execute some extra code through the command line runtime , The most common is running tests .

Python Module to summarize :

① There are several ways to import :

from car import Car # Import this class from a module that contains only one class 
from car import ElectricCar # Import a class from a module that contains multiple classes 
from car import Car, ElectricCar # Import multiple classes from a module with multiple classes 
import car # Import the entire module We use grammar module_name.class_name Access the required classes 
from module_name import * # Import all the classes in the module ( Not recommended , If you want to use , It is recommended to import the entire module )

② Code actual use :

The first one is :

import datetime # Import the whole datetime modular 
a = datetime.datetime.now() # Get the current time 
# first datetime It's a module , the second datetime It is the class in the module ,,now() Is a method in a class 

The second kind :

from datetime import datetime # Import a class in the module 
a = datetime.now() # Just one datetime Is the class in the module 


from datetime import * # Import all classes in this module 
a = datetime.now() # Just one datetime Is the class in the module 

The third kind of :

from datetime import datetime as y # Take the alias 
a = y.now()

Knowledge point supply station :

sys.path A list for storing import paths , Similar to... In environment variables PATH
sys.argv View the current file path
__pycache__: Cache file

Example :

import sys
print(sys.path) # Under this path , You can go through import Direct import . A list of , The path in front has high priority .
# Only the paths in this list can be imported .
  • Here are two questions , You can think for yourself first , Look at the answer again :

The first question is :
If you write a file and python A module with the same name , And the file you wrote is in this directory , If you import this module directly , This directory has the highest priority , You cannot import the module that comes with it , What to do ?

resolvent : sys.path.insert(0, Pathname ), Change the path of the module you want to import to the front of the list .

The second question is :
If the module to be imported is on another disk , That is, it is not in the path list , How to import ?

sys.path.append(r' Pathname ')

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