File list :
id timestamp
1 2022-6-17 17:59
2 2022-6-17 17:59
3 2022-6-17 17:59
4 2022-6-17 17:59
5 2022-6-17 17:59
6 2022-6-19 17:38
7 2022-6-19 17:38
8 2022-6-19 17:38
9 2022-6-19 17:38
# coding:utf-8
# @Time:2022-06-20 12:28
# @Author:Kevin
# @Software:PyCharm
import sqlite3 as sl
# To get the column name / Field name
db = sl.connect('mytest.db')
cur = db.cursor()
cur.execute("select * from table_data")
col_name_list = [tuple[0] for tuple in cur.description]
# cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info(table_data)")
# print(cur.fetchall())