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Python Tkinter - common properties of 3.3 controls


3.3 Control has properties in common
tkinter There are many controls , These controls have many properties . Some properties are the same 、 Common , For the convenience of future explanation , Before we begin to introduce the controls, let's introduce these common properties .

3.3.1 A unit of length
tkinter The unit of length of is : Pixels 、 centimeter 、 mm 、 Inches and print points .

A unit of length explain Pixels The pixels of the screen . By default , Any positive integer entered will be considered as the length in pixels centimeter In centimeters . such as :width=‘1c’, Indicates that the width is 1 centimeter mm In millimeters . such as :width=‘1m’, Indicates that the width is 1 mm Inch In inches . such as :width=‘1i’, Indicates that the width is 1 Inch Print points In print points . such as :width=‘1p’, Indicates that the width is 1 Print points notes : The number of print points refers to the number of points that the printer is printing 1 How many dots can be printed in inches . stay tkinter in ,1 The length represented by the number of print points is 1 " 72 Divided 1.
import tkinter as tk
t = tk.Frame(root,width=280,height=230)
b1 = tk.Canvas(t,bg='blue',width=40,height='1i')
b2 = tk.Canvas(t,bg='blue',width=40,height='72p')

result :

explain : Two Canvas Control for , The lengths are 1 Inches and 72 Print points , You can see that they are the same length .

3.3.2 Color
tkinter Color is used in many places of . There are two ways to express color :
(1) Use the name of the color
Is to assign the color name directly to the relevant attribute . such as background='blue’ etc. .

(2) Use rgb Format
rgb It's red 、 The values of the three basic colors of green and blue , use 16 In hexadecimal format . For details, you can search the principle of three primary colors to synthesize colors .

3.3.3 typeface
So is the font tkinter Often used in .tkinter All fonts installed on the system can be used . All fonts installed in the system can be obtained through the following code :

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import font

There are three ways to define fonts :
(1) Use tuples
The tuple that defines the font can be directly assigned to the font attribute of the control . Tuples that define fonts include 3 Elements (‘ Font name ’,’ font size ’,’ Font modification ’)

The font name is any of the above results , such as ’ Song style ’,’Times’ etc. .
The font sizes are 2 There are two ways to define , Quotation marks indicate how much Point( see 3.3.1 The definition of the number of print points ), If there are no quotes , Represents the size in pixels . You can see the difference between the two font sizes .

import tkinter as tk
b=tk.Label(root,text=' font size :20 Pixels ',font=(' Song style ',20,))
p=tk.Label(root,text=' font size :20Point',font=(' Song style ','20',))

result :

There are four types of font decoration :bold、italic、underline and overstrike

notes : If you need more than one font decoration , You just need to add the required decoration definitions later . such as :
p=tk.Label(root,text=‘ Font modification ’,font=(‘ Song style ’,12,‘overstrike’,‘bold’,‘underline’,‘italic’))

(2) Use Font class
Font The method of the class is actually very similar to the first method . The difference is the introduction of Font class , The definition of font uses Font Class completion .

Font Class :

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import font
f=font.Font(family=' Song style ',size=22,slant='italic')
p=tk.Label(root,text='Font Class font ',font=f)

result :

(3)X windows
X windows You can use another method to set the font . I'm not going to expand on that , If you are interested, you can consult relevant books .

3.3.4 Anchoring (anchor)
anchor Is to define how to place the control , Generally, the space for placement is larger than the size of the control .anchor There are the following values :

anchor Value explain N Top center NE Upper right corner NW top left corner E Right center W Center left S Center bottom SE The lower right corner SW The lower left corner CENTER In the middle 3.3.5 3D effect (relief)3D The effect is used to decorate the outline of the control , There are the following :3.3.6 cursor (cursor)tkinter You can adjust the mouse cursor as needed .tkinter Built in the following cursor :
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