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How do Python crawlers make money? Six Python crawlers make money. Its not a problem to engage in sidelines


1. The most typical one is to outsource work to reptiles

The most common way for web crawlers to make money is through outsourcing websites , Do small and medium-sized crawler projects , Provide Party A with data capture , Data structure , Data cleaning and other services . Most new programmers will try this direction first , Making money directly from technology , This is the way we techies are best at , Because there are too many people bidding for the project , It's also common for crawler projects on outsourcing order receiving websites to get the price of cabbage .

And then I thought about other ways to make money

2. Crawling data to make websites

Then we started to get in touch with operations , Learn some traffic , Some ways of making money in net alliance . I admire the heat of operation , I think there are many ghost ideas ( Commendatory sense ), Always think of some ways to do traffic , But they just need technology to help , Go help with the data , Well, I was thinking, I know how to build websites , No problem grabbing data , As long as I can integrate operational skills , You can make money by yourself , So I learned a little SEO, And how to operate the community .

Start grabbing data , Make money from websites , Thousands of dollars a month , Although I don't earn much , But it doesn't need to be maintained , It's passive income . Of course, if you're not good enough at technology , Don't do it for a while , You can go to Xiaobian's column to learn xiaotiandi , There are many new tutorial projects to practice

3. Go to the stock market

It's getting older , I want to invest if I have some spare money , I went to study the American stock market , Bought a lot of American stocks , Earned some money , Just want to earn more , Just wondering if there's any way to get through IT Technical means to help , At that time, I liked to buy shopitify ( Similar to the praise in China ) This kind of high growth , Stocks with volatile stock prices in the financial reporting season . Because he is attached to facebook This kind of social network , Those are those. facebook Net red on can be used shopitify Set up shop , To sell to their fans .

therefore shopitify One of the characteristics is that the amount of discussion and related topics on social media can reflect the recent sales of the company in this quarter , This will affect its earnings this quarter , So I'll try my best facebook Grab data , Coming and going forward , The heat of history , See if the quarterly results OK, In this way, I can help my business ( Is the auxiliary , Not entirely dependent ).

At the beginning of the war, we can still , Basic income 2-3 Double principal , I'm very happy , Because of my lack of awareness of risk control , Great loss 2 Time , To vomit blood . That's why it confirms that sentence , The stock market is risky , Cautious entry .

4. College students

It's better to major in mathematics or computer science , If the programming ability is OK , A little bit of reptile knowledge , Mainly related to a language crawler Library 、html analysis 、 Content storage, etc , Complex needs to be understood URL Weight removal 、 Simulated Login 、 Verification code recognition 、 Multithreading 、 agent 、 Mobile end grabbing, etc . Because the engineering experience of the students in school is less , It is suggested to find some items with a small amount of data , Don't pick up some monitoring projects 、 Or large-scale capture of the project . take your time , Don't take too big a step .

5. On the job

If you're a crawler engineer yourself , Making money is easy . If you're not , It doesn't matter . Just do it IT Of , It shouldn't be hard to learn a little bit about reptiles .

The advantage of employees is that they are familiar with the project development process , Engineering experience , The difficulty of a task 、 Time 、 Reasonable assessment of costs . Try to find some large-scale capture tasks 、 Monitoring task 、 Mobile simulation login and capture tasks , I'd like to make a considerable profit .

6. Independent we media number

Do the official account 、 We-Media 、 Independent blog , learn Python More and more people are writing about reptiles , Many of them are non computer majors . So use it Python The need to write about crawlers has increased , More practical work experience , Can write more tutorials and learning experience summary .

summary : That's learning python Reptile related money making ideas and methods .

Python Experience sharing

Learn from good examples Python Whether it's employment or sideline, it's good to make money , But learn to Python Still have a learning plan . Finally, let's share a complete set of Python Learning materials , For those who want to learn Python Let's have a little help !

Python Learning route

Here is the Python The commonly used technical points have been sorted out , There is a summary of knowledge points in various fields , You can find the corresponding learning resources according to the above knowledge points .

Learning software

Python Common development software , It will save you a lot of time .

Learning video

Programming learning must watch more videos , Combine books and videos to get twice the result with half the effort .

100 Exercises

Practical cases

Optical theory is useless , When learning programming, never talk on paper , Be sure to practice , Apply what you have learned to practice .

Finally, I wish you progress every day !!

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