1. Execution between threads is out of order ,cpu Execute the thread that is scheduled ;
2. The main thread waits for all child threads to finish before ending , Setting the daemon thread can realize that when the main thread ends, the child thread ends immediately ;
3. Setting up the guardian thread :1.threading.Thread(daemon=True),2. Thread object .setDaemon(True);
4. Sharing global variables between threads , There is a problem of resource competition .
Execution between threads is out of order ,cpu Execute the thread that is scheduled
The main thread will wait for all child threads to finish before ending , Setting the daemon thread can realize that when the main thread ends, the child thread ends immediately
Setting up the guardian thread :1.threading.Thread(daemon=True),2. Thread object .setDaemon(True)
Sharing global variables between threads , There is a problem of resource competition
# The import module ( Module name .py, Package name init.py)
import threading
import time
def task1(count):
# Get the current thread object
# t=threading.current_thread()
# print('Task1_name:',t.name)
for i in range(count):
print('Task A ',i+1)
def task2(content,count):
print('Task2_name:', threading.current_thread().name)
for i in range(count):
print(f'{content}__Task B ',i+1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set the second way to guard the main thread
# t1.setDaemon(True)
t1.join() # Blocking function ,t1 Execute downward only after execution
# t2.join()
print('Main thread over')