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Hello, guys , I'm your friend Little bear .
Today, I continue to share with you that I spent nearly 2 Weeks to sort out Python Third party libraries that manipulate databases .
Python It is a very popular programming language in recent years , Use with database , It can help you deal with large-scale data quickly . So you know How to use it? python To manipulate the database Do you ? Now let Xiaobian take you to use python To open the door to the database , Explore the mysteries of the database .
1. cx_Oracle
apply :Oracle database
Official website :
advantage :cx_Oracle Support Python visit Oracle database . It conforms to Python Database APIv2.0 standard , Contains a lot of additions and some exclusions .
2. pymysql
apply :MySOL database
Official website :
advantage :Python in pymysql The module obtains mysql Database command line cursors execute database commands to perform database operations , Grammar is simple , It is easy to operate .
3. SQLAlchmy
apply :MySOL database ,sqlServer database ,Oracle database
Official website :
advantage :SQLAlchemy It's an open source software , Provides SQL Toolkits and object relationships (ORM Tools , sqlalchemy Very concerned about the magnitude and performance of the database .
4. psycopg2
apply :Postpresql database
Official website :
advantage : At present, it is the database that supports the most abundant data types in the world , yes Full function free software database , Is the only support transaction 、 Subquery 、 Multi version parallel control system 、 Unique for data integrity checking and other features .
5. pymongo
apply :MongoDB database
Official website :
advantage : Document storage , Efficient binary BSON As data storage , Rich query language for documents .
6. ibm_db
apply :Db2 database
Official website :
advantage :IBM Invented relational database and its optimization technology , The parallel version supports bitmap indexing and object relations with good performance , Easy to use .
7. redis
apply :Redis database
Official website :
advantage :Redis It's open source (BSD The license ), Memory storage data structure server , It can be used as a database , Caching and message queuing agents .
8. sqlite3
apply :SQLite database
Official website :
advantage : yes Lightweight disk based relational databases , Because of its lightweight 、 Easy to operate , The database has become the first choice for programs with small data scale .
9. win32com.client
apply :Access database
Official website :
advantage : yes Office One of a series of application software . It provides a table 、 Inquire about 、 forms 、 report form 、 page 、 macro 、 modular 7 An object used to build a database system ; Provides a variety of wizards 、 generator 、 Templates , Store data 、 Data query 、 Interface design 、 Report generation and other operations are standardized .
10. pycassa
apply :Cassandra database
Official website :
advantage : Format flexibility , Like adding or removing fields when the document is stored in the system , True high scalability , Multi data center identification .
11. thrift
apply :HBase database
Official website :
advantage :Thrift For data transmission 、 serialize , And application layer processing provides clean abstraction . Using this abstract stack .
12. pyodbc
apply :Sybase database ,Access database ,MySOL database ,sqlServer database
Official website :
advantage : It's based on the customer / Database of server architecture , Open database , Applicable to the data environment with a large amount of data , It's easy to operate , It's easier to manage .
13. happybase
apply :NoSql database ,HBase database
Official website :
advantage : performance NOSQL It's based on key value pairs , You can imagine the correspondence between the primary key and the value in the table , can Extensibility is also due to key value pairs , There is no coupling between the data .
14. Py2neo
apply :Neo4j database
Official website :
advantage :neo4j At present, it is the mainstream of graph database ,neo4j Of cypher The grammar is simple and intuitive .
15. Sqlanydb
apply :SQLAnywhere database ,Sybase database
Official website :
advantage : By SAP Relational database management system . It can run on many popular platforms , And in a number of cases uses like an embedded database and database server .
16. IfxPy
apply :Infomix database
Official website :
advantage : Improve database performance 、 Enhance database manageability and flexibility of application development , Space will be used more efficiently .
17. Cloudant
apply :Cloudant database
Official website :
advantage : It can efficiently handle high load in the cloud 、 Powerful features of highly concurrent read and write , Used in text analysis projects based on large-scale data .
18. Couchbase
apply :Couchbase database
Official website :
advantage :couchbase The essence is to rely on memory to maximize the reduction of hard disk I/O Negative impact on throughput , So its reading and writing speed is very fast ,Couchbase Added support for asynchronous persistence .
19. Memcached
apply :Memcached database
Official website :
advantage :Memcached Running as a daemon on one or more servers , Accept client connection at any time .
20. Couchdb
apply :CouchDB database
Official website :
advantage :CouchDB It's a NoSQL database , Document storage can be tracked . The document is the primary unit of data uniquely named for each field , And contains values of various data types .
These are all databases , stay python Module of each database in , Some modules can operate many databases , We can go through these python Module to connect to these databases , So as to achieve the purpose of python Knowledge to deal with databases , Achieve high efficiency , Fast work efficiency .
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