picture source :https://blog.csdn.net/alzzw/article/details/98100378. among k
For the number of barrels ,n
Is the size to be sorted .
O ( 1 ) < O ( l o g n ) < O ( n ) < O ( n l o g n ) < O ( n 2 ) < O ( n 3 ) < O ( 2 n ) < O ( n ! ) < O ( n n ) O(1)< O(logn)< O(n)< O(nlogn)< O(n^2)< O(n^3)< O(2^n) < O(n! )< O(n^n) O(1)<O(logn)<O(n)<O(nlogn)<O(n2)<O(n3)<O(2n)<O(n!)<O(nn)
【 Sorting algorithm C++ and Python Realization 】 Insertion sort
【 Sorting algorithm C++ and Python Realization 】 Exchange sort
【 Sorting algorithm C++ and Python Realization 】 Selection sort
【 Sorting algorithm C++ and Python Realization 】 Merge sort ( Merge sort )
【 Sorting algorithm C++ and Python Realization 】 Assign sort —— Radix sorting
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