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Getting started with Python - basic syntax


Basic grammar

Hello world!

Python  Lower output Hello world! Let's write it as follows . The extension of the file is .py( for example : test.py).

print "Hello world!"


however , stay Python 3 Next , This writing is wrong . It should be written as follows .( later , Basic it is Python 2.7 To illustrate .)

print("Hello world!")


After completion , Execute the following command .

python test.py


stay Python  in , Statements are separated by line breaks .

for example :

print "Hello"
print "World"


similar Perl and PHP Writing , Use semicolon (;) Separation is also OK .

a = 5; b = 3; c = a + b
print c


Statement to separate multiple lines of description , Use a backslash at the end of the line (\) To express .

total = 123 \
+ 456 \
+ 789


(...), [...], {...}  Inside (,) The situation of (\) It can be omitted .

months = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr',
'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug',
'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ]


notes (#)

from (#) To the end of the line is the comment content .

print "Hello" # Helloと Express します

“\” You can't comment later .

total = 123 \ #  This annotation method is wrong 
+ 456 # Here is the correct note


comma (,) You can write notes later .

months = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', # You can write notes
'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', # You can write notes
'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ]


Perl, PHP adopt { ... } Represents a code block ,Python The bottom line is indented at the beginning of the line to indicate , Lines with the same number of spaces at the beginning of a line are treated as the same code block .

a = 3
if a == 5:
print "AAA" # if Code block of statement
print "BBB" # if Code block of statement
print "CCC" #  Do not belong to if Code block of statement 

The indentation at the beginning of a line is usually used 4 A space .tab It's fine too .

[ blank ][ blank ][TAB]print "AAA" # 8 Blank text 

code (coding:)

It contains Chinese characters ,ASCII Outside the text of the script 1 OK or the second 2 That's ok , Specify the encoding type as follows . Ignore case .

# coding: utf-8
print "Hello world" # Here you can enter noon and other non ASCII The characters of .

Consider and Emacs The following wording is also accepted .

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Other coding types are :

# coding: utf-8
# coding: Shift_JIS
# coding: EUC-JP
# coding: cp932

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