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Generator of python3 advanced features (IV)



Concept of generator

Create one of the generators

Create generator two

Create generator three

The execution process of the generator

Concept of generator

Generated by list , We can create a list directly . however , Limited by memory , List capacity must be limited .

and , Create a containing 100 List of ten thousand elements , It takes up a lot of storage space , If we just need to access the first few elements , Most of the space occupied by the elements behind that is wasted .

therefore , If list elements can be calculated by some algorithm , Then can we constantly calculate the following elements in the process of circulation ? So you don't have to create a complete list, To save a lot of space .

stay Python in , This kind of mechanism of calculating while cycling , It's called a generator :generator. The generator object is an iterator : But it has a few more methods than iterator objects , They include send Method ,throw Methods and close Method . These methods , It is mainly used for external interaction with generator objects .

Create one of the generators

To create a generator, There are many ways . The first method is simple , Just put a list into a generative [] Change to (), You create a generator:

L = [x * x for x in range(10)]  # List generator 

The result is :[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

g = (x * x for x in range(10))  # generator 

<generator object <genexpr> at 0x1022ef630>

establish L and g The difference is only in the outermost [] and (),L It's a list, and g It's a generator.: Can pass next() Function to obtain generator Next return value of , The instruction throws an exception :“StopIteration”


The result is :0

next(g) ,# And so on 

Traceback (most recent call last):File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>StopIteration

We talked about ,generator The saved algorithm , Every time you call next(g), Just figure it out g The value of the next element of , Until the last element , Without more elements , Throw out StopIteration Error of .

Create generator two

Can pass for Loop creation generator , because generator It's also an iterative object :

g = (x * x for x in range(10))
for n in g:

therefore , Created a generator after , Basically through for Loop to iterate over it , And don't care StopIteration Error of .

Create generator three

generator Very powerful . If the algorithm is complex , Using something like list generation for When the loop doesn't work , You can also use functions to implement . such as , The famous fiboracci series (Fibonacci), Except for the first and second numbers , Any number can be obtained by adding the first two numbers :1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ..., Fiboracci series can't be written in tabular form , however , It's easy to print it out with a function :

def fib(max):
    n, a, b = 0, 0, 1
    while n < max:
        a, b = b, a + b
        n = n + 1
    return 'done'

Be careful , Assignment statement :

a, b = b, a + b

amount to :

t = (b, a + b)  # t It's a tuple
a = t[0]
b = t[1]

Artifact : You can assign values without explicitly writing out temporary variables .

The function above can output the first part of Fibonacci sequence N Number :


Observe carefully , It can be seen that ,fib Function actually defines the calculation rules of fiboracci sequence , You can start with the first element , Extrapolate any subsequent elements , This logic is very similar generator, But it's not generator.

hold fib Functions into generator, Only need to print(b) Change it to yield b That's all right. :

def fib(max):
    n, a, b = 0, 0, 1
    while n < max:
        yield b
        a, b = b, a + b
        n = n + 1
    return 'done'

That's the definition generator Another way . If a function definition contains yield keyword , So this function is no longer a normal function , It is a generator:

f = fib(6)

<generator object fib at 0x104feaaa0>

The execution process of the generator

The hardest thing to understand is generator It's not the same as the execution flow of a function . Functions are executed sequentially , encounter return Statement or the last line of function statement returns . And become generator Function of , On each call next() When it comes to execution , encounter yield Statement returns , From the last returned... When executing again yield Statement to continue execution .

A simple example , Define a generator, Return the numbers one by one 1,3,5:

def odd():
    print('step 1')
    yield 1
    print('step 2')
    print('step 3')

Call the generator when , The first thing to do is to generate a generator object , And then use next() The function continues to get the next return value :

 o = odd()
#step 1
#step 2
#step 3
#Traceback (most recent call last):File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>StopIteration

You can see ,odd It's not a normal function , It is generator, In the process of execution , encounter yield Just interrupt , Next time, we will continue to implement . perform 3 Time yield after , No more yield It can be carried out , therefore , The first 4 Secondary call next(o) Just report a mistake . Change the function to generator after , Basically never use next() To get the next return value , But directly for Loop to iterate :

 for n in fib(6):

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