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Using Python to write mail sending module



Mail history ...

  • origin

    • It is a development of communication , Too lazy to type, omitted , Check later

  • Management procedure

    • Some email companies that make email popular

Mail workflow

  • MUA(MailUserAgent) Email user agent

  • MTA(MailTransferAgent) Mail transfer agent

  • MDA(MailDeliveryAgent) Mail delivery agent

  • technological process

    • MUT->MTA

    • qq MTA->...........................->sina MTA

    • sina MTA->.........................->sina MDA

    • sina MDA->MUA(FoxMail/outlook) Download email to local computer

  • Programming

    • send out MUA->MTA agreement

    • receive MTA->MDA agreement

  • preparation

    • Sign up for email

    • Third party mailbox settings

      • Enter the setting Center

      • Get authorization code

      • Case study 07 Send a plain text email ‘

      • import smtplib
        from email.mime.text import MIMEText
        #MIMEText The main parameters of are 3 individual
        #1. Email content
        #2.MIME subtypes , Here with plain representative text File format
        #3. The encoding format of the message
        msg = MIMEText(' This is an email in text format ','plain','utf-8')
        # send out email The address of , Need to change to the corresponding email address
        from_addr = '[email protected]'
        # Authorization code , Most mailboxes use third-party software , You need to verify the key , This does not refer to the password of the mailbox
        from_pwd = 'XXXXXXXXXXX'
        # The recipient
        to_addr = '[email protected]'
        # Input smtplib Server address
        # There are different values according to different mail service providers
        # At present, almost any email service provider needs to start the service when opening the third-party email
        #TX QQ Mailbox smtplib Address time smtplib.qq.com
        smtp_srv = 'smtplib.qq.com'
        srv = smtplib.SNTP_SSL(smtp_srv.encode(),465) # there 465 when QQ Port of mailbox
        # Log in to email , Any mailbox must be logged in before use
        # Send E-mail
        # Three parameters , Sending address , Accepted address ( When necessary list Format ), String format when sending content
        except Exception as e:


  • Python for mail

    • SMTP The protocol is responsible for sending emails

      • Use Email Module build mail - Plain text cases V07

      • HTML Send by email

        • Get ready HTML Code as content

        • Put the mail subtype Set to html

        • send out

        • Case list V08

        • import smtplib
          from email.mime.text import MIMEText
          #MIMEText The main three parameters of
          #1. Email content
          #2.MIME Format of subtypes Here HTML So it is html
          #3. The encoding format of the message
          msg_content = """
          <!DOCTYPE html>
          <html lang="en">
          <meta charset="UTF-8">
          <h1> This is a letter HTML Format message </h1>
          # The address where the mail is sent
          from_addr = '[email protected]'
          # Password to send email
          from_pwd = 'XXXXXXXXXXx'
          # The recipient
          to_addr = '[email protected]'
          # Input SMTP Server address
          smtp_srv = 'smtp.qq.com'
          srv = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtp_srv.encode(),465)
          # Log in to email
          # Send E-mail
          srv.sendemail = (from_addr,[to_addr],msg_content.as_toString())
          except Exception as e:


      • Send email with attachments

        • It can be seen as a combination of a text message and an attachment

        • Need to use MIMEltaipart Format construction

        • Add one MIMEBase perhaps MEME text As an attachment

        • Case list V09

        • import smtplib
          from email.mime.text import MIMEText
          from email.mime.text import MIMEBase,MIMMultipart # Use... When building the base message
          mail_mul = MIMEMulipart()
          # Build message body
          main_text = MIMEText(" This is the body of the message ",'plain','utf-8')
          # Attach the constructed body to the message
          # Build attachments , Need to read in from the local
          # Open a local file
          with open('a.txt','rb') as f:
          s = f.read()
          # Set attachment's MIME file name
          m = MIMEText(s,'base64','utf-8')
          m['Content-Type'] = 'application.octet-stream'
          # Need to pay attention to
          #1.attachment The semicolon after is in English
          #2.filename English package is required at the back , Note that the outside quotation marks are staggered
          m['Content-Dispostion'] = 'attachment;filename="a.txt"'
          # add to MIMEMultipation
          # Send E-mail
          from_addr = '[email protected]'
          from_pwd = 'XXXXXXXXx'
          to_addr = '[email protected],com'
          smtp_srv = 'sntp.qq.com'
          srv = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtp_srv.encode(),465)
          # Log in to email
          except Exception as e:


      • Add headers , CC and other information

        • mail['From'] Indicates the sender's information , Include name and email

        • mail['To'] Indicates the recipient's information , Include name and email address

        • mail['Subject'] Represents a summary or subject information

        • Case study V10

      • Support at the same time html and text Format

        • Construct a MIMEMultipart Format message

        • MIMEMultipart Of subtype Set to alterbalive

        • add to html Document and text file

        • import smtplib
          from email.mime.text import MIMEText
          from email,mime.multipart import MIMEMUltipart
          # Construct a MIMEMultipart mail
          msg = MIMEMultapart('alternative')
          # Construct a HTML Message content in different formats
          html_content = """
          <!DOCTYPE html>
          <html lang="en">
          <meta charset="UTF-8">
          <h1> This is a letter HTML Format message </h1>
          msg_html = MIMEText(html_content,'html','utf-8')
          # Build a message in text format
          msg_text = MIMEText(" This is a message in text format ",'plain','utf-8')
          from_addr = '[email protected]'
          from_pwd = 'XXXXX'
          to_addr = "[email protected]"
          smtp_srv = 'smtp.qq.com'
          srv = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtp_srv.encode(),465)
          except Exception as e:


      • Use smtplib Module send mail

    • POP3 Agreement to accept email

      • In essence, it is from MDA To MTA A process of

      • from MDA The download is a complete email structure , Each band that requires parsing ability has

      • step :

        • 1. use poplib Download the original content of the email structure

          • 1. Prepare the corresponding content ( The content of the email , password .pop3 example )

          • 2. Authentication

          • 3. Generally, you will get the whole list of mail in the mailbox first

          • 4. According to the corresponding serial number , Get the data stream of a letter

          • 5. Use the analytic function to analyze the corresponding email structure

        • 2.emai Analyze the specific content of the email

          • Case study V12

          • # Import related packages
            #poplib Responsible for relevant MDA To MUA The download
            import poplib
            from email.parser import Parser
            from email.header import decode_header
            from email.utils import parseaddr
            # Get the original content of the email
            # This process is mainly responsible for MDA belt MUA Download and use Parse A rough analysis
            def getMsg():
            # Prepare the corresponding information
            email = '[email protected]'
            # Email authorization code
            pwd = 'pwd'
            #pop3 The server address of Default port 995
            pop3_srv = 'pop.qq.com'
            #SSL For safe passage
            srv = poplib.POP3_SSL(pop3_srv)
            #user representative Email Address
            #pass_ Representative password
            # The following operations are used according to the business content
            #stat Return the number of messages and the space occupied
            # Be careful stat Return to one tuple Format
            msgs,counts = srv.stat()
            #list Returns a list of all mail numbers
            #malis Return to the list of all mail numbers
            rsp,mails,octets = srv.list()
            # You can view the return mails The list is similar to
            # Get the latest email , Be careful , The index number of the message is from 1 Start , The latest email has the highest index number
            index = len(mails)
            #retr Responsible for returning the contents of a letter with a specific index number , This content is not readable
            #lines Store each line of the highest original text of the message
            rsp,lines,octets = srv.retr(index)
            # Get the original text of the entire message
            msg_count = b'\r\n'.join(lines).decode('utf8')
            # Parse out the entire structure of the mail
            # Parameter is used to decode the whole mail
            msg = Parser().parsestr(msg_count)
            # Close links
            return msg
            # Explain the contents of the email in detail
            #msg Represents the original content of the message
            #idnent It represents the nesting level of mail
            def parseMsg(msg,indent=0):
            1. Messages can be completely nested
            2. There's only one mail From,To,Subject Information like that
            :param msg:
            :param indent: Describe several emails in the email MIMEXXX Type of content , Indent when showing
            # Find a way to extract header information
            # Only in the first level of mail will there be relevant information content
            # There's only one thing about this
            if indent == 0:
            for header in ['From','To','Subject']:
            # Use get Can avoid if there is no relevant keyword error possibility
            # If there are no keywords “From" In the use of msg["From"] When an error
            value = msg.get(header,'')
            if value:
            #Subject You can decode the contents of , He's a string type
            if header == 'Subject':
            value = decodeStr(value)
            # If it is From and To Field , Then the content is about ‘ My mailbox <[email protected]>’ This format
            hdr,addr = parseaddr(value)
            name = decodeStr(hdr)
            # The final return type is as follows “ My email is <[email protected]>”
            value = "{0}<{1}>.".format(name,addr)
            # Next, focus on the email content itself
            # In the content of the email , It could be multipart type , It could also be a normal mail type
            # The following parsing uses a recursive method
            if (msg.is_multipart()):
            # If it is multipart Type calls recursive interpretation
            # Get a base mail part of multipart mail
            parts = msg.get_payload()
            #enumerate Functions are built-in functions
            # The function is to put a list , Here is parts, Generate an index and parts The list generated by the original content
            # for example :enumerate(['a','b','c']) The result is :[(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')]
            for n,part in enumerate(parts):
            # Multiplying a string by a number means that the string is n Double expansion
            # for example ("aa"*2) = 'aaaa'
            print("{0}spart:{1}".format(' '*indent,n))
            else:# The base type
            #get_content_type It's a system function , Get the type of content
            content_type = msg.get_content_type()
            #text/plain, Or is it text/html It's a fixed value
            if content_type == 'text/plain' or content_type == 'text/html':
            content = msg.get_payload(decode=True)
            charset = gussCharset(msg)
            if charset:
            content = content.decode(charset)
            else:# It's not text content , It should be an attachment
            def decodeStr(s):
            s Represents... In an email from,to,Subject Any one of the
            Yes s decode , Decoding is the inverse process of encoding
            :param s:
            value,charset = decode_header(s)[0]
            #charset It could be empty
            if charset:
            # If you specify the encoding , Decode with the specified encoding format
            value = value.decode(charset)
            return value
            def gussCharset(msg):
            Guess the encoding format of the message
            :param msg:
            # Call a ready-made function
            charset = msg.get_charset()
            if charset is None:
            # Find the corresponding content type and convert it to lowercase
            content_type = msg.get("Content-Type","").lower()
            pos = content_type.find('charset=')
            if pos > 0:
            # If you include charset, The content is charset=XXX
            charset = content_type[pos+8:].strip()
            return charset
            if __name__ == '__main__':
            # Get the original content of the email
            msg = getMsg()
            # Accurately parse the contents of the email


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