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137 pages of Python learning notes. A comprehensive summary is enough


Python As one of the most popular programming languages , It has been popular in the past few years , And there are even more trends . Not only attracted many industry insiders , People outside the circle have also joined the study Python In the camp of .
But many friends are Study Python when , Direct call : It's too hard , be unable to learn how to do sth. ! that Python How to learn ? How to turn a boring tutorial into easy to understand ?
Today, I would like to share with you a piece of Python Learning notes ,137 Page super full summary , Integrate a core knowledge point into one chapter , More organized and refined , It is convenient for everyone to have a thorough understanding Python difficulty , Good for beginners .
Because there is so much , Here is a part of the picture . All the materials have been packed !


Every Knowledge point There are navigation bookmarks on the left , It's very convenient to watch , Because there is so much , Here is a part of the picture . Readers who need help can point to praise and support , At the end of the article !!
Content display :


This manual is for many small partners , Now and in the near future , This is definitely learning python A good choice for , Novel way . Converge python Quality article notes , It's equivalent to python Knowledge is a systematic integration .
Because there is so much , Here is a part of the picture .

In this series of videos 400 Set , This video is divided into 3 season :
Season one 【 The basic chapter 】Python Basics (115 Set )
Season two 【 Improve 】Python Go deep and expand (100 Set )
Season 3 【 Extensions 】 Network programming 、 Multithreading 、 expanded memory bank (85 Set )
Fourth Season 【 Master 】 Algorithm 、Python Source code 、 Functional programming 、 Manual implementation of neural networks (100 Set )


The above python Learning knowledge and packaging are finished , If you need a partner, you can get it by yourself !

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