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What can I do after learning Python?


Python What language is it ?

Python Is a computer programming language . You may have heard of many popular programming languages , For example, it's very difficult to learn C Language , Very popular Java Language , Suitable for beginners Basic Language , Suitable for Web Programming Java Language, etc. ,Python It's one of them .

First , Let's popularize the basic knowledge of programming language . Develop programs in any programming language , It's all about getting the computer to do the work , Like downloading a MP3, Write a document, etc , Computers do the work CPU Recognize only machine instructions , therefore , Although different programming languages vary greatly , In the end “ translate ” become CPU Machine instructions that can be executed . And different programming languages , Do the same job , Amount of code written , There's a big gap .

such as , Complete the same task ,C Language to write 1000 Line code ,Java You just need to write 100 That's ok , and Python May be as long as 20 That's ok .

therefore Python It's a pretty advanced language .

Study Python Is it difficult? ? Is it that the lower the level of the program, the more difficult it is to learn , The more advanced the program, the simpler it is ?

On the surface , Yes .

however , In very high abstract Computing , advanced Python Programming is also very difficult to learn , therefore , High level programming language is not equal to simple .

however , For beginners and to complete common tasks ,Python Language is very easy to use .

use Python What can be done ?

Can do daily tasks , Like automatically backing up your MP3;

You can make websites , Many famous websites like Zhihu 、YouTube Namely Python Written ;

Can do the backstage of network game , A lot of online game backstage is Python Developed .

In a word, I can do a lot of things !

Python Of course, there are also things you can't do ,

Like writing an operating system , This can only be used C Language writing ;

Write mobile apps , Only use Objective-C( in the light of iPhone) and Java( in the light of Android);

Write 3D game , It is best to C or C++.

Many large websites use Python Developed , for example YouTube、Instagram, There are also domestic Douban .

Many large websites use Python Developed , for example YouTube、Instagram, There are also domestic Douban .

A lot of big companies , Include Google、Yahoo etc. , even to the extent that NASA( NASA ) They all use a lot of Python.

If I were Xiaobai , What conditions can I meet to learn Python Well ?

  • Can use computer , But I've never written a program ;
  • Remember junior high school mathematics equations and a little algebra knowledge ;
  • Want to become a professional software architect from programming Xiaobai ;

If I were Xiaobai , learn Python What to prepare ?

Study Python An essential one must be a tool , One is the encoder , One is the interpreter :

The encoder is Python. at present ,Python There are two versions , One is 2.x edition , One is 3.x edition , The two versions are not compatible , Because now Python It's heading towards 3.x Version evolution , In the process of evolution , A large number of 2.x Version of the code to be modified before running , therefore , At present, there are many third-party libraries that are not available in 3.x Upper use .

IDE Tools .IDE Integrated development environment ( abbreviation IDE) Software is an application program for a programming environment , Generally including code editor 、 compiler 、 Debugger and GUI tools .

The tools commonly used are :

Pycharm: PyCharm It's a kind of Python IDE, With a complete set can help users in using Python A tool to improve the efficiency of language development , Such as debugging 、 Syntax highlighting 、Project management 、 Code jump 、 Smart tips 、 Done automatically 、 unit testing 、 version control .

IDLE: Idle It's pure. Python Next use Tkinter It's pretty basic IDE.

Ipython: ipython It's a python The interactive shell, Than the default pythonshell Much easier to use .

learn Python What can we do after graduation ?

Operation and maintenance 、web Development 、 application development 、 big data 、 data mining 、 Scientific Computing 、 machine learning 、 Artificial intelligence 、 natural language processing …… You can write long, long ……

python The major is divided into two courses :

Python Development : Focus on testing 、 Operation and maintenance direction , The course covers network programming 、 Database operation 、 Web crawler 、 network monitoring 、 automated testing 、 Automatic operation and maintenance, etc Python The most mainstream technology .

Python+ big data : namely Python Enterprise development and big data operation and maintenance , As a seamless language with big data operation and maintenance , Python+ Big data is the real big data .

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