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[using Python to implement algorithm] 01 language features


【 Use  Python  Implementation algorithm 】 Catalog

  • 01  Linguistic characteristics
  • 02  Native types and built-in functions

Recently joined the question brushing group organized by colleagues in the company , Will attend regularly  LeetCode  And so on .
As a senior  Pythonist, I always use  Python  To achieve a variety of algorithm problems .Python  It also provides some good language features 、 Built in functions and standard libraries to more efficiently and concisely write the code implementation of various algorithms .
This series of blogs is for my personal use  Python  Work and brush some use of the experience summary  Python  Some skills for implementing various algorithms .
As the first article in the series , The theme of this issue is  Python  Language characteristics of .

Deconstruct assignment

Swapping the values of two variables is a very common scenario , stay  C  and  C++ In language , We need to use a temporary variable . The code will be lengthy , And there will be a small performance overhead .
int tmp = x;
int x = y;
int y = x;

utilize  Python  The property of deconstruction and assignment , We can use an assignment statement to exchange the values of two variables .
x, y = y, x

In the implementation of the algorithm , A common use of deconstruction assignment is to initialize multiple variables at once .
ans, total, n = 0, 0, len(lst)

Python  The deconstruction assignment of can also be used in  for  In circulation .
points = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
for x, y in points:

We can also use some more complex deconstruction assignment statements .
(x, y), z = (1, 2), 3
assert (x, y, z) == (1, 2, 3)

first, *rest = list(range(5))
assert (first, rest) == (0, [1, 2, 3, 4])

List derivation

Use declarative list derivation syntax instead of imperative  for  loop , The code is more readable , And has a certain performance improvement (Python  The interpreter has special optimizations for list derivations ).
# find first num in list nums which test(a) is True

def first(nums: list[int], test: Callable[[int], bool]) -> int:
 for num in nums:
 if test(num):
 return num

def first(nums: list[int], test: Callable[[int], bool]) -> int:
 return next(num for num in nums if test(num))


Defining a generator function can avoid maintaining a mutable list in many cases ( Or other containers ), Make the code simpler .
class TreeNode:
 val: int
 left: Optional["TreeNode"] = None
 right: Optional["TreeNode"] = None

#  Common implementation of the preorder traversal
def preorder(root: TreeNode | None) -> list[int]:
 ans = []

 def dfs(root: TreeNode | None) -> None:
 if not root:


 return ans

#  Preorder traversal of the generator version
def preorder(root: TreeNode | None) -> list[int]:
 def dfs(root: TreeNode | None) -> Generator[int, None, None]:
 if not root:
 yield root.val
 yield from dfs(root.left)
 yield from dfs(root.right)

 return list(dfs(root))

Structural pattern matching

Structured pattern matching is  Python 3.10  New features , With this feature, you can write more elegant code .
#  A conceptual implementation of quicksort
def quicksort(arr: list[int]) -> list[int]:
 match arr:
 case first,:
 return [first]
 case first, second:
 return [first, second] if first <= second else [second, first]
 case first, *rest:
 return (
 quicksort([num for num in rest if num <= first])
 + [first]
 + quicksort([num for num in rest if num > first])

The above is what I think can effectively help to realize the algorithm  Python  Linguistic characteristics , If used reasonably, it can write more efficient and concise algorithms for all kinds of algorithms 、 Readable  Python  Code implementation .
The next blog will cover some  Python  The ingenious role of built-in types and built-in functions in algorithm implementation .
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