Huawei machine test of Niuke network (
According to the difficulty, it can be divided into introductory , Simple , secondary , difficult , Five levels of difficulty
HJ7 Take an approximation
n = float(input())
res = lambda x:int(x+0.5)
HJ9 Extract non duplicate integers
After extracting the input string, invert it , When sorting, directly press ls1 To arrange in order
ls1 = list(input()[::-1])
ls2 = list(set(ls1))
HJ46 Intercepting string
String slice
str1 = input()
n = int(input())
HJ58 Input n It's an integer , Output the smallest of them k individual
map() Function is to initialize n,k And in the list str The type is int type
The last output *nums[:k] It's right num[:k] Unpacking .
n, k = map(int, input().split())
nums = sorted(list(map(int, input().split())))
HJ101 Enter an integer array and sort ID , Sort its elements in ascending or descending order
Is still map() Function conversion type ,sort() Function order ,* Unpack list .
n = int(input())
ls1 = list(map(int,input().split()))
flag = int(input())
if flag == 0:
elif flag == 1:
HJ1 The length of the last word in the string
ls1 = input().split()
HJ2 Count the number of occurrences of a character
count function
str1 = input()
str2 = input()
Counter class
from collections import Counter
str1 = input().lower()
str2 = input().lower()
s = Counter(str1)
if str2 in str1:
for loop
str1 = input().lower()
str2 = input().lower()
count = 0
for i in str1:
if str2 == i:
HJ4 String delimitation
ljust() Function is a fill function ,str1.ljust(8,“0”) It means to let str1 Align left , Insufficient 8 The remaining bits are used 0 fill
str1 = input()
while len(str1)>8:
str1 = str1[8:]
HJ5 Hexadecimal conversion
Hexadecimal conversion 10 Base number
str1 = input()
HJ6 Prime factor
Find the prime factor of an integer ,180 = 22335,2 2 3 3 5 Namely 180 The quality factor of
1 No qualitative factor ,2 The prime factor of is itself
math.sqrt(n) Is a number squared , The minimum prime number of a number is 2, The maximum does not exceed the square root
% It's surplus ,// It's a division
import math
n = int(input())
for i in range(2,int(math.sqrt(n))+1):
while n%i == 0:
print(i,end=' ')
n = n//i
if n >= 2:
print(n,end=' ')
HJ8 Consolidated statement records
dicc[i] = dicc.get(i,0) + j It means to dicc The key i Value , If it cannot be obtained, it means that the key does not exist and the default value is obtained 0, therefore dicc[i] = 0+j . If key i There is , Take out the value if it is 10, So give it again dicc[i] assignment 10+j
sorted(dict) The operation dictionary type also returns a list , But the default is an incrementing list of keys .
num = int(input())
dicc = {
for n in range(num):
i,j = list(map(int,input().split()))
dicc[i] = dicc.get(i,0) + j
for k in sorted(dicc):
k} {
HJ10 Character count
str1 = input()
HJ11 The numbers are upside down
Number inversion is easy to do with string slicing
The following is an array , The idea is to calculate str(num) The length of , Add the characters after the string to the front of the list , Then the output
nums = str(input())
i = len(nums) - 1
ans = []
while i>=0:
res = ''.join(ans)
HJ12 String inversion
str1 = str(input())
HJ13 The sentence is in reverse order
Slice inverted list
list = input().split()
print(' '.join(list[::-1]))
reserve() Functions invert the list
list = input().split()
print(' '.join(list))
HJ14 String sort
n = int(input())
lst = []
for i in range(n):
for i in lst:
HJ15 seek int When a type positive integer is stored in memory 1 The number of
This is actually a decimal conversion binary , Then find the number of occurrences of a character in the string
n = int(input())
n = bin(n)
Of course, you can also change the method of base conversion and the method of character occurrence times
n = int(input())
lst = []
while n != 0:
n = n//2
count = 0
for i in lst:
if i==1:
HJ21 Simple code
str1 = str(input())
dicc = {
lst = []
for i in str1:
if i.isdigit():
elif i.isupper():
if i == "Z":
i = "a
i = chr(ord(i.lower())+1)
elif i.islower():
for j in dicc.keys():
if str(i) in j:
i = dicc[j]
HJ22 Water bottle
Two soda bottles can also be exchanged for one , Finally, there will be no water bottle left .
Ideas : Take two empty bottles , Borrow an empty bottle from a merchant , Change a bottle of soda , After drinking, return an empty bottle to the merchant , It is equivalent to exchanging two empty bottles for a bottle of soda , And got nothing .
for i in range(10):
n = int(input())
if n==0:
Three soda bottles can be exchanged for one , Then get an empty bottle , Finally, the remaining two soda bottles can be replaced with a bottle of soda .
The following idea is : Every time I change three empty bottles for a bottle of soda , Then you get an empty bottle , Calculate the final total number of empty bottles , Then the cycle , Finally, replace the remaining two water bottles , Otherwise, the result of the cycle will be output directly .
#count_1 Change to a soda
#count_2 Water bottle
#count_3 The soda you drink
for i in range(10):
count_3 = 0
n = int(input())
if n == 0:
while n > 2:
count_1 = n//3
count_2 = n%3
count_3 = count_3 + count_1
n = count_1 + count_2
if n == 2:
HJ23 Delete the least frequent character in the string
First find the number of character occurrences , Remove the minimum number of characters , Then re output the characters as strings in the original order .
Ideas : Find the number of character occurrences , Then write it into the dictionary , Find the minimum value of the dictionary value , Loop the original string , Except for the least number of characters , Everything else outputs .
str1 = input()
lst = set(list(str1))
dicc = {
for i in lst:
dicc[i] = str1.count(i)
MIN = min(dicc.values())
res = ''
for i in str1:
if dicc[i] != MIN:
res += i
HJ31 Word inversion
Match the words in the string to the list , Then turn it upside down join() Method becomes a string output .
Ideas : Regular expressions match words , Then invert it
import re
str1 = input()
lst1 = re.findall(r'\b[a-zA-Z]+\b',str1)
#print(*lst1[::-1]) Unpacking method
HJ34 Picture arrangement
str1 = input()
lst = list(str1)
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