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Python command manual (version 2021)

# Set the code - Support Chinese
1 Basics
install python2.7
wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.9/Python-2.7.9.tgz
tar xvf Python-2.7.9.tgz
cd Python-2.7.9
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python27
make install
mv /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python_old
ln -s /usr/local/python27/bin/python /usr/bin/python
python # View version
solve YUM Problems that cannot be used
vim /usr/bin/yum
vim /usr/bin/repoquery
First line of two files #!/usr/bin/python Replace with the old version python #!/usr/bin/python2.6 Note that it may be 2.4
pip Module installation
yum install python-pip # centos install pip
sudo apt-get install python-pip # ubuntu install pip
pip Official installation script
wget https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py
python get-pip.py
pip Compilation and installation
# https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools
wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/setuptools/setuptools.tar.gz
tar zxvf setuptools.tar.gz
cd setuptools/
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
# https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ez_setup
tar zxvf ez_setup.tar.gz
cd ez_setup/
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
# https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip
tar zxvf pip.tar.gz
cd pip/
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
Load environment variables
vim /etc/profile
export PATH=/usr/local/python27/bin:$PATH
. /etc/profile
pip freeze # Check package version
pip install -r file # List of installation package files
pip install Package # Installation package pip install requests
pip show --files Package # Check which files are installed when installing the package
pip show --files Package # See which packages have updates
pip install --upgrade Package # Update a package
pip uninstall Package # Uninstall package
pip list # see pip Installed package and version
pip install django==1.5 # Specify version installation
pip install kafka-python -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple --trusted-host pypi.douban.com
python3 install
yum install python36.x86_64 python36-pip
view help
python -c "help('modules')" # see python All modules
import os
for i in dir(os):
print i # Module method
help(os.path) # Method help
python Key words in
import keyword
keyword.iskeyword(str) # Is the string python keyword
keyword.kwlist # return pytho All keywords
['and', 'as', 'assert', 'break', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'exec', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'print', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield']
python -m trace -t aaaaaa.py
strace -p pid # Track system calls with system commands
r=r'\n' # When output, the prototype prints
u=u' chinese ' # Defined as unicode code
global x # Global variables
a = 0 or 2 or 1 # Boolean assignment ,a The value is True Neither deal with the back ,a The value is 2. None、 character string ''、 An empty tuple ()、 An empty list [], An empty dictionary {}、0、 Empty strings are false
name = raw_input("input:").strip() # Enter a string variable
num = int(raw_input("input:").strip()) # Input string str To int type
locals() # A dictionary of all local variables
locals().values() # A list of all local variable values
os.popen("date -d @{0} +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'".format(12)).read() # Special cases refer to variables {0} Represents the first parameter
Dictionary based string formatting
params = {"server":"mpilgrim", "database":"master", "uid":"sa", "pwd":"secret"}
"%(pwd)s" % params # 'secret'
"%(pwd)s is not a good password for %(uid)s" % params # 'secret is not a good password for sa'
"%(database)s of mind, %(database)s of body" % params # 'master of mind, master of body'
# character string %s Integers %d floating-point %f Print as is %r
print ' character string : %s Integers : %d floating-point : %f Print as is : %r' % ('aa',2,1.0,'r')
print 'abc', # There are commas , For print without wrapping , The next printing will be followed by the line printing
print '%-10s %s' % ('aaa','bbb') # Align left Occupy 10 Characters
print '%10s %s' % ('aaa','bbb') # Right alignment Occupy 10 Characters
# The number of list elements is the largest 536870912
shoplist = ['apple', 'mango', 'carrot', 'banana']
shoplist[2] = 'aa'
del shoplist[0]
shoplist[::-1] # Print backwards Valid for character flipped strings
shoplist[2::3] # Start from the second and print every three
shoplist[:-1] # Rule out the last
'\t'.join(li) # Convert the list to a string Use word table characters to divide
sys.path[1:1]=[5] # In position 1 Insert a value in the list before
list(set(['qwe', 'as', '123', '123'])) # Repeat the list through the set
eval("['1','a']") # Evaluate a string as an expression , Get the list
# enumerate The corresponding position of each value can be obtained
for i, n in enumerate(['a','b','c']):
print i,n
# immutable
zoo = ('wolf', 'elephant', 'penguin')
ab = { 'Swaroop' : '[email protected]',
'Larry' : '[email protected]',
ab['c'] = 80 # Add dictionary elements
del ab['Larry'] # Delete dictionary elements
ab.keys() # Check all key values
ab.values() # Print all values
ab.has_key('a') # Check whether the key value exists
ab.items() # Return to the entire dictionary list
Copy dictionary
a = {1: {1: 2, 3: 4}}
b = a
b[1][1] = 8888 # a and b All for {1: {1: 8888, 3: 4}}
import copy
c = copy.deepcopy(a) # Assign again b[1][1] = 9999 Copy the dictionary as a new dictionary , Mutual interference
a[2] = copy.deepcopy(a[1]) # Copy out the second key, They don't influence each other {1: {1: 2, 3: 4},2: {1: 2, 3: 4}}
# Create an iterative interface , Not the original object Support string 、 Sequence objects such as lists and dictionaries
i = iter('abcd')
print i.next()
s = {'one':1,'two':2,'three':3}
m = iter(s)
print m.next() # iteration key
Process structure
if Judge
# Boolean operators and or not Realize multiple judgments
if a == b:
print '=='
elif a < b:
print b
print a
while loop
while True:
if a == b:
print "=="
print "!="
print 'over'
print count
count += 1
for loop
sorted() # Return a sequence ( list )
zip() # Return a sequence ( list )
enumerate() # Returns the loop list sequence for i,v in enumerate(['a','b']):
reversed() # Reverse iterator objects
dict.iterkeys() # Through key iterations
dict.itervalues() # Iterating through values
dict.iteritems() # Pass key - Value pair iteration
readline() # File iteration
iter(obj) # obtain obj iterator Check obj Is it a sequence
iter(a,b) # Repeated calls to a, Until the next value of the iterator equals b
for i in range(1, 5):
print i
print 'over'
list = ['a','b','c','b']
for i in range(len(list)):
print list[i]
for x, Lee in enumerate(list):
print "%d %s Lee" % (x+1,Lee)
# enumerate Use function to get index value and corresponding value
for i, v in enumerate(['tic', 'tac', 'toe']):
print(i, v)
The process structure is abbreviated
[ i * 2 for i in [8,-2,5]]
[ i for i in range(8) if i %2 == 0 ]
tab completion
# vim /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tab.py
# python startup file
import sys
import readline
import rlcompleter
import atexit
import os
# tab completion
readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
# history file
histfile = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.pythonhistory')
def printMax(a, b = 1):
if a > b:
print a
return a
print b
return b
x = 5
y = 7
printMax(x, y)
def update(*args,**kwargs):
for i,t in kwargs.items():
p = p+ '%s=%s,' %(i,str(t))
sql = "update 'user' set (%s) where (%s)" %(args[0],p)
print sql
# Filename: mymodule.py
def sayhi():
print 'mymodule'
version = '0.1'
# Use the methods in the module
import mymodule
from mymodule import sayhi, version
mymodule.sayhi() # Use the function method in the module
# Add additional functionality to existing functionality , Execute only once when initializing the script
#!/usr/bin/env python
def deco(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
print "Wrap start"
func(*args, **kwargs)
func(*args, **kwargs)
print "Wrap end\n"
return wrapper
def foo(x):
print "In foo():"
print "I have a para: %s" % x
def foo_dict(x,z='dict_para'):
print "In foo_dict:"
print "I have two para, %s and %s" % (x, z)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Decorator @deco Equivalent to foo = deco(foo)
foo_dict('x', z='dict_para')
Wrap start
In foo():
I have a para: x
In foo():
I have a para: x
Wrap end
Wrap start
In foo_dict:
I have two para, x and dict_para
In foo_dict:
I have two para, x and dict_para
Wrap end
Class object method
__xxx__ # System definition name
__init__ # Instantiate the method of the initialization class
__all__ = ['xs'] # __all__ For modules import Import time limit , Defined only all Properties specified in 、 Method 、 Classes can be imported , If it is not defined, all the data in the module will be imported
_xxx # _ The beginning is the private class , Only class objects and subclass objects can access these variables themselves Out-of-service from module import * Import class _status:
__xxx # __ The first one is the private variable name in the class , Only class objects can access , Even subclass objects can't access this data
class Person:
# Instantiate the initialization method
def __init__(self, name ,age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
print self.name
# Yes self This function is the method
def sayHi(self):
print 'Hello, my name is', self.name
# Object is called when it disappears
def __del__(self):
print 'over'
# Instantiate objects
p = Person('Swaroop',23)
# Using object methods
# Inherit
class Teacher(Person):
def __init__(self, name, age, salary):
Person.__init__(self, name, age)
self.salary = salary
print '(Initialized Teacher: %s)' % self.name
def tell(self):
print 'Salary: "%d"' % self.salary
t = Teacher('Mrs. Shrividya', 40, 30000)
# return object For the name of the name The property value of the property , If the property name There is , Then its attribute value is returned directly . If the property name non-existent , The trigger AttribetError Exception or when optional parameters default Return on definition default value
class A:
def __init__(self):
self.name = 'zhangjing'
def method(self):
print"method print"
Instance = A()
print getattr(Instance, 'name', 'not find') # If Instance There are attributes in the object name Then print self.name Value , Otherwise print 'not find'
print getattr(Instance, 'age', 'not find') # If Instance There are attributes in the object age Then print self.age Value , Otherwise print 'not find'
print getattr(Instance, 'method', 'default') # If there is a way method, Otherwise, print the address , Otherwise print default
print getattr(Instance, 'method', 'default')() # If there is a way method, Run the function and print None Otherwise print default
# Set up object For the name of the name(type:string) The attribute value of the attribute of is value, attribute name It can be an existing attribute or a new attribute .
# Equal multiple self.name = name assignment Externally, you can directly transfer the corresponding relationship between variables and values
#class Person:
# def __init__(self, name ,age):
# self.name = name
# self.age = age
config = {'name':'name','age','age'}
class Configure(object):
def __init__(self, config):
def register(self, config):
for key, value in config.items():
if key.upper() == key:
setattr(self, key, value)
Module package
# file ops/fileserver/__init__.py
import readers
import writers
# In the package of each module , There is one. __init__.py file , With this document , Can be imported from this directory module, When importing a package import ops.fileserver , It's actually imported __init__.py file , You can do it again __init__.py Import other packages into the file , Or modules . You don't have to put all the import The statement is written in a file , You can also reduce the amount of code , You don't need to import one by one module 了 .
# __init__.py There is an important variable __all__ . Sometimes it is necessary to import all ,from PackageName import * , At this time import Will register in the package __init__.py In file __all__ The submodules and packages in the list are imported into the current scope . Such as :
__all__ = ["Module1", "Module2", "subPackage1", "subPackage2"]
Execute all methods in the module class
# moniItems.py
import sys, time
import inspect
class mon:
def __init__(self):
self.data = dict()
def run(self):
return self.runAllGet()
def getDisk(self):
return 222
def getCpu(self):
return 111
def runAllGet(self):
for fun in inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=inspect.ismethod):
print fun[0], fun[1]
if fun[0][:3] == 'get':
self.data[fun[0][3:]] = fun[1]()
print self.data
return self.data
# Module import use
from moniItems import mon
m = mon()
Document processing
# Pattern : read 'r' Write [ Empty the entire file ]'w' Additional [ Files need to exist ]'a' Reading and writing 'r+' Binary 'b' 'rb','wb','rb+'
Writing documents
f = file('poem.txt', 'a')
Reading documents
f = file('/etc/passwd','r')
c = f.read().strip() # Read as a large string , And remove the last line break
for i in c.split('\n'): # Cut the string with newline characters to get the list loop for each line
print i
Reading documents 1
f = file('/etc/passwd','r')
while True:
line = f.readline() # Back to the line
if len(line) == 0:
x = line.split(":") # Colon division defines sequence
#x = [ x for x in line.split(":") ] # Colon division defines sequence
#x = [ x.split("/") for x in line.split(":") ] # First colon split , stay / Division Print x[6][1]
print x[6],"\n",
Reading documents 2
f = file('/etc/passwd')
c = f.readlines() # Read in all the documents , It can be read repeatedly , Large files take up a lot of memory
for line in c:
print line.rstrip(),
Reading documents 3
for i in open('b.txt'): # Direct reading can also iterate , And it's good for reading large files , But don't read it repeatedly
print i,
Append log
log = open('/home/peterli/xuesong','a')
print >> log,'faaa'
with Reading documents
# Close files automatically 、 Automatic acquisition and release of thread lock
with open('a.txt') as f:
for i in f:
print i
print f.read() # Print everything as a string
print f.readlines() # Print a list of all contents divided by lines
Random reading and writing of files
# There is no newline in the document , Everything is a character , The file also has no insert function
f.tell() # Current read / write location
f.read(5) # Read 5 Characters and change the pointer
f.seek(5) # Change the user state read / write pointer offset position , It can be written randomly
f.seek(p,0) # Move current file p Bytes , Absolute position
f.seek(p,1) # Move to... After relative to the current position p Bytes
f.seek(p,2) # Move to after the end of the relative file p Bytes
f.seek(0,2) # The pointer points to the tail
# The change pointer is beyond the end of the file , Will cause file holes ,ll Look, it takes up a lot , but du -sh But very small
f.read(65535) # Read 64K byte
f.write("str") # Writing will overwrite the response character after the current pointer , No insertion function
Built-in functions
dir(sys) # Show the properties of the object
help(sys) # Interactive help
int(obj) # Transform into plastic surgery
str(obj) # To string
len(obj) # Returns the length of an object or sequence
open(file,mode) # Open file #mode (r read ,w Write , a Additional )
range(0,3) # Returns a list of shapes
raw_input("str:") # Waiting for user input
type(obj) # Return object type
abs(-22) # The absolute value
random # random number
choice() # Returns an element of a given sequence at random
divmod(x,y) # Function to complete the division operation , Return quotient and remainder .
round(x[,n]) # Function returns a floating-point number x Round the value of , Such as given n value , Represents the number rounded to the decimal point
strip() # Is to remove more spaces at both ends of the string , This sentence is to remove the extra space at both ends of all strings in the sequence
del # Delete the data in the list
cmp(x,y) # Compare two objects # Returns an integer based on the result of the comparison , If x<y, Then return to -1; If x>y, Then return to 1, If x==y Then return to 0
max() # The largest character in a string
min() # The smallest character in a string
sorted() # Sort the sequence
reversed() # Reverse the sequence
enumerate() # Returns the index position and the corresponding value
sum() # The sum of the
list() # Become a list that can be used to iterate
eval('3+4') # Evaluate a string as an expression obtain 7
exec 'a=100' # Press the string python Statement execution
exec(a+'=new') # Put the variable a As a new variable
tuple() # Becoming tuples can be used to iterate # Data structure that cannot be changed once initialized , Velocity ratio list fast
zip(s,t) # Return a merged list s = ['11','22'] t = ['aa','bb'] [('11', 'aa'), ('22', 'bb')]
isinstance(object,int) # Test object type int
xrange([lower,]stop[,step]) # Function and range() similar , but xrnage() Don't create lists , It's back to a xrange object
List type built-in function
list.append(obj) # Add an object to the list obj
list.count(obj) # Return an object obj The number of times in the list
list.extend(seq) # Put the sequence seq Add to the list
list.index(obj,i=0,j=len(list)) # return list[k] == obj Of k value , also k The scope of i<=k<j; Otherwise abnormal
list.insert(index.obj) # When the index quantity is index Insert the object at the position of obj
list.pop(index=-1) # Delete and return the object at the specified location , The default is the last object
list.remove(obj) # Remove objects from the list obj
list.reverse() # Flip the list in place
list.sort(func=None,key=None,reverse=False) # Sort the members of the list in the specified way , If func and key Parameter assignment , Compare the elements in the specified way , If reverse The sign is set to True, The list is arranged in reverse order
Sequence type operators
seq[ind] # Get the subscript as ind The elements of
seq[ind1:ind2] # Get subscripts from ind1 To ind2 Element collection for
seq * expr # Sequence repeats expr Time
seq1 + seq2 # Connect seq1 and seq2
obj in seq # Judge obj Whether the element is contained in seq in
obj not in seq # Judge obj Whether the element is not included in seq in
String type built-in methods
string.expandtabs(tabsize=8) # tab Turn the symbol into a space # Default 8 A space
string.endswith(obj,beg=0,end=len(staring)) # Detects whether the string has been obj end , If it's a return True # If beg or end Specifies whether the detection range has been obj end
string.count(str,beg=0,end=len(string)) # testing str stay string The number of times it appears f.count('\n',0,len(f)) Determine the number of file lines
string.find(str,beg=0,end=len(string)) # testing str Is it included in string in
string.index(str,beg=0,end=len(string)) # testing str be not in string in , Abnormal transactions
string.isalnum() # If string Returns at least one character and all characters are letters or Numbers True
string.isalpha() # If string Returns at least one character and all characters are letters True
string.isnumeric() # If string Contains only numeric characters , Then return to True
string.isspace() # If string If it contains spaces, it returns True
string.isupper() # All strings are returned in uppercase True
string.islower() # Strings are all lowercase returns True
string.lower() # Convert all uppercase characters in a string to lowercase
string.upper() # Convert all lowercase characters in a string to uppercase
string.lstrip() # Get rid of string Space on the left
string.rstrip() # Get rid of string The space at the end of the character
string.replace(str1,str2) # hold string Medium str1 Replace with str2, If num Appoint , The substitution does not exceed num Time
string.startswith(obj,beg=0,end=len(string)) # Check whether the string is in obj start
string.zfill(width) # The return character length is width The characters of , Align the original string to the right , Fill in the front 0
string.isdigit() # Contains only numbers to return True
string.split("/") # hold string Slice into a list
":".join(string.split()) # With : As a separator , Merge all the elements into a new string
Dictionary building method
dict.clear() # Delete all the elements in the dictionary
dict copy() # Return dictionary ( A shallow copy ) A copy of
dict.fromkeys(seq,val=None) # Create and return a new dictionary , With seq The elements in do the key of the dictionary ,val Do the initial values of all key pairs in the dictionary
dict.get(key,default=None) # To the dictionary dict The key key, Return its corresponding value value, If the key does not exist in the dictionary , Then return to default value
dict.has_key(key) # If the key exists in the dictionary , Then return to True use in and not in Instead of
dict.items() # Returns a key containing the dictionary 、 A list of value pair tuples
dict.keys() # Returns a list of the keys in the dictionary
dict.iter() # Method iteritems()、iterkeys()、itervalues() The same as their corresponding non iterative methods , The difference is that they return an iterator , Not a list
dict.pop(key[,default]) # And methods get() be similar . If in the dictionary key Key exists , Delete and return dict[key]
dict.setdefault(key,default=None) # and set() be similar , But if it doesn't exist in the dictionary key key , from dict[key]=default Assign a value to it
dict.update(dict2) # Dictionary dict2 Key value pairs added to dictionary dict
dict.values() # Returns a list of all the values in the dictionary
dict([container]) # Factory functions for creating dictionaries . Provide container classes (container), Just fill in the dictionary with the entries
len(mapping) # Returns the length of the mapping ( key - The number of value pairs )
hash(obj) # return obj Hash value , Judge whether an object can be used as the key value of a dictionary
Ensemble method
s.update(t) # use t Element modification in s,s Now contains s or t Members of s |= t
s.intersection_update(t) # s The members in belong to s and t The elements of s &= t
s.difference_update(t) # s The members in belong to s But not included in t The elements in s -= t
s.symmetric_difference_update(t) # s The members in are updated to those contained in s or t in , But it's not s and t Common elements s ^= t
s.add(obj) # In collection s Add object in obj
s.remove(obj) # From the collection s Delete objects in obj; If obj It's not a collection s The elements in (obj not in s), Will lead to KeyError error
s.discard(obj) # If obj Is a collection s The elements in , From the collection s Delete objects in obj
s.pop() # Delete the collection s Any object in , And back to it
s.clear() # Delete the collection s All elements in
s.issubset(t) # If s yes t Subset , Then return to True s <= t
s.issuperset(t) # If t yes s Superset , Then return to True s >= t
s.union(t) # Merge operation ; Return to a new collection , The assembly is s and t Union s | t
s.intersection(t) # Intersection operation ; Return to a new collection , The assembly is s and t Intersection s & t
s.difference(t) # Return to a new collection , The change set is s Members of , But it's not t Members of s - t
s.symmetric_difference(t) # Return to a new collection , The assembly is s or t Members of , But it's not s and t Common members s ^ t
s.copy() # Return to a new collection , It's a collection s Shallow copy
obj in s # Members of the test ;obj yes s The elements in return True
obj not in s # Non member testing :obj No s Medium element return True
s == t # Equivalence test Whether they have the same elements
s != t # Inequivalence test
s < t # Subset testing ;s!=t And s All the elements in are t Members of
s > t # Superset test ;s!=t And t All the elements in are s Members of
import cPickle
obj = {'1':['4124','1241','124'],'2':['12412','142','1241']}
pkl_file = open('account.pkl','wb')
pkl_file = open('account.pkl','rb')
account_list = cPickle.load(pkl_file)
File object method
file.close() # Close file
file.fileno() # Returns the descriptor of the file
file.flush() # Refresh the internal buffer of the file
file.isatty() # Judge file Is it a class tty equipment
file.next() # Returns the next line of the file , Or when there are no other rows StopIteration abnormal
file.read(size=-1) # Read from file size Bytes , When not given size Or given a negative value , Read all the remaining bytes , Then return... As a string
file.readline(size=-1) # Read from the file and return a line ( Include line terminators ), Or return to the maximum size Characters
file.readlines(sizhint=0) # Read all the lines of the file and return as a list
file.xreadlines() # For iteration , alternative readlines() A more efficient way to
file.seek(off, whence=0) # Move the file pointer in the file , from whence(0 Represents the beginning of the file ,1 Represents the current location ,2 End of representative document ) The offset off byte
file.tell() # Returns the current location in the file
file.truncate(size=file.tell()) # Intercept files to the maximum size byte , Default to current file location
file.write(str) # Write string to file
file.writelines(seq) # Write string sequence to file seq;seq It should be an iteratable object that returns a string
Properties of the file object
file.closed # Indicates that the file has been closed , Otherwise False
file.encoding # The encoding used for the file When unicode When a string is written to data , It will be used automatically file.encoding Convert to a byte string ; if file.encoding by None The system default encoding is used when using
file.mode # Access The access mode used when the file is opened
file.name # file name
file.newlines # Is... When the row separator is not read None, When there is only one line separator, it is a string , When a file has multiple types of line terminators , Is a list of all currently encountered line terminators
file.softspace # by 0 After outputting a data , Add a space character ,1 It means not to add
exception handling
# try Use in sys.exit(2) Will be captured , Cannot exit script , You can use os._exit(2) Exit script
class ShortInputException(Exception): # Inherit Exception Abnormal class , Define your own exceptions
def __init__(self, length, atleast):
self.length = length
self.atleast = atleast
s = raw_input('Enter something --> ')
if len(s) < 3:
raise ShortInputException(len(s), 3) # An exception
except EOFError:
print '\nWhy did you do an EOF on me?'
except ShortInputException, x: # Capture specified error messages
print 'ShortInputException: %d | %d' % (x.length, x.atleast)
except Exception as err: # Capture all other error messages
print str(err)
#except urllib2.HTTPError as err: # Catch errors in external import modules
#except: # Catch all other errors You won't see the error content
# print 'except'
finally: # In any case, it will be carried out Close files or disconnect, etc
print 'finally'
else: # Nothing unusual Can't and finally Same use
print 'No exception was raised.'
An uncatchable exception
NameError: # Trying to access an undeclared variable
ZeroDivisionError: # Divisor is zero.
SyntaxErrot: # Interpreter syntax error
IndexError: # The requested index element is out of sequence range
KeyError: # Request a dictionary keyword that does not exist
IOError: # Input / Output error
AttributeError: # Trying to access unknown object properties
ImportError # No modules
IndentationError # Syntax indentation error
KeyboardInterrupt # ctrl+C
SyntaxError # Code syntax error
ValueError # Wrong value
TypeError # The incoming object type does not meet the requirements
Built in exception
BaseException # The base class for all exceptions
SystemExit # python The interpreter requests exit
KeyboardInterrupt # User interrupt execution
Exception # Regular error base class
StopIteration # Iterators have no more values
GeneratorExit # Generator exception to notify exit
StandardError # All built-in standard exception base classes
ArithmeticError # Base class for all numerical errors
FloatingPointError # Floating point error
OverflowError # The numerical operation exceeds the maximum limit
AssertionError # Assertion statement failed
AttributeError # Object does not have this property
EOFError # No built-in input , arrive EOF Mark
EnvironmentError # Base class for operating system errors
IOError # Input / Output operation failed
OSError # Operating system error
WindowsError # windows System call failed
ImportError # The import module / Object failed
KeyboardInterrupt # User interrupt execution ( Usually ctrl+c)
LookupError # Base class for invalid data query
IndexError # There is no index in the sequence (index)
KeyError # There is no key in the map
MemoryError # Memory overflow error ( about python The interpreter is not fatal )
NameError # Not a statement / Initialize object ( There is no attribute )
UnboundLocalError # Accessing an uninitialized local variable
ReferenceError # If a reference attempts to access an object that has been garbage collected
RuntimeError # General runtime errors
NotImplementedError # A method that has not yet been implemented
SyntaxError # python Grammar mistakes
IndentationError # The indentation error
TabError # tab Mixed with Spaces
SystemError # General interpreter system error
TypeError # Invalid operation on type
ValueError # Invalid parameter passed in
UnicodeError # Unicode Related errors
UnicodeDecodeError # Unicode Error in decoding
UnicodeEncodeError # Unicode Errors in coding
UnicodeTranslateError # Unicode Error in conversion
Warning # The base class for warnings
DeprecationWarning # A warning about abandoned features
FutureWarning # A warning about future semantic changes in construction
OverflowWarning # Old warning about automatic promotion to long shaping
PendingDeprecationWarning # A warning that features will be discarded
RuntimeWarning # Warnings of suspicious runtime behavior
SyntaxWarning # A dubious grammatical warning
UserWarning # Warnings generated by user code
An exception
raise exclass # An exception , from exclass Generate an instance ( No exception parameters )
raise exclass() # An exception , But now it's not a class ; Call operators through functions (function calloperator:"()") Generate a new exclass example , There are also no exception parameters
raise exclass, args # An exception , But at the same time, the exception parameters args, It can be a parameter or a tuple
raise exclass(args) # An exception , ditto
raise exclass, args, tb # An exception , But provide a track record (traceback) object tb For use
raise exclass,instance # Trigger exception by instance ( Usually exclass Example )
raise instance # Trigger exception by instance ; The exception type is the type of the instance : Equivalent to raise instance.__class__, instance
raise string # Trigger string exception
raise string, srgs # Trigger string exception , But triggering comes with args
raise string,args,tb # Trigger string exception , But provide a track record (traceback) object tb For use
raise # Re trigger the previous exception , If there is no abnormality before , Trigger TypeError
Trace exception stack
# traceback Get exception related data through sys.exc_info() Function to get
import traceback
import sys
s = raw_input()
print int(s)
except ValueError:
# sys.exc_info() The return value is a tuple , first exc_type Is an unexpected object type ,exc_value Is an abnormal value ,exc_tb It's a traceback object , The object contains the number of rows in error 、 Location, etc
exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
print "\n%s \n %s \n %s\n" %(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb )
traceback.print_exc() # Print stack trace information
Capture all error messages and store them in a dictionary
import sys, traceback
s = raw_input()
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
traceback_details = {
'filename': exc_traceback.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename,
'lineno' : exc_traceback.tb_lineno,
'name' : exc_traceback.tb_frame.f_code.co_name,
'type' : exc_type.__name__,
'message' : exc_value.message,
del(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
print traceback_details
f = file('test1.txt', 'a')
f.write("%s %s %s %s %s\n" %(traceback_details['filename'],traceback_details['lineno'],traceback_details['name'],traceback_details['type'],traceback_details['message'], ))
debugging log
# cgitb Override default sys.excepthook Global exception interceptor
def func(a, b):
return a / b
if __name__ == '__main__':
import cgitb
func(1, 0)
Built in functions for functional programming
apply(func[,nkw][,kw]) # Call... With optional parameters func,nkw Is a non keyword parameter ,kw For keyword parameters ; The return value is the return value of the function call
filter(func,seq) # Call a Boolean function func To iterate through each seq The elements in ; Return to a func The return value is true Sequence of elements of
map(func,seq1[,seq2]) # Will function func Act on a given sequence (s) Each element of , And use a list to provide the return value ; If func by None,func As an identity function , Returns a... That contains a collection of elements in each sequence n A list of tuples
reduce(func,seq[,init]) # Apply a binary function to seq Elements of sequence , Carry one pile at a time ( Previous results and next sequence elements ), Continuously apply the existing result and the next value to the subsequent result obtained , Finally, reduce our sequence to a single return value ; If the initial value init Given , The first comparison would be init And the first sequence element instead of the first two elements of the sequence
lambda x,y:x+y # Create an anonymous function It can be used to directly create anonymous function expressions in the above methods
# filter That is, only the values whose results are true are kept to form a list through the function method
def f(x): return x % 2 != 0 and x % 3 != 0
f(3) # The result of the function is False 3 By filter abandon
f(5) # The result of the function is True 5 Be added filter The final list result
filter(f, range(2, 25))
[5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23]
# map The list is processed by the function to get a new list
def cube(x): return x*x*x
map(cube, range(1, 11))
[1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000]
# reduce The function will first receive the initial value and the first element of the sequence , Then there is the return value and the next element , And so on
def add(x,y): return x+y
reduce(add, range(1, 11)) # result 55 yes 1 To 10 And x The value of is the result returned by the last function ,y Is the value of the loop in the list
reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, range(1,11)) # Equal to the above two lambda To create anonymous functions [ lambda x,y:x+y ] , Followed by iteratable objects
Encoding conversion
a=' chinese ' # Code not defined by input terminal utf8 or gbk
u=u' chinese ' # Defined as unicode code u The value is u'\u4e2d\u6587'
u.encode('utf8') # To utf8 Format u The value is '\xe4\xb8\xad\xe6\x96\x87'
print u # Results show chinese
print u.encode('utf8') # To utf8 Format , When the display terminal code is utf8 Results show chinese If the code is inconsistent, it will be messy
print u.encode('gbk') # The current terminal is utf8 So the random code
ord('4') # Character conversion ASCII code
chr(52) # ASCII Code to character
Set read code to utf8 Avoid conversion errors
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
Traversal recursion
[os.path.join(x[0],y) for x in os.walk('/root/python/5') for y in x[2]]
for i in os.walk('/root/python/5/work/server'):
print i
The metaclass
# Implementation dynamics curd Method attributes of a class or instance
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Name: metaclass.py
# Author: ZhiPeng Wang.
# Created: 15/8/12
# Copyright: (c) TigerJoys-SA 2015
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
""" First check __metaclass__ attribute , If this property is set , If this property is set, the corresponding Metaclass,
Metaclass Itself is also Class When calling, first call its own __new__ Method to create a new Instance then Instance transfer
use __init__ Return a new object (MyClss), Then execute the original Class
ext_attr = {
'wzp': 'wzp',
'test': 'test',
class CustomMeta(type):
build_in_attr = ['name', ]
def __new__(cls, class_name, bases, attributes):
# obtain `Meta` Instance
attr_meta = attributes.pop('Meta', None)
if attr_meta:
for attr in cls.build_in_attr: # Traverse built-in properties
# introspection , obtain Meta Attributes No build_in_attr Property of does not handle
print "Meta:", getattr(attr_meta, attr, False)
# Extended attributes
return type.__new__(cls, class_name, bases, attributes)
def __init__(cls, class_name, bases, attributes):
super(CustomMeta, cls).__init__(class_name, bases, attributes)
class MyClass(object):
__metaclass__ = CustomMeta # metaclass
class Meta:
name = 'Meta attr'
if __name__ == '__main__':
# TODO A class is returned here `Instance` object
print MyClass()
# TODO A class object is returned here , Not at all `Instance`
print type("MyClass", (), {})

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