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Python crawler | web page data asynchronous loading (completed in combination with selenium)


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  • Problem description
  • 1. combination Selenium、Edge Parse the data of the search page of the website
  • 2. combination lxml Parse web data
  • 3. additional : Not an asynchronously loaded web page , combination requests Request data directly

Problem description

Some websites have a lot of redirects , To jump to the real resource page . Then the crawler will report an error :requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects: Exceeded 30 redirects.
This situation , You can turn off redirection directly , Judge that the response status is 301 or 302 Then redirect manually .
Reference resources :Python Requests:TooManyRedirects Problem solving .

After manual reset , I met again Load asynchronously The problem of .
The only pages you can crawl are “ Loading ”, No actual content .

The page with the problem is : A website often used for crawling .
This is the only thing you get after crawling :

View the web page , You can see that the data is run by the browser JS Scripts are loaded asynchronously , At this time, the browser must render , The content of the web page will be displayed .

I found two solutions , First, analyze the source code , Then try to render it by yourself ; The two is the use of requests-html, It provides render Rendering 、 Provides html Asynchronous parsing .

requests-html On the surface, it doesn't seem to poke , It seems that I have everything , But the problem is that it has nothing to do with requests It's the same author ,requests It is still updated today , and requests-html It hasn't been updated for two years , It looks like a sinkhole

that , Do not combine with the browser , Let's give it a simulated rendering ?

Silently picked up what I had not used for a long time Selenium.
Sure enough , To work around , Still can't escape writing simulation ?

My version :

requests 2.27.1
selenium 4.2.0
Edge 102.0.1245.44

1. combination Selenium、Edge Parse the data of the search page of the website

First , use Selenium You need to download a browser emulation driver :selenium Official website .

Choose your favorite browser and you're done . What I chose was Edge.
Be careful : Be consistent with the browser version in your computer .

Use Selenium I met the following problems when I was young :

  1. RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.9) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn‘t match a supported version
    solve : to update requests:pip3 install --upgrade requests
  2. DeprecationWarning: executable_path has been deprecated, please pass in a Service object
    solve : appear DeprecationWarning Wrong type of warning : Most warnings of this type belong to the version that has been updated , Outdated method used . Query the reconstructed function of the current version , It was before executable_path Refactored to Service In the function . therefore , New version of the selenium Can't continue to use executable_path, It should be written as Service. Solution reference :https://blog.csdn.net/qq_43472877/article/details/121097672
  3. Open the browser , But there is no web page . Found after debugging Service The connection fails . This is because the browser driver download error . Browser driven Download URL :selenium Official website .
  4. invalid argument: invalid locator
    (Session info: MicrosoftEdge=102.0.1245.44)
    solve : There are three reasons :
    ① The browser version is inconsistent with the driver version ( Please check your browser version in settings , Then I said above Browser driven Download URL Put down your own version there );
    ② No, sleep;( New version of the selenium It is already possible not to sleep 了 , It won't go back , The program will exit automatically after running )
    Wrong code . such as edge.find_elements(by="//div"), The right is edge.find_elements(by='xpath',value="//div").

A super simple one that works selenium The procedure is as follows :

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.edge.service import Service
import requests
from time import sleep
s = Service('./edgedriver_win64/msedgedriver.exe')
edge = webdriver.Edge(service=s)
edge.get("https://movie.douban.com/subject_search?search_text= A bouquet of love ")
# requests library , Construct a conversation 
session = requests.Session()
# obtain cookies
cookies = edge.get_cookies()
# fill 
for cookie in cookies:
session.cookies.set(cookie['name'], cookie['value'])
# Give the page a little time to load , Or later find No element 
detail = edge.find_elements(by='xpath', value="//div[@class='detail']")
for i in range(0, len(detail)):
title = detail[i].find_element(by='xpath', value="./div[@class='title']")
rating_nums = detail[i].find_elements(by='xpath', value="./div/span[@class='rating_nums']")
title_a = detail[i].find_element(by='xpath', value="./div[@class='title']/a").get_property('href')
if (len(rating_nums) == 0):
print(i, title.text, ' No score ', title_a)
print(i, title.text, rating_nums[0].text, title_a)
if (i >= 5): # Display at most 6 Just a result 

I put the commonly used xpath dependent 、selenium As far as possible, the related code is written in the above code .
This is for learning , It should be a good example .
such as get_property Is to get the attributes of the element .
such as xpath Medium “ Catalog ” level ,./div[@class='title']( In fact, the directory structure is the same as that of the computer file system , Look more and you will find that this thing is so simple ).
such as find_elements and find_element The difference between .

Be careful : When there is no find_element When the element can be found , It just throws an exception “invalid Locator”, Instead of returning empty .
So you can only use when you are not sure find_elements.

Show us a practical effect ~

2. combination lxml Parse web data

selenium Of xpath The grammar is not well written lxml The concise , I used to use lxml Parse web pages .
selenium Get page → Web page text → use lxml Do elemental analysis ,( be prone to );
Web page text →selenium Class ,( It is difficult to );
So my advice is : Just keep using lxml Library to do web page text parsing , This is more general , And the amount of code is much smaller .

Let's see selenium and lxml Comparison of ( It's on it selenium, Here is lxml):

detail = edge.find_elements(by='xpath', value="//div[@class='detail']")
for i in range(0, len(detail)):
title = detail[i].find_element(by='xpath', value="./div[@class='title']")
rating_nums = detail[i].find_elements(by='xpath', value="./div/span[@class='rating_nums']")
title_a = detail[i].find_element(by='xpath', value="./div[@class='title']/a").get_property('href')
if (len(rating_nums) == 0):
print(i, title.text, ' No score ', title_a)
print(i, title.text, rating_nums[0].text, title_a)
if (i >= 5): # Display at most 6 Just a result 

Here is lxml:

from lxml import etree
html=etree.HTML(edge.page_source) # you 're right ! Just add a line ! It can be smoothly converted into lxml
detail = html.xpath("//div[@class='detail']")
for i in range(0, len(detail)):
title = detail[i].xpath("./div[@class='title']/a/text()")
rating_nums = detail[i].xpath("./div/span[@class='rating_nums']/text()")
title_a = detail[i].xpath("./div[@class='title']/a/@href")
if (len(rating_nums) == 0):
print(i, title[0], ' No score ', title_a[0])
print(i, title[0], rating_nums[0], title_a[0])
if (i >= 5): # Display at most 6 Just a result 

The running result is the same as that of the above program :

3. additional : Not an asynchronously loaded web page , combination requests Request data directly

The above program is read directly selenium The web content of , It's using find_elements And so on. . And every time you read it, you have to open the web page 、 Wait for loading , This is actually quite tedious .

For pages that are not loaded asynchronously , Just one url, You can use it requests Come and ask .

There are several ways to request :requests.getrequests.postsession.get etc. .

The first two are often used , But I found out later session Of bug A little less : When the web page is redirected repeatedly , It is said that session Session requests are not lost headers The content of .

session Just one more step . for example :

import requests
headers = {
sessions = requests.session() # Just one more step 
sessions.headers = headers
r = sessions.get(url, headers = headers)

I wrote a general function to request data , The return is res and lxml Analytic html,
You can take it away if you need it :

from lxml import etree
def getData(url):
while (1):
res = session.get(url, headers=headers)
if (res.status_code == requests.codes.ok):
content = res.text
html = etree.HTML(content)
return res, html
elif (res.status_code == 302 or res.status_code == 301):
print(url + " -- Redirect to --> " + res.headers["Location"])
url = res.headers["Location"]
print(" Something's wrong !", res.status_code)
cookieChange = int(input(" Whether to replace Cookie( Input 1 or 0):"))
if (cookieChange):
headers['Cookie'] = input(" Please enter Cookie:")

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