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Python write a small game: quick calculation of 24 points (Part 2)


List of articles

  • Preface
  • Quick calculation 24 spot
    • 1. How to play
    • 2. The flow of the game
    • 3. The rest
      • 1). checkpoint / Score information
        • IntVar class
      • 2). Prompt button
        • picture
        • Button
      • 3). A new deal
    • 4. Let the computer calculate 24 spot
      • 1). The characteristics of expressions
      • 2). Code implementation
        • Convert playing cards into numbers
        • Permutation and combination of numbers
        • Add operator
        • Insert parentheses
        • Returns the result of the operation
      • 3). Call the calculation function
    • 5. Knowledge review
  • Complete code


Hello everyone , I've been a little busy lately , The second part is delayed in writing . The last article also ended in a hurry , I am really sorry. . The code has already been written , But brother Wen still wants to try his best to disassemble it 、 Explain clearly , So instead of sharing code directly . Of course , If you want to skip asking brother's long winded nonsense , Direct reference code , You can also skip to the end of the article .

I don't say much nonsense , Get to the rest of us right away :

Part 1 —— Game interface construction
The next part —— Function code implementation

Quick calculation 24 spot

1. How to play

The rules of the game are simple : Find a deck of playing cards , Remove the big and small king ,52 card , Draw four cards at random each time , Use the four calculation methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division , See who can work out the fastest 24 spot . Although it is a stand-alone game , There's no pressure to play , However, the timing function is added : If 90 Failed to find the answer within seconds , The current test is deemed to have failed , Automatically enter the next level . meanwhile , In order to reduce the difficulty , Provides prompt function : In the process of passing through the customs , There are three opportunities to get prompt reference answers .

screenshots :

2. The flow of the game

Quick calculation 24 The simple flow chart of point is as follows :

NoYesYesNoYesNo Replace the next group NoYes Game begins Whether the deck is 0 extract 4 card Calculate whether the combination has a solution Countdown starts The player enters the answer Judge whether the answer is correct Stop the countdown Whether to enter the next round Game over Shuffle There are three opportunities to use tips Time is running out , Automatically enter the next round

3. The rest

The previous content explained the construction of most interfaces , There are two small places , One is level information , One is the prompt button .

1). checkpoint / Score information

IntVar class

In the first part, we introduced StringVar class , Instance the variable , Used to bind with tags , The contents of variables can be directly displayed on the label , This saves a lot of trouble . and StringVar Is for string , For pure numbers ,tkinter Similar functions are also provided IntVar class . similarly , Bind it to tags or other components , You can directly put IntVar The value of the class instance is displayed . And StringVar The difference is ,IntVar Is an integer (int), Can directly participate in the calculation , therefore , Used to record the number of levels the player has tested , And pass the level ( fraction ), It's also very convenient .

therefore , Let's first define two variables , Instantiation IntVar class :


To create a 4 A label , Two are used to display fixed characters “ Tested ”、“ Passed ”, The other two are for and variables level、score binding , To dynamically display the current level and score .

cv.create_text(600,350,text=' Tested :',font =(' Square regular script, simplified Chinese ',16,'bold'))
cv.create_text(600,400,text=' Passed :',font =(' Square regular script, simplified Chinese ',16,'bold'))
level_lable = Label(root,text='',font=(' Microsoft YaHei ',15),textvariable=level,bg='lightyellow')
cv_level = cv.create_window(670,350,window=level_lable)
score_lable = Label(root,text='',font=(' Microsoft YaHei ',15),textvariable=score,bg='lightyellow')
cv_score = cv.create_window(670,400,window=score_lable)

The implementation effect is as follows :

2). Prompt button

The prompt button area is also divided into two parts , Part of it is the button , The other part is a picture of a small light bulb , Used to indicate how many chances the player has left .


Ask brother about the picture of the small light bulb he found on the Internet , Change it to png Format , Then name it idea.

First define a constant HINT, Used to indicate how many prompt opportunities a player can have . The default is 3 Time , Of course, you can also change it to 5 Time , More or less . And then through for loop , Draw at the specified position 3 Picture of a light bulb , And put these Drawn Components in a list ideas in .

HINT = 3
idea = PhotoImage(file=r"image\poker\idea.png")
ideas = []
for i in range(HINT):
ideas.append(cv.create_image(450+i*25,450,image = idea))

Why put it on the list ? Because it is convenient for us to press the prompt button , Automatically reduce the picture and refresh on the canvas .


Button creation is simple , We've also introduced . To speed up the completion of this small project , No special effects , So the default is tkinter Of Button Components .

btn = Button(root,text=' Tips ',width=5,command=hint)
cv_btn = cv.create_window(400,450,window=btn)

The key is that we need to bind a callback function to this button , It's called hint, In this function , We need to complete the following three functions :

  1. Get the right answer right_answer, And displayed on the label
  2. Disable the button , To prevent players from accidentally clicking many times , Thus, the prompt times are wasted
  3. One less “ Small bulb ”

The implementation code is as follows :

def hint():
idea = ideas.pop()

Same thing , To prevent players from misoperating ( You can never fully foresee how players or users will open their minds ), In order to reduce the possibility of the program , We stipulate that this button can only be enabled when it is clicked , let me put it another way , Except for the countdown , When the player begins to answer the question , And the number of prompts is not used up (ideas>0), The status of the button is NORMAL, The button should be in... At other times DISABLED state .

therefore , We have made the following updates in other locations :

def initialize():
# Omit code 
def draw_card():
# Omit code 
if len(ideas)>0: btn['state']=NORMAL

The test results are basically OK:

3). A new deal

The code is written here , Except that the computer hasn't found the right answer for us yet , Basic input has been implemented 、 Judgment and other functions . Try to run it :

Find that the answer is correct 、 After choosing to continue the next round , The deal on the table is confused , I don't know where the new four cards have gone , What's going on ?

original , We used an array in the previous article cv_card To store the four cards drawn , And use for Cycle through the four cards on the desktop , But it doesn't take into account that when a game ends , Need to draw four cards again . under these circumstances , We need to put the... On the table 4 A card is erased from the canvas , There are two main steps in using code :

  1. Delete pictures
  2. clear list

To avoid repetition , We then define a subroutine to complete the cleanup clear The operation of :

def clear(cv_card):
for i in cv_card:

then , Let's put this function at the beginning of the card grabbing function , such , Every time before starting to draw , We all clean up first ( If any ) Four cards from the previous round , To ensure that the code is still applicable to the new four cards .

def draw_card():

For the same reason , After we restart the next game , The contents of the answer tab also need to be cleared , So we need to be able to initialize Function and myanswer Add the following code to the function :

def initialize():
# Omit code 
def myanswer(event):
# Omit code 
if s=='BackSpace':
elif s=='Return':
if is_right(txt):
c = tm.askyesno(message=' Go on to the next game ?')
if c:
# Omit code 
return # add to return, Indicates that the label will not be displayed after entering the next round 

After testing , Without computer help , Has been able to successfully “ Support oneself ” To break through the customs . The problem is , It happens all the time : Draw four cards , But it's hard to write the answer , Because we can't be sure that we didn't come up with an answer , Or these four cards have no answer at all . therefore , We need to design a method , Let the computer calculate the answer for us first , Save in variables right_answer in , If there is no answer , Automatically change the next group . With right_answer, The prompt button can also work .

4. Let the computer calculate 24 spot

Count up , This part is actually relatively independent code , Because we can take the problem to be solved out of the game , Convert to “ Given 4 Number , Calculate whether it can be arranged and combined , So that the result of the operation of the formula composed of these four numbers is equal to 24.”

1). The characteristics of expressions

To solve this problem , Let's look at the characteristics of an arithmetic expression composed of four numbers :

  1. Regardless of the parentheses ( It is also equivalent to a pair of parentheses enclosing four numbers ). The form of the formula is :(a+b+c+d), Among them is 4 A digital ,3 Operators ( Here's the plus sign + It just represents the operator , It can be any kind of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division ).
  2. There are two ways to consider the case of parentheses :
Case one : A pair of parentheses The second case : Two pairs of parentheses (a+b)+c+d(a+b)+(c+d)a+(b+c)+d((a+b)+c)+da+b+(c+d)(a+(b+c))+d(a+b+c)+da+((b+c)+d)a+(b+c+d)a+(b+(c+d))
  1. Further observation shows that , It's like (a+b+c+d) The parentheses of can be omitted ,(a+b+c)+d,a+(b+c+d) It must also be repeated with two pairs of parentheses :(a+b+c)+d Must be equivalent to ((a+b)+c)+d or (a+(b+c))+d;a+(b+c+d) Must be equivalent to a+((b+c)+d) or a+(b+(c+d)). So the final , We just need to think about it 8 In this case :
    Of course , There is still a great possibility of double counting , If all three operators are addition or multiplication , The above eight expressions are equivalent , So this is not an optimal algorithm .

2). Code implementation

Although there is a lot of double counting , But without considering the time complexity , And when the amount of computation is not large , It can make the computer perform exhaustive computation , Check all the possibilities . So we can divide the code implementation process into three steps :

  1. find 4 All non repeating permutations of numbers , At most 24 Maybe (4!)
  2. find 3 Operators ( Add, subtract, multiply and divide ) The permutation of , Because operators can be reused , So it is 4^3=64 Maybe .( There are some combinations that are impossible to calculate 24 Dot , For example, three consecutive minus signs or division signs , But if you add parentheses to change the calculation order , The results will be different . In order to save trouble , All permutations and combinations are considered here )
  3. Add parentheses in different positions of the expression . According to the above , All in all 8 Maybe .

therefore , Regardless of the existence of duplication , Up to a total of 24*64*8 = 12288 Maybe . This amount of computation may be prohibitive for humans , But it's hardly worth mentioning for a computer . What's more? , We don't have to find all the right answers , But just find one .

Now let's start writing code :

Convert playing cards into numbers

The first thing we have to do , Is to extract 4 Cards are converted into numbers . Because the number of playing cards is from 0 To 51, But the figures represented for calculation are from 1 To 13, In fact, this can be achieved by simple complement operation .

therefore , Let's define a function :

def calnum(n):
global nums
nums=[i%13+1 for i in n]

This function takes a variable n, On behalf of contain 4 A list of cards , And then generate the formula from the list ( Or derivation ) Convert it into a list of numbers actually used for calculation nums. Then call another custom function form() Convert this list into a list containing the most 12288 A list of expressions , Save as formula.

It should be noted that , We have to put nums Declared as a global variable . The only purpose of this is , It is to judge the input of players , Whether only the given 4 A digital . therefore , By the way, we will judge the function entered by the player is_right() Also updated as follows :

def is_right(txt):
# Omit code 
if sorted(txt)!=sorted(nums):
tm.showinfo(message=' Please use the given number !')
return False
# Omit code 

Let's go on to write form() function .

Permutation and combination of numbers

In order not to make wheels repeatedly , We can use it directly Python Provides built-in modules to calculate permutations .

from itertools import permutations
def form(nums):

from itertools Import in module permutations After the function , You can use it to calculate the permutation of the list . This function takes two arguments , The first is an iteratable object such as a list , The second is numbers , It means to take several elements from the previous list and arrange them , It can be omitted , If omitted , It means that all elements are arranged and combined by default . So here , We can omit the second parameter , Directly will contain 4 A number of nums Give the list to permutations function , Returns an iteratable object . meanwhile , In order to get heavy , For example, there are repeated numbers in four cards ,3,3,4,4 such , We can convert this result into a set set, Finally save the results in numlist in .

Test results on the console :

>>> from itertools import permutations
>>> nums = [1,2,3,4]
>>> numlist = permutations(nums)
>>> type(numlist)
<class 'itertools.permutations'>
>>> for i in numlist: print(i,end=' ')
(1, 2, 3, 4) (1, 2, 4, 3) (1, 3, 2, 4) (1, 3, 4, 2) (1, 4, 2, 3) (1, 4, 3, 2) (2, 1, 3, 4) (2, 1, 4, 3) (2, 3, 1, 4) (2, 3, 4, 1) (2, 4, 1, 3) (2, 4, 3, 1) (3, 1, 2, 4) (3, 1, 4, 2) (3, 2, 1, 4) (3, 2, 4, 1) (3, 4, 1, 2) (3, 4, 2, 1) (4, 1, 2, 3) (4, 1, 3, 2) (4, 2, 1, 3) (4, 2, 3, 1) (4, 3, 1, 2) (4, 3, 2, 1)

You can see , As we expected ,4 A non repeating number can make up the most 24 Two non repeating combinations .

Add operator

Next , We need to insert three operators between these four numbers , Of course , We first have to find the operators that make up 64 Combinations of , It can be realized by using three-layer loop , And save the results in the list operations in .

for i in '+-*/':
for j in '+-*/':
for k in '+-*/':
operation = i+j+k

Because this list will be called frequently ( Every four cards dealt , Just insert the operator ), So we can put it in the main program , In this way, only one calculation is required at the beginning of the game , You can always call... In a function ( And don't modify ).

next , In function form in , We use the same for Loop to 3 Operators inserted into 4 Between numbers :

def form(nums):
for num in numlist:
for i in operations:
for j in range(3):

Because eventually we need to convert the expression to a string , So here we can use str Function to convert a number to a string , Save in the list combo in . According to the previous calculation ,combo There should be at most 24*64 = 1536 Elements , On behalf of 1536 Expression . But now they are still single characters , Because we also need to insert parentheses .

Insert parentheses

Parentheses are used to raise the level of operation 、 Change the order of operations . According to the previous analysis , Because the default calculation order is multiply and divide first 、 Add or subtract after 、 From left to right , So the case without parentheses (a+b+c+d) Must be equivalent to some kind of use of parentheses . So in the end we just need to consider 8 A case of parentheses : Three cases of a pair of parentheses , And five cases of two pairs of parentheses . But how to insert it ?

Through the previous calculation , What we got combo The expression list in the two-dimensional list should look like this :
[‘1’, ‘+’, ‘2’, ‘+’, ‘3’, ‘+’, ‘4’]

so , Each expression contains 7 String elements (4 A digital 、3 Operators ) A list of . therefore , We just need to find the position where we need to add parentheses in advance ( Indexes ), You can add through a loop .

By comparison , We will consider two cases ( A pair and two pairs of parentheses ) The position index of the left and right parentheses of , And create the following list :


It should be noted that , We have to insert the right parentheses first , Then insert the left parenthesis . Because after inserting the element , The length of the list changes , For the sake of calculation , Insert the right parentheses first to maintain the relative position to the greatest extent . The same is true of two pairs of parentheses ( Insert the right bracket first ), Just pay attention to one of these situations :(a+b)+(c+d). under these circumstances , Insert two closing parentheses , The position of the left bracket sandwiched between the two right brackets has changed , Just record the new location .

therefore , Through the index list , We can form Function completion :

def form(nums):
for num in numlist:
for i in operations:
for j in range(3):
for i in combo:
for j in one:
formula.append(''.join(temp)) # Convert list to string 
for j in two:
formula.append(''.join(temp)) # Convert list to string 
return formula

Returns the result of the operation

Last , We get the most 12288 A list of expressions formula, And return to the function calnum Use in eval Function to calculate .

def calnum(n):
# Omit code 
for i in formula:
result = eval(i)
if math.isclose(result,24):
return i
return 'None'

adopt for Loop traversal formula list , Calculate whether the result is equal to 24. If correct , Put the correct answer ( expression ) return , If you traverse all 12288 None of these possibilities will come to fruition , Then return the string None.

3). Call the calculation function

According to our previous logic , In every grab 4 After cards , We all need computers to help us calculate , Look at the current 4 Can a card calculate 24 spot , If not , Will automatically enter the next round ( Recapture ), If possible , Then save the answer in the variable right_answer in , Convenient tips (hint) Button call . therefore , We can update the code of the corresponding part :

def draw_card():
global cv_card, right_answer
while invalid:
if len(cardnum)==0:
tm.showinfo(message=' The deck has been used up , Reshuffle your cards ')
for i in range(4):
if len(cardnum)==0:cv.delete(cv_back)
for _ in range(150*(i+1)):
right_answer = calnum(draw) # Call function calculation 12288 Maybe 
if right_answer=='None':
tm.showinfo(message=' This group of figures has no solution , Automatically change the next group for you ')
if len(ideas)>0: btn['state']=NORMAL

If 4 Cards cannot be counted 24 spot , You need to draw again all the time , Until it can be calculated . So here we use a while loop , And give a token invalid Assume that the current combination cannot be calculated 24 spot . Only when you get the answer (right_answer The value is not None),invalid Turn into False, end while loop , Start timing and other follow-up procedures .

5. Knowledge review

  1. Canvas Of delete Method
  2. IntVar type
  3. permutations function

Come here , We are “ Quick calculation 24 spot ” The little game of . You can continue to add other functions you want , Change the layout 、 Color, etc . The final operation effect is as follows :

Complete code

from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox as tm
import random
import math
from itertools import permutations
def shuffle_card():
global cardnum, back, cv_back
cardnum = list(range(52))
back = PhotoImage(file=r"image\poker\back1.png")
cv_back = cv.create_image(100,200,image = back)
def clear(cv_card):
for i in cv_card:
def draw_card():
global cv_card, right_answer
while invalid:
if len(cardnum)==0:
tm.showinfo(message=' The deck has been used up , Reshuffle your cards ')
for i in range(4):
if len(cardnum)==0:cv.delete(cv_back)
for _ in range(150*(i+1)):
right_answer = calnum(draw)
if right_answer=='None':
tm.showinfo(message=' This group of figures has no solution , Automatically change the next group for you ')
if len(ideas)>0: btn['state']=NORMAL
def initialize():
global angle,count,cv_arc,cv_inner,cv_text
cv_text=cv.create_text(150,380,text=count,font =(' Microsoft YaHei ',20,'bold'),fill='red')
def countdown():
global angle,count,cv_arc,cv_inner,cv_text,cd
if angle == 360:
angle -= 1
angle -= 1
if angle%4 == 0: count-=1
cv_text=cv.create_text(150,380,text=count,font =(' Microsoft YaHei ',20,'bold'),fill='red')
if count==0:
tm.showinfo(message=' The countdown is over ! Automatically enter the next round ')
cd = root.after(250,countdown)
def myanswer(event):
if s=='BackSpace':
elif s=='Return':
if is_right(txt):
c = tm.askyesno(message=' Go on to the next game ?')
if c:
elif s.isnumeric():
elif s in trans:
def is_right(txt):
result = eval(txt)
tm.showinfo(message=' The formula is incorrect , Please re-enter !')
return False
for i in '+-*/()':
txt=txt.replace(i,' ')
txt=[int(i) for i in txt.split()]
if sorted(txt)!=sorted(nums):
tm.showinfo(message=' Please use the given number !')
return False
if math.isclose(result,24):
tm.showinfo(message=' Congratulations ! Correct answer !')
return True
def hint():
idea = ideas.pop()
def calnum(n):
global nums
nums=[i%13+1 for i in n]
for i in formula:
result = eval(i)
if math.isclose(result,24):
return i
return 'None'
def form(nums):
for num in numlist:
for i in operations:
for j in range(3):
for i in combo:
for j in one:
for j in two:
return formula
# The game starts here 
HINT = 3
for i in '+-*/':
for j in '+-*/':
for k in '+-*/':
operation = i+j+k
root = Tk()
root.title(' Quick calculation 24 spot ')
# The canvas is the same size as the main window 
cv = Canvas(root,width=800,height=500)
# Background image 
bg = PhotoImage(file=r"image\poker\bg.png")
cv_bg = cv.create_image(400,250,image = bg)
# Title picture 
title = PhotoImage(file=r"image\poker\title.png")
cv_title = cv.create_image(400,60,image = title)
# Display the answers, level scores and other information 
cv.create_text(400,350,text=' Please enter your answer ',font =(' Square regular script, simplified Chinese ',18,'bold'))
lb = Label(root,text='',font=(' Microsoft YaHei ',15),textvariable=answer,bg='lightyellow')
cv_lb = cv.create_window(400,400,window=lb)
cv.create_text(600,350,text=' Tested :',font =(' Square regular script, simplified Chinese ',16,'bold'))
cv.create_text(600,400,text=' Passed :',font =(' Square regular script, simplified Chinese ',16,'bold'))
level_lable = Label(root,text='',font=(' Microsoft YaHei ',15),textvariable=level,bg='lightyellow')
cv_level = cv.create_window(670,350,window=level_lable)
score_lable = Label(root,text='',font=(' Microsoft YaHei ',15),textvariable=score,bg='lightyellow')
cv_score = cv.create_window(670,400,window=score_lable)
# Prompt pictures and buttons 
idea = PhotoImage(file=r"image\poker\idea.png")
ideas = []
for i in range(HINT):
ideas.append(cv.create_image(450+i*25,450,image = idea))
btn = Button(root,text=' Tips ',width=5,command=hint)
cv_btn = cv.create_window(400,450,window=btn)
# Binding gets input from the keyboard <Key>, And pass it to the user-defined function myanswer
# Get the tag component into focus , Otherwise, you cannot input from the keyboard 
card = [PhotoImage(file=f'image/poker/{
i:0>2}.png') for i in range(1,53)]

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