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Mindspire python programming specification



MindSpore Python The programming specification is based on PEP8 Based on , Refer to Huawei Python Generic coding specification 、 Safety programming specification , Combined with the consensus of the industry , Participate in MindSpore Community development needs to follow the contents of this specification first ( And PEP8 The conflict part ), Others follow PEP8 standard .

If you disagree with the rules , It is recommended to submit issue And explain why , the MindSpore After the community operation team reviews and accepts it, it can be modified and take effect . a

Scope of application

MindSpore The open source community (https://gitee.com/mindspore/).

1. Code style.

1.1 name

<font size=3> The rules 1.1.1 Package name , Module name : A lowercase letter , Don't underline .</font>

<font size=3> The rules 1.1.2 Class name : Use hump format , title case , Private class underscore prefix .</font>

class _Foo: _instance = None pass

<font size=3> The rules 1.1.3 Function name 、 Variable name : A lowercase letter , Multiple word underline segmentation .</font>

def _func_example(path): pass

<font size=3> Suggest 1.1.4 Except iterators and counters , Single character naming is prohibited .</font>

1.2 Format

<font size=3> The rules 1.2.1 Do not exceed... Characters per line 120 individual .</font>

If exceeded 120 Characters , Please choose a reasonable way to wrap .

<font size=3> The rules 1.2.2 Indent with spaces , Every indent 4 A space , prohibit tab Indent .</font>

<font size=3> The rules 1.2.3 import The order : Standard library 、 The third party 、 Custom module .</font>

<font size=3> The rules 1.2.4 Return statements and conditional statements do not use parentheses .</font>

<font size=3> The rules 1.2.5 Double blank lines between module level functions and classes , A blank line between class member functions , Add blank lines between comments and code as needed , In principle, no more than two blank lines .</font>

<font size=3> The rules 1.2.6 Invalid or redundant codes are deleted directly , Do not comment 、TODO And so on , Suggestion issue Record .</font>

1.3 notes

<font size=3> The rules 1.3.1 File header comments must contain a copyright notice .</font>

all python file , Must contain the following copyright notice :

# Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License.# ============================================================================"""Add notes."""import xxx

About copyright notes , Attention should be paid to :
2020 Files created in , Should be Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
2019 Year year of creation ,2020 Year change year , Should be Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

<font size=3> The rules 1.3.2 The external class 、 Method 、 operator 、Cell Annotation format .</font>

  • class and def The format of the comment is the same , Adopt the industry general python Annotation syntax , Write below the statement and indent , be-all class and def Need to write notes , The classes and methods inside the module can only write a brief introduction .
  • For the format of notes, see MindSpore Annotation specifications .

<font size=3> The rules 1.3.3 Note masking is not allowed pylint The alarm .</font>

1.4 journal

<font size=3> The rules 1.4.1 Exception log text is capitalized .</font>

<font size=3> The rules 1.4.2 The variable name in the log text must be indicated in single quotation marks .</font>

2. General code

2.1 Interface declaration

<font size=3> The rules 2.1.1 The user interface is in the file __all__ Description in ,__all__ Put in import And code .</font>

<font size=3> The rules 2.1.2 The non external method used in the current file is named with the underscore prefix , Methods used internally across modules do not require an underscore prefix , User interface in __all__ In a statement .</font>

2.2 data verification

<font size=3> The rules 2.2.1 Check the validity of all external data , Including but not limited to : Function into the reference 、 External input named lines 、 File format , file size 、 environment variable 、 User data, etc .</font>

<font size=3> Suggest 2.2.2 The file path must be normalized before use .</font>

When the file path comes from external data , You need to normalize the file path first , If there is no normalization , The attacker has the opportunity to access the file beyond his authority by maliciously constructing the file path :

for example , An attacker can construct “../../../etc/passwd” To access arbitrary files .

stay linux Next , Use realpath function , stay windows Next , Use PathCanonicalize Function to normalize the file path .

<font size=3> The rules 2.2.3 Ban called OS A command parser executes a command or runs a program .</font>

Use unverified untrusted input as a parameter of a system command or as part of a command , May lead to command injection vulnerability . For command injection vulnerability , The command will be with Python The application executes at the same privilege level , It provides attackers with a similar system shell The function of . stay Python in ,os.system or os.popen It is often used to call a new process , If the command to be executed comes from an external input , Command and parameter injection may occur .

When executing an order , Please pay attention to the following points :

  1. Do not splice the input parameters of the command string , If splicing is necessary , To filter the white list of input parameters .
  2. Type check the passed in parameters , for example : Integer data , Data can be cast to an integer .
  3. Ensure the correctness of the formatted string , for example :int Splicing of type parameters , For parameters, use %d, Out-of-service %s.

【 Error code example 1】

An attacker can find environment variables by APPHOME Corresponding value , And put constants in the corresponding directory INITCMD Corresponding attack program , Achieve the effect of implementation :

 home = os.getenv('APPHOME') cmd = os.path.join(home, INITCMD) os.system(cmd)

【 Error code example 2】

There is no validation property backuptype Value , This is entered by the user , An attacker may attack ,

for example : User input is :" && del c:\dbms\. ":

 # The value comes from the user configuration btype = req.field('backuptype') cmd = "cmd.exe /K \"c:\\util\\rmanDB.bat " + btype + "&&c:\\util\\cleanup.bat\"" os.system(cmd)

【 Error code example 3】

There is no validation property backuptype Value , This is entered by the user , An attacker may attack , for example : User input is :" && del c:\dbms\. ":

 import os import sys try: print(os.system("ls " + sys.argv[1])) except Exception as ex: print('exception:', ex)

An attacker can exploit this vulnerable program through the following command :

 python test.py ". && echo bad"

Two commands will actually be executed :

 ls . echo bad

【 Examples of correct code 】

Avoid using os.system, You can use standard API Instead of running system commands to complete tasks :

 import os import sys try: print(os.listdir(sys.argv[1])) except Exception as ex: print(ex)

2.3 Abnormal behavior

<font size=3> The rules 2.3.1 Exceptions must be handled properly , Suppresses or ignores checked exceptions .</font>

every last except Blocks should ensure that the program will only continue to run if it continues to be valid .except The block must either recover from an exception , Or re throw the appropriate current catch Another exception to the block context to allow the nearest outer layer try-except Statement block for recovery work .

【 Examples of correct code 】

The right thing to do is , Avoid using os.system, You can use standard API Instead of running system commands to complete tasks :

 validFlag = False while not validFlag: try: # If requested file does not exist, throws FileNotFoundError # If requested file exists, sets validFlag to true validFlag = True except FileNotFoundError: import traceback traceback.print_exc()

【 Exceptions 】:

  1. When the failure of resource release will not affect the subsequent behavior of the program , Exceptions that occur when releasing resources can be suppressed . Examples of releasing resources include closing files 、 Network socket 、 Threads, etc. . These resources are usually in except perhaps fianlly Block is released , And will not be used in the subsequent program operation . therefore , Unless resources are exhausted , Otherwise, there is no other way for these exceptions to affect the subsequent behavior of the program . Under the condition that the problem of resource exhaustion is fully handled , It is only necessary to purify and log the exceptions ( For future improvement ) That's enough ; In this case, no additional error handling is necessary .
  2. If it is impossible to recover from an exception at a particular level of abstraction , Then the code at that level does not need to handle this exception , Instead, you should throw an appropriate exception , Let higher-level code capture and process , And try to recover . In this case , The most common implementation is to omit catch Sentence block , Allow exceptions to be broadcast .

<font size=3> The rules 2.3.2 Use try…except… When structures protect code , You need to use after an exception finally… Structure guarantees the release of the operation object .</font>

Use try…except… When structures protect code , If an exception occurs during code execution , In order to reliably close the operation object , Need to use finally… Structure ensures that the operand is released .

【 Examples of correct code 】

 handle = open(r"/tmp/sample_data.txt") # May raise IOError try: data = handle.read() # May raise UnicodeDecodeError except UnicodeDecodeError as decode_error: print(decode_error) finally: handle.close() # Always run after try:

<font size=3> The rules 2.3.3 Do not use “except:” Statement to catch all exceptions .</font>

In terms of anomalies , Python Very tolerant ,“except:” The statement will really capture including Python Any error, including grammatical errors . Use “except:” It's easy to hide the real bug, We are using try…except… When structures protect code , You should specify the exceptions you expect to handle .Exception Class is the base class for most runtime exceptions , It should also be avoided in general except Use in statement . Usually ,try Only statements that must handle exceptions in the current location should be included ,except Catch only exceptions that must be handled . For example, for the code that opens the file ,try Should contain only open sentence ,except Capture only FileNotFoundError abnormal . For other unexpected exceptions , Then let the upper function capture , Or it can be transmitted to the outside of the program to fully expose the problem .

【 Error code example 】

The following code may throw two types of exceptions , Use “except:” Statement for unified processing , If it is open Perform abnormal , Will be in “except:” After statement handle Call... When it is invalid close, Report errors handle Undefined .

 try: handle = open(r"/tmp/sample_data.txt") # May raise IOError data = handle.read() # May raise UnicodeDecodeError except: handle.close()

【 Examples of correct code 】

 try: handle = open(r"/tmp/sample_data.txt") # May raise IOError try: data = handle.read() # May raise UnicodeDecodeError except UnicodeDecodeError as decode_error: print(decode_error) finally: handle.close() except(FileNotFoundError, IOError) as file_open_except: print(file_open_except)

<font size=3> The rules 2.3.4 be not in except Inside the branch raise Must bring an exception .</font>

raise Keywords used alone can only appear in try-except In the sentence , Rethrow except Catch the exception .

【 Error code example 】

 a = 1 if a == 1: raise

【 Examples of correct code 1】raise One Exception Or custom Exception

 a = 1 if a == 1: raise Exception

【 Examples of correct code 2】 stay try-except Use in statement

 try: f = open('myfile.txt') s = f.readline() i = int(s.strip()) except IOError as e: print("I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) except ValueError: print("Could not convert data to an integer.") except Exception: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise

2.4 Serialization and deserialization

<font size=3> The rules 2.4.1 pickle There are security issues , No use pickle.load、cPickle.load and shelve The module loads untrusted data .

<font size=3> The rules 2.4.2 Use safe random numbers .</font>

Python The function of generating random numbers is random Module implementation , A pseudo-random number generator with various distributions is implemented . The resulting random number can be uniformly distributed , Gaussian distribution , Lognormal distribution , Negative exponential distribution and alpha,beta Distribution , But these random numbers are pseudorandom numbers , It cannot be used in applications for security encryption purposes .

Please use /dev/random Generating safe random numbers , Or use it in python 3.6 Version officially introduced secrets The module generates a safe random number .

【 Error code example 】

 import random # Pseudo random number func = random.SystemRandom() print(func.random()) print(func.randint(0, 10))

【 Examples of correct code 】

 import platform # Please refer to the cryptographic algorithm specification for the length , Different scenes require different lengths randLength = 16 if platform.system() == 'Linux': with open("/dev/random", 'rb') as file: sr = file.read(randLength) print(sr)

<font size=3> The rules 2.4.3 assert Statements are usually used only in test code , Do not use Release The version contains assert function .</font>

assert It should only be used for internal testing during development , There is AssertionError An exception indicates a software design or coding error , The software should be modified to solve . It is forbidden to include in the externally released production version assert function .

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