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Detailed explanation of Python log processing


In automated testing , According to the requirements of the project , Custom log fields , You can also use python in logging Module definition log .

The main function of using logs can also be divided into three parts : Program debugging 、 Understand the operation of software programs 、 Software program running fault analysis and problem location , The same is true with the introduction of logging in our automated testing .
One 、 Custom log module

You can customize the fields in the log according to specific conditions , Such as time 、 file 、 Test case name , Test case name , Expected results , Information such as actual results . Call this method to write the corresponding data where the log needs to be written in the test case .

1. establish python Custom log module in the environment

Custom log module , Although the function is not as good as the professional module , But you can easily customize the output , We can also try to use... In our automated testing work .

2. Where you need to output logs , Import the created log module , And call methods
3. View the contents of the log file

Two 、logging Log module

logging The module is Python Built in standard modules , It is mainly used to output the operation log , You can set the level of output log 、 Log save path 、 Log file rollback, etc , comparison print() Print directly on the console , It has the following advantages :

You can set different log levels

You can only output important information , Without having to display a lot of debugging information

logging It's up to the developer to decide where to output the information , And how to output .

1. encapsulation logging Log module

Packaging Foundation logging Module function , Call it in the automation script , Can be defined as a class or method , Easy to call and use

2. Where the test case needs to output logs , Call this method to log .

3、 Solve the problem of Chinese garbled code in the log

stay Python Installation directory /lib/logging/ Next , modify __init__.py The following code of the module , take encoding The default value of is changed to utf-8 that will do .

4. To configure logging In several ways

1) Use Python Explicit code creation loggers, handlers and formatters And call their configuration functions respectively ;

2) Create a log profile , And then use fileConfig() Function to read the contents of the file ;

3) Create a dict, And then pass it on to dictConfig() function ;

5. Add context information to the log output

In addition to the parameters passed to the logging function , Sometimes we want to include some additional context information in the log output . such as , In a web application , You may want to log client specific information , Such as : Remote client's IP Address and username . Here we will introduce the following implementation methods :

· By passing a to the logging function extra Parameter introduces context information

· Use LoggerAdapters Introduce contextual information

· Use Filters Introduce contextual information

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