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Python Basics_ For loop, while loop and operation explanation

# while loop
# Format :
# Print 100 All over hello,python
# limit :100 Time -- Conditions : Conditions for ending
# Once in the while loop , Then you must consider the scenario where the condition does not hold
# Number of Representatives
count = 1
while count < 101:
# Code that will execute only when the condition is met
# It's very important , There must be an operation , In some cases, it can make the condition not tenable !
count += 1
# while The loop does not specify the number of cycles
count = 1
nums = input(' Input times :') # The number of entries
while count <= int(nums): # Limited number of times
count += 1 # Code that will execute only when the condition is met
# Avoid the dead cycle :
# 1. Is that the circular condition does not hold
# 2. In circulation , Meet other conditions , Exit loop
# Treatment of dead cycle :break/continue
# break : If the condition is satisfied, the current cycle will be terminated
count = 1
nums = input(' Input times :') # The number of entries
while count <= 100: # Limited number of times
# Inside the loop , If there are other conditions , If satisfied , Exit the loop directly
if count ==50:
print(' already 50 Time , bye ')
break # Exit the loop directly
count += 1 # Code that will execute only when the condition is met
# # continue: Abort the current cycle , Start the next cycle
count = 1
# nums = input(' Input times :') # The number of entries
while count <= 10: # Limited number of times
count += 1 # Code that will execute only when the condition is met
if count == 2:
continue # Skip the current loop , Enter the next cycle
# Inside the loop , If there are other conditions , If satisfied , Exit the loop directly
# if count ==5:
# print(' already 50 Time , bye ')
# break # Exit the loop directly
# # break and continue The difference between : Resignation (break) And asking for leave (continue) The difference between
# print(*************************--*******************************************)
# Focus on mastering :for loop
# for loop
# Traverse : From a to Z , Each member visits once .
# member : Lists and dictionaries -- Most commonly used
# Traversal of list
list_p = ['mr Zhang ',' For you ','madao',' Wu queer ',' Luo Zhi ']
Format :
for Variable in list :
When you get a member , All the code that goes back to execution
In this list , Go get every member , Assign a value to a variable
Variable = The first member
Variable = The second member
Variable = Third member
Variable = The fourth member
Number of cycles = The length of the list
# Traverse the values of the list
for item in list_p: # Get the values of all lists
print(item) # Print each member
if item == ' Wu queer ': # If the specified value is obtained
break # Just stop the cycle
for item in list_p: # Get the values of all lists
if item == ' Wu queer ': # If the specified value is obtained
continue # The value of this line will not be printed , Skip to the next round
print(item) # Print each member
# Traverse through the index of the list :
# range: Built in functions , function : Produce integer word order , There are three types :
# The starting point : The default is 0,
# End : Self determination
# step : The default is 1
# With start , The end point is not included
# 1.range(n): Generate a... By default 0 To n-1 Integer sequence of
# range(5)[0,1,2,3,4]
# 2.range(n,m): Generate a... By default 0 To m-1 Integer sequence of
# range(1,5)[1,2,3,4]
# 3.range(n,m,k): Compared with other functions for loop .n Represents the initial value ,m Indicates the end value ,k Indicating step size .
# An initial value of n, The end value is m, A sequence of decreasing or increasing integers
# range(1,10,2)[1,3,5,7,9]
# Traverse the index of the list
# The length of the obtained list is :6
# The index to traverse is :
for index in range(len(list_p)):
print(index) # Print subscript
print(list_p[index]) # Print value
# Traversal of dictionaries
person_info = {'sex':' male ','tzh':' good-looking , handsome , Money goes into ','age':30}
# The first is by traversing the key names :
for key in person_info.keys():
# The second is by traversing key value pairs :
for key,value in person_info.items():
# double for loop
# 1. Want to know , What is the outer layer , What is the inner layer
# 2. In writing double for
# 3. According to the output , Adjust the statement logic
Output the graph
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
first line : Output 1 range(1,2) Row number +1
The second line : Output 1,2 range(1,3)
The third line : Output 1,2,3 range(1,4)
In the fourth row : Output 1,2,3,4 range(1,5)
for index in range(1,5):
print(' The first {} That's ok :'.format(index))
for sub in range(1,index+1):
print(sub,end=' ') # end='' No line breaks
# Homework after class
# 1、 A mall is cutting prices to promote sales , All original prices are integers ( Floating point situations do not need to be considered ), If the purchase amount 50-100 element ( contain 50 Genna 100 element ) Between , Will give 10% A discount of ,
# If the purchase amount is greater than 100 Yuan will be given to you 20% discount . Write a program , Ask about the purchase price , Then show the discount (%10 or 20%) And the final price .
print(' The first question is ************************************************')
price = int(input(' The price of this article is :')) # There is a price entered
if 50 <= price <= 100: # Conditions 1 Is the purchase amount 50-100 element ( contain 50 Genna 100 element ) Between
price = 0.9 * price # The depreciated price
# print(' I can call you here 10% A discount of , The discount for you is :',price,' Thank you for your patronage !') # The output condition is satisfied 1 Of The first method
print(' I can call you here 10% A discount of , The discount for you is :{:.2f}'.format(price)) # The second method
elif price > 100:
price = 0.8 * price
# print(' I can call you here 20% A discount of , The discount for you is :',price,' Thank you for your patronage !' ) # The output condition is satisfied 2 Of The first method
print(' I can call you here 20% A discount of , The discount for you is :{:.2f}'.format(price)) # The second method
print(' You are not satisfied with the discounted price , Please continue to buy !') # Not meeting the conditions 1 The conditions of execution
# 2 Determine if it's a leap year
# Tips :
# Enter a valid year ( Such as :2019), Determine if it's a leap year ( There is no need to consider non numerical cases )
# If it's a leap year , Then print “2019 Year is a leap year ”; Otherwise print “2019 Year is not a leap year ”
# What is leap year , Please find out for yourself ( The requirements document does not explain )
# Please enter a year
# Conditions 1: Can't be 100 Divisible and capable of being divided by 4 to be divisible by
# Conditions 2: Enough quilt 100 Divisible and capable of being divided by 400 to be divisible by
print(' The second question is ************************************************')
year = int(input(' Please enter a year :')) # Enter an integer year
if (year % 100 != 0 and year % 4 == 0) or (year % 100 == 0 and year % 400 == 0): # Conditions 1 And conditions 2
print(' What you entered ' + str(year) + ' It's a leap year ') # To be satisfied is to output this
else: # conversely
print(' What you entered ' + str(year) + ' It's not a leap year ') # Can not be satisfied is output this
# 3. Find the maximum of three integers
# Tips : Definition 3 A variable
print(' Third question ************************************************')
numb1 = input(' Please enter the first number :') # Enter the first variable
numb2 = input(' Please enter the second number :') # Enter the second variable
numb3 = input(' Please enter the third number :') # Enter the third variable
max = 0 # Assumed maximum max by 0
if numb1 > numb2: # advanced 2 The number is worth comparing
max = numb1 # The maximum value is numb1
else: # conversely
max = numb2 # The maximum value is numb2
if max > numb3: # Compare max Compare with the remaining values
print(' The maximum value is '+ str(max)) # The maximum value is max Then print this
else: # conversely
print(' The maximum value is ' + str(numb3)) # The maximum value is numb3 Then print this
# 4, Use for Print the multiplication table
# Tips : Output the multiplication table , The format is as follows :( There is a space between each item of data Tab key , have access to "\t")
print(' Fourth question **********************************************')
for index in range(1,10): # The value range is (1-9)
for numb in range(1,index+1): # Each cycle needs to add 1
print('{}*{} = {}\t'.format(index, numb, index*numb),end = ' ') # Use format Function to output
# Advanced work
Use the cycle to complete the scissors, stone and cloth game , Prompt the user to enter the punch to be played : stone (1)/ scissors (2)/ cloth (3)/ sign out (4)
The computer randomly punches the winner , Show user wins 、 Negative or draw . Run as shown in the figure below :
Tips : The computer punches at random
Use random number , First, you need to import the module of random numbers —— “ tool kit ”
import random
After importing the module , Can be directly in Module name Knock on the back "." Then press Tab key , All functions included in the module will be prompted
random.randint(a, b), return [a, b] Integer between , contain a and b
print(' The first question is *********************************************************************************************')
import random # Module for importing random numbers
while True:
player = int(input(' Please enter the options you want stone (1)/ scissors (2)/ cloth (3)/ sign out (4):')) # Enter the selected option
if player == 4: # If the player enters 4 , Meet the conditions , Execute this
print(' Game exit ')
break # Exit the current loop
computer = random.randint(1,3) # The computer is randomly placed in 1-3 Choose between
if ((player == 3 and computer == 1) # If the player gives out cloth (3) And the computer (1) Players win
or (player == 1 and computer == 2) # If the player throws a stone (1) And computer scissors (2) Players win
or (player == 2 and computer == 3)): # If the player gives scissors (2) And the computer (3) Players win
print(' The player's choice of punch is {}, Computer punches {}, Players win !'.format(player, computer)) # Use format Function to print the player's victory
elif player == computer: # If the player and the computer are the same , It's a draw
print(' The player's choice of punch is {}, Computer punches {}, It's a draw !'.format(player, computer)) # Use format Function to print a draw
else: # conversely
print(' The player's choice of punch is {}, Computer punches {}, The player failed !'.format(player, computer)) # Use format Function to print out that the player failed
print(' Game over ')
# 2、 Write the following program
# a. User input 1-7 Seven numbers , They represent Monday to Sunday
# b. If input 1~5, Print the corresponding “ Monday ”~“ Friday ”, If the number entered is 6 or 7, Printout “ Over the weekend ”
# c. If input 0, Exit loop
# d. Type in something else , Tips :“ Incorrect input , Please re-enter !”
# Tips : This question can be used if and while loop , At the same time, it is necessary to verify whether the user's input is correct . Do not consider floating-point numbers, etc .
print(' The first 2 topic *********************************************************************************************')
my_days = [" Monday ", " Tuesday ", " Wednesday ", " Thursday ", " Friday ", " Saturday ", " Over the weekend "] # Define a list
while True:
num = input(" Please enter 0~7 Number in range :") # Input number
if num in list("1234567"): # If the entered value is in the list , Meet the conditions 1, Perform the next step
print(" It's today {}!".format(my_days[int(num)-1])) # Use format function
elif num == "0": # The value entered is equal to 0, Meet the conditions 2
print(" Program exit !") # Print
break # Exit the current loop
else: # conversely , Input does not belong to 0-7 Number of ranges , conditions for execution 3
print(" Incorrect input , Please re-enter !") # Print
# 3、 Bubble sort ( There is no requirement to submit , Memorize before the interview )
# Use the loop to implement the sorting algorithm ( Bubbling , Select an algorithm , Please find out for yourself .)
# Tips : utilize for loop , complete a=[1,7,4,89,34,2] Sort ( Small numbers come first , Behind the big row ), Out of commission sort、sorted And other built-in functions or methods
a =[1,7,4,89,34,2]
for k in range(1,len(a)):
for m in range(0,len(a)-k):
if a[m] > a[m+1]:
a[m],a[m+1] = a[m+1],a[m]

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