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Database test management and construction platform based on python+html+django+mysql thesis document + graduation defense ppt+ project source code and database file


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In recent years, with the rapid development of China's software industry , It also drives the rapid development of software testing industry . With the continuous development of software testing industry , Due to human resources 、 Time cost and other conditions , The testing process has gradually developed from manual testing to automated tool testing , Replace labor with tools , Save labor cost and time cost . However, automated testing tools often ignore a manual testing process , It is the construction of test data and environment , The data of most test tools need to be prepared manually in the early stage , Poor reusability .
This system uses Python And other service technologies have designed and implemented a service that can be easily designed by testers 、 A working platform for managing and building test data , Test data management and construction platform is a platform that uses online services to support test data design 、 Build and trigger test driven systems , The main functions are test data case editing 、 Test case editing 、 Test data construction 、 Test task execution 、 Test task monitoring 、 Release of test results, etc 、 It is an attempt to free test engineers from manual data or data selection , It is characterized by customized processing for different database types , Add data scenario management before and after test case scenarios , Committed to the efficient use of the test data environment . Reduce the cost of testing , Improve test efficiency .
This system mainly uses Html+Django Developing dynamic websites 、WebStorm Design system interface 、Mysql Develop background database and Python The script language implements the background service code .
【 key word 】 automated testing Django Pyhon HTML database
One 、 Clue On 1
( One )、 Research background 1
( Two )、 Current situation at home and abroad 1
( 3、 ... and )、 Technical introduction 2
1、Django brief introduction 2
2、HTML brief introduction 2
3、Django Operating environment configuration 3
4、 Database design 3
Two 、 System requirements 4
( One )、 Demand analysis 4
1、 functional requirement 4
2、 Security needs 5
( Two )、 The feasibility of the system 5
( 3、 ... and )、 System structural analysis 5
( Four )、 Target system requirements 8
3、 ... and 、 overall design 8
( One )、 Overall design of system interface 8
( Two )、 The overall design of the background database 8
Four 、 Detailed design 9
( One )、 System design idea 9
( Two )、 Detailed design of system database 9
1、 Conceptual model design 10
2、 Logical model design 10
3、 Physical model design 11
( 3、 ... and )、 The design and implementation of the foreground module 13
1、 User login module 13
2、 User management module 13
3、 Test case management module 14
4、 Test task management module 17
5、 System parameter management module 18
6、 Database connection 19
5、 ... and 、 Conclusion 21
reference 21
appendix 21
thank 26
One 、 Clue On
( One )、 Research background
With the rapid development of China's software industry in recent years , It also drives the rapid development of software testing industry . The software industry has a growing demand for test practitioners , The gap of test practitioners is becoming more and more obvious . In the actual situation that the growth of test employees is less than the growth of use demand for a long time , We should seek to optimize the testing process through continuous technical improvement , Free up limited testing resources . Replace labor with tools , Use methods to improve efficiency . In the current testing industry environment , Test execution has gradually moved towards automated tools , A large number of testing tools emerge in endlessly , Performance testing 、 Pressure test 、 And functional testing tools are becoming more and more mature . However, there are still many links that need to be optimized in the same way . Data construction and management is an opportunity .
The construction and management of test data is the data foundation and preliminary preparation of the test process , The smooth progress of the test process needs the test data as the basis , It is particularly important to design and manage test data well , It usually takes a long time to design before performing the test 、 Construct or select test data , And often these data are bundled in large numbers 、 I am with you , The number of repeated use is extremely low , Become dead data , Reserve land , It's a pity to delete . When it comes to regression testing , These test data often need to be recovered or re prepared . Wasted testing time and testing resources , If you save this time, you can do a lot of other things . How to make these data easy to design 、 Flexible use of . We should improve the efficiency of test data preparation in two directions , To improve the test preparation time , First of all : Simplify the design of test data , As far as possible, test engineers only create data or attributes that meet the needs of the test scenario , The remaining data or attributes that do not hinder testing are replaced by the default data model . second : Set the test data build as a test scenario before and after the test scenario , As part of the testing process , Easy to maintain, manage and reuse , Reduce test data redundancy and interference between data .

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