I have found documentation about subprocess.check_output() but I cannot find one with arguments and the documentation is not very in depth. I found something about subprocess.check_output() Documents , But I can't find the document with parameters , The documentation is not very in-depth .I am using Python 3 (but am trying to run a Python 2 file through Python 3) I am using Python 3( But I tried to pass Python 3 function Python 2 file )
I am trying to run this command: python py2.py -i test.txt
I am trying to run this command : python py2.py -i test.txt
-i is a positional argument for argparse, test.txt is what the -i is, py2.py is the file to run-i yes argparse Position parameters of ,test.txt yes -i What is it? ,py2.py Is the file to run
I have tried a lot of (non working) variations including: py2output = subprocess.check_output([str('python py2.py '),'-i', 'test.txt'])
I tried a lot ( Non work ) variant , Include : py2output = subprocess.check_output([str('python py2.py '),'-i', 'test.txt'])
py2output = subprocess.check_output([str('python'),'py2.py','-i', test.txt'])