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Mushroom cloud blank board Python tutorial lesson 10: multi node intelligent agricultural system


In the last class , We designed a smart Agricultural Internet of things system , Through a blank board to detect the soil moisture during plant growth , Upload humidity data to SIoT Internet of things platform for remote viewing and remote control of watering from the platform when the humidity is low .

However , In the real agricultural scene , It is often necessary to detect diverse data in different places , And it is aggregated to a platform master station for remote access .

that , In this class , Let's use DFRobot Of 3 A blank board , Let's design a multi node intelligent agricultural system , Simulate the real agricultural scene .


Mission objectives

Prepare multiple blank boards ( With 3 Block as an example ), Connect all blank boards and computers to the same LAN segment . Then open it separately on the third blank board SIoT Application as server , The soil moisture data detected by the first row blank plate and the light value data detected by the second row blank plate , While each is displayed on the screen , Also sent to the board 3 Of SIoT On the Internet of things platform ; Last , Make the third blank board subscribe to the messages received by the IOT platform , Place plate 1 Soil moisture and plate 2 The light intensity is displayed on the screen together , also , When the two detected environmental data are poor , Automatically send an alert email to our mailbox , To remind us of watering and lighting in time .







Knowledge point

  1. Learn to use 3 The method of building a multi node Internet of things system with a block of empty boards
  2. Master many different ways to supply power to the blank board
  3. Master the different methods of remotely connecting the blank board and running the program
  4. Learn to use smtplib The process of sending mail from the library
  5. Learn to use smtplib How to send mail from the library

List of materials

Hardware list :


Empty board x3


Type-C&Micro Two - USB Line x3


Soil moisture sensor x1


12V/1000mA The power adapter x1

Simple relay module x1


Submersible pump with water pipe x1



both ends PH2.0-3P White Silicone stranded wire x2


The number is red LED Light emitting module x1

Software use :Mind+ Programming software x1

other :  1、 Flowerpots with plants  x1

  1. A beaker with water  x1
  2. cross / Slotted screwdriver x1
  3. TypeC or USB-A Port power adapter or power bank  x3

Knowledge reserve

  1. smtplib Library and email library

Use Python Programming to send mail requires two key steps , The next step is to construct the message content , Another step is to send an email . The former , We can use email Library to implement , the latter , We can use smtplib Library for .


2、email.mime.text package MIMEText Module creates mail text

email.mime.text Bag MIMEText The module can create text content when constructing messages , When using , You need to import this module first , Then instantiate MIMEText() Class to create text objects .

from email.mime.text import MIMEText # Import email.mime.text In bag MIMEText modular

msg=MIMEText('Hello World','plain','utf-8')  # Create a message text object ,‘Hello World’ Corresponding text content ,'plain' Refers to the set text format ,'utf-8' Refers to the set code

among ,“Hello World” Refers to the text content to be sent ,“plain” Refers to the format of text ,“utf-8” It means coding .

3、email.utils package formataddr Module format content

email.utils Bag  formataddr The module can format the input content when constructing the mail , So that the mail server can recognize . When using , You need to import this module first .

from email.utils import formataddr # Import formataddr modular , Responsible for formatting the input content

''' Three header messages : Sender , The recipient , The theme '''

     msg['From']=formataddr([my_name,my_sender]) # Define sender information : The nickname of sender's email in brackets 、 Sender email account

     msg['To']=formataddr([my_user_name,my_user]) # Define recipient information : The nickname of the recipient's email in brackets 、 Email account of the addressee

     msg['Subject']= ' Email test ' # Define the subject of the message , It can also be said that the title

among ,“msg['From']” Indicates the sender information in the e-mail message , Including email 、 nickname ;“msg['To']” Indicates the information of the recipient in the mail message , Including email 、 nickname ;“msg['Subject']” The subject of the email , Text content “ Email test ” Is its specific content .

here , We go through “formataddr()” Function formats the sender information and recipient information text of the e-mail .

4、smtplib Library functions

smtplib The library can realize the function of sending mail , When using , First, you need to import the library , secondly , Through “SMTP_SSL()” Function to create a SMTP Service object to connect to mailbox , Then passed “login()” Function login mailbox , Then use “sendmail()” Function to send mail , Finally through “quit()” Function to exit the connection to the mailbox server .

(1)smtplib library SMTP_SSL() Function creation SMTP service object

smtplib In the library SMTP_SSL() Function to create SMTP Service object to connect to mailbox . When using , First, you need to import the library . import smtplib # Import smtplib library

server=smtplib.SMTP_SSL("smtp.qq.com", 465) # establish SMTP service , Connect qq Mailbox server , In the sender's mailbox SMTP The server ,SMTP Protocol encryption port yes 465

among ,“smtp.qq.com” refer to QQ Mailbox server ,“465” Express SMTP Protocol encryption port .

(2)smtplib library login() Function login mailbox

smtplib In the library login() Function to log in to the sender's mailbox . When using , It is necessary to set the account number of the mailbox to be logged in and the third-party login authorization code .

my_sender='10******[email protected]' # Set the sender's email account , Enter your own email

my_pass = 'sq******ga' # Set the sender's mailbox authorization code

server.login(my_sender, my_pass)  # Login mailbox , The brackets correspond to the sender's email account 、 Mailbox password

among ,“my_sender” It refers to the sender's email account ,“my_pass” It refers to the authorization code of the sender's mailbox .

(3)smtplib library sendmail() Function to send mail

smtplib In the library sendmail() Function to send mail . When using , The sender's email account should be set 、 The email account of the recipient and the content of the message to be sent .

msg=MIMEText(content,'plain','utf-8')  # Create a message text object ,Title Corresponding text content ,'plain' Refers to the set text format ,'utf-8' Refers to the set code

my_sender='10******[email protected]' # Set the sender's email account , Enter your own email

my_user='10******[email protected]' # Set the recipient email account , I'll send it to myself

server.sendmail(my_sender,my_user,msg.as_string())  # Send E-mail , The brackets correspond to the sender's email account 、 Email account of the addressee 、 The string format of the message

among ,“my_sender” It refers to the sender's email account ,“my_user” It refers to the email account number of the recipient ,“msg.as_string()” This refers to defining the message as a string .

(4)smtplib library quit() Function to close the connection

smtplib In the library quit() Function to close the connection to the mailbox server .

server.quit()  # Close the connection

Hands-on practice

Task description 1: Preparation

1、 Analysis design

In this project , We will complete the design of multi node intelligent agriculture system . First , We need to 3 The blank board and the computer are connected in the same LAN ( With the help of routers / Mobile hotspot ); after , We will use each board in turn USB Cable to connect the computer for network configuration ; Last , Let's open one of the boards separately SIoT The application makes it a server , Other boards are used as clients , Send data to by programming SIoT On the Internet of things platform .


2、 configure network

STEP1 Connect the computer to the router Wi-Fi in


Tips : Without a router, you can also realize networking by turning on the hotspot on your mobile phone .

STEP2 Take a board , It through USB Connect the cable to the computer .

STEP3 Open the browser , Sign in “” Blank board page menu , configure network , Connect them together Wi-Fi in .


STEP4 After completion , pull out USB Line , Configure the network for the other two blank boards in the same way .

STEP5 to 3 Power on the board , Keep them all on

here , There are three ways to power on the board , Choose one of them :

  1. Use USB or type-c Port output power adapter
  2. Use USB or type-c Power bank output from the port
  3. Through computer USB port

STEP6 Check the wireless connection of each board IP Address .

Check and record in turn 3 The wireless connection of the board IP Address , Here's the picture , The first three groups of numbers should be the same , This shows that our success will 3 All the boards are connected in the same LAN segment .

Tips: here , Wireless connection of three boards IP The addresses are “”、“”、“”.


3、 Turn on SIoT

STEP1 Start a board alone SIoT service

Find one of the boards , Press down HOME Key to enter the menu , single click “ Apply switch ”, find SIoT Click enable after application , As shown in the figure below . meanwhile , Confirm the remaining two boards SIoT App off .

Tip1: here , We will SIoT The service started at IP by “” On my board .

Tip2: Close the... Of other boards SIoT It is to avoid that if the input address is wrong, the data will not be in the same place .


STEP2 Check the computer networking

Open the browser , Input IP Address “” And return , Enter the web page menu of the line blank board , Find the... Under the application switch SIoT service , Click on “ Open the page ”.


Tips: here , Need to “” Change to personal actual IP Address .

If the following interface appears ( Internet of things platform web side ), It means that the computer and the board are connected in the same LAN , And SIoT Application started successfully .


Task description 2 Empty board 1 Detect soil moisture

here , For the sake of distinguishing , We will turn on SIoT The applied board is recorded as the line blank board 3, The other two boards are line blank boards 1 And the line blank board 2 .

In this task , We will be on the line blank board 1 A background picture of smart agriculture is displayed on the screen of , The moisture data detected by the external soil moisture sensor is displayed on the screen , Send one side to the board 3 Of SIoT On the platform , The overall function here is the same as that in the previous lesson .

meanwhile , Alignment plate 1 Set automatic and manual modes , In automatic mode , When the detected soil moisture value is too low , Automatic watering through external relay and water pump ; In manual mode , It can be watered by clicking the button on the screen ; The modes can also be switched manually through the button .

Besides , Also available at SIoT Internet of things platform web page sending “relay on”、“relay off”、“auto” and “manual” Four instructions , Remote control watering 、 Turn off the water 、 Switch between automatic mode and manual mode .

1、 Hardware construction

STEP1 Connect the soil moisture sensor to the blank board 1 Of P21 Pin , The relay is connected to P23 Pin


STEP2 Use a screwdriver to connect the positive and negative lines of the water pump with the adapter


STEP3 Use the relay to turn the 12V The power switch is connected with the adapter of the water pump


STEP4 Turn the relay switch to NC End


STEP5 Insert the water pipe and the soil moisture sensor into the flowerpot , The water pump is fixed in a beaker full of water


STEP6 take 12V Plug in the power switch 220V Power supply socket

Tips : For the above specific steps, please refer to chapter 8 course .

2、 Programming

STEP1: Create and save project files

start-up Mind+, Save the project as and name it “010、 Multi node intelligent agricultural system 01”.

STEP2 Remote connection line blank board

Programming different boards , We can open multiple at the same time Mind+, In all Mind+ Manually enter different IP Address , In this way, you can connect and access different boards .

(1) choice “ Manual input ”


  1. Input blank board 1 Wireless connection for IP Address “”

Tips: Need to change to the actual line blank board 1 Of IP Address , At the same time, the board here must be in the normal startup state and in the same place as the computer Wi-Fi Below you can connect successfully .


STEP3 On the line blank 1 in gen Create a new folder , And named it “ Multi node intelligent agricultural system ”

Tips: here , We build the program directly on the board , In this way, it is convenient to directly pass through the blank board Home Menu to run the program without starting MInd+ function , The operation method will be introduced later .


STEP4 Create and save Python file

stay “ Multi node intelligent agricultural system ” In the folder Create a Python Program files “main1.py”, Double-click to open .


STEP5: Import material folder

stay “ Multi node intelligent agricultural system ” Import the material folder in the folder .( See Appendix for download links 1)



STEP6 Programming

  1. Import the required libraries

from unihiker import GUI  # Import unihiker library GUI modular

from pinpong.board import Board, Pin  # Import pinpong Under the Treasury Board, Pin modular

import time  # Import time library

import siot  # Import siot library

  1. Initialize the board and pins

''' Initialize the board and hardware '''

Board().begin()  # Initialize the line blank board

adc0 = Pin(Pin.P21, Pin.ANALOG)  # initialization 21 The pin is in analog input mode

relay = Pin(Pin.P23, Pin.OUT)  # initialization 23 The pin is in digital output mode

  1. Connect SIoT Internet of things platform and set the function of sending and subscribing message data

Tips: there IP The address is written in the previously recorded blank board 3 Wireless hotspots IP.

''' Set the Internet of things platform connection parameters '''

SERVER = ""  # MQTT The server IP, Enter personal actual IP

CLIENT_ID = ""  # stay SIoT On ,CLIENT_ID You can leave it blank

IOT_UserName = 'siot'  # user name

IOT_PassWord = 'dfrobot'  # password

IOT_pubTopic1 = ' Multi node intelligent agricultural system /Soil_moisture_value'  # humidity topic,“ Project name / Equipment name ”

# Define callback function

def sub_relay(client, userdata, msg):

    topic = msg.topic

    payload = msg.payload.decode()

    ''' Define the operation when the instruction is received '''

    print("\nTopic:" + topic + " Message:" + payload)  # Print the received information

    if payload == 'relay on':  # If you receive “relay on”

        img.config(w=240, h=320, image='img/ watering 1.png')

        relay.write_digital(1)  # Relay output high level

    elif payload == 'relay off':  # If you receive “relay off”

        img.config(w=240, h=320, image='img/ Turn off the water 1.png')

        relay.write_digital(0)  # Relay output low level

    elif payload == 'auto':  # If you receive “auto”


        click_C()  # Switch mode -- Automatic mode

    elif payload == 'manual':  # If you receive “manual”


        click_C()  # Switch mode -- Manual mode

siot.init(CLIENT_ID, SERVER, user=IOT_UserName,password=IOT_PassWord)  # initialization , Make sure the user name and password entered are correct

siot.connect()  # Connect siot Internet of things platform

siot.subscribe(IOT_pubTopic1, sub_relay) # Subscribe to Internet of things platform messages

siot.loop()  # loop

  1. Display the screen interface

''' Display the screen interface '''

gui = GUI()  # Instantiation gui object

img = gui.draw_image(w=240, h=320, image='img/ Turn off the water 1.png') # Show background picture

# Define the callback function of the three buttons

def click_A():

    ''' Define the click button A Time operation -- Toggle the display of watering pictures '''

    img.config(w=240, h=320, image='img/ watering 1.png')

    relay.write_digital(1)  # Relay output high level

def click_B():

    ''' Define the click button B Time operation -- Switch the display of water off picture '''

    img.config(w=240, h=320, image='img/ Turn off the water 1.png')

    relay.write_digital(0)  # Relay output low level

is_auto_mode = 1  # Define a flag bit -- Automatic mode ,1 To open ,0 Weiguan

def click_C():  # Define the click button C Time operation -- Switch mode

    global is_auto_mode

    if is_auto_mode == 0: # If the automatic mode flag bit is 0, It was originally in manual mode , Then click

        text_mode.config(text=" Automatically ")

        button_A.config(state='disabled') # Set the button status to disabled, Indicates that you cannot click


        is_auto_mode = 1 # Set the automatic mode flag bit to 1 , The automatic mode is turned on

    elif is_auto_mode == 1: # If the auto mode standard bit is 1, That is, it was originally in automatic mode , Then click

        text_mode.config(text=" Manual ")

        button_A.config(state='normal') # Set the button status to normal, Indicates that it can be clicked


        is_auto_mode = 0 # Set the automatic mode flag bit to 0 , That is, open the manual mode

# Draw the fill rectangle

gui.fill_rect(x=65, y=35, w=70, h=30, color="white") # Draw a rectangle to show “ Humidity value ”

gui.fill_rect(x=148, y=35, w=55, h=30, color="white") # Draw a rectangle to display humidity value data

gui.fill_rect(x=100, y=160, w=70, h=30, color="white") # Draw a rectangle to show “ Current mode ”

gui.fill_rect(x=180, y=160, w=50, h=30, color="white")  # Draw a rectangle to show the mode type

# Display text in a rectangular box

gui.draw_text(x=68, y=36, color="red", text=' Humidity value :')  # According to the text “ Humidity value :”

text_value = gui.draw_text(x=155, y=36, color="red", text="") # Display humidity value data

gui.draw_text(x=105, y=163, color="red", text=' Current mode :', font_size=11) # According to the text “ Current mode :”

text_mode = gui.draw_text(x=190, y=163, color="red", text=" Automatically ", font_size=11) # Display mode type

# Display button

''' Display the button and set the function triggered after the button is clicked , And the button is not clickable at the beginning '''

button_A = gui.add_button(x=50, y=260, w=70, h=40,text=" watering ", οnclick=click_A, state='disabled')

button_B = gui.add_button(x=140, y=260, w=70, h=40,text=" Turn off the water ", οnclick=click_B, state='disabled')

button_C = gui.add_button(x=10, y=160, w=70, h=30,text=" Switch mode ", οnclick=click_C)

  1. Define the automatic water replenishment function

# Define automatic water replenishment when the humidity value is low 3 second

def auto_watering():

    ''' Define automatic water replenishment when the humidity value is low 3 second '''

    if Soil_moisture_value < 2120:






  1. Cycle to detect the humidity value and send data to the Internet of things platform

while True:  # loop

    Soil_moisture_value = adc0.read_analog()  # Read analog values

    print(Soil_moisture_value)  # Print and display humidity value

    siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic1, Soil_moisture_value)  # Release information to the Internet of things platform

    if is_auto_mode == 1:

        auto_watering()  # Automatic water replenishment

    text_value.config(text=Soil_moisture_value)  # Update humidity value

    time.sleep(1)  # delay1 second

Tips: The complete sample program is as follows :

# plate 1 Test soil moisture data , Send to board 3 Open SIoT On the Internet of things platform .

from unihiker import GUI  # Import unihiker library GUI modular

from pinpong.board import Board, Pin  # Import pinpong Under the Treasury Board, Pin modular

import time  # Import time library

import siot  # Import siot library

''' Initialize the board and hardware '''

Board().begin()  # Initialize the line blank board

adc0 = Pin(Pin.P21, Pin.ANALOG)  # initialization 21 The pin is in analog input mode

relay = Pin(Pin.P23, Pin.OUT)  # initialization 23 The pin is in digital output mode

''' Set the Internet of things platform connection parameters '''

SERVER = ""  # MQTT The server IP, Enter personal actual IP 

CLIENT_ID = ""  # stay SIoT On ,CLIENT_ID You can leave it blank

IOT_UserName = 'siot'  # user name

IOT_PassWord = 'dfrobot'  # password

IOT_pubTopic1 = ' Multi node intelligent agricultural system /Soil_moisture_value'  # humidity topic,“ Project name / Equipment name ”

# Define callback function

def sub_relay(client, userdata, msg):

    topic = msg.topic

    payload = msg.payload.decode()

    ''' Define the operation when the instruction is received '''

    print("\nTopic:" + topic + " Message:" + payload)  # Print the received information

    if payload == 'relay on':  # If you receive “relay on”

        img.config(w=240, h=320, image='img/ watering 1.png')

        relay.write_digital(1)  # Relay output high level

    elif payload == 'relay off':  # If you receive “relay off”

        img.config(w=240, h=320, image='img/ Turn off the water 1.png')

        relay.write_digital(0)  # Relay output low level

    elif payload == 'auto':  # If you receive “auto”


        click_C()  # Switch mode -- Automatic mode

    elif payload == 'manual':  # If you receive “manual”


        click_C()  # Switch mode -- Manual mode

siot.init(CLIENT_ID, SERVER, user=IOT_UserName,password=IOT_PassWord)  # initialization , Make sure the user name and password entered are correct

siot.connect()  # Connect siot Internet of things platform

siot.subscribe(IOT_pubTopic1, sub_relay) # Subscribe to Internet of things platform messages

siot.loop()  # loop

''' Display the screen interface '''

gui = GUI()  # Instantiation gui object

img = gui.draw_image(w=240, h=320, image='img/ Turn off the water 1.png') # Show background picture

# Define the callback function of the three buttons

def click_A():

    ''' Define the click button A Time operation -- Toggle the display of watering pictures '''

    img.config(w=240, h=320, image='img/ watering 1.png')

    relay.write_digital(1)  # Relay output high level

def click_B():

    ''' Define the click button B Time operation -- Switch the display of water off picture '''

    img.config(w=240, h=320, image='img/ Turn off the water 1.png')

    relay.write_digital(0)  # Relay output low level

is_auto_mode = 1  # Define a flag bit -- Automatic mode ,1 To open ,0 Weiguan

def click_C():  # Define the click button C Time operation -- Switch mode

    global is_auto_mode

    if is_auto_mode == 0: # If the automatic mode flag bit is 0, It was originally in manual mode , Then click

        text_mode.config(text=" Automatically ")

        button_A.config(state='disabled') # Set the button status to disabled, Indicates that you cannot click


        is_auto_mode = 1 # Set the automatic mode flag bit to 1 , The automatic mode is turned on

    elif is_auto_mode == 1: # If the auto mode standard bit is 1, That is, it was originally in automatic mode , Then click

        text_mode.config(text=" Manual ")

        button_A.config(state='normal') # Set the button status to normal, Indicates that it can be clicked


        is_auto_mode = 0 # Set the automatic mode flag bit to 0 , That is, open the manual mode

# Draw the fill rectangle

gui.fill_rect(x=65, y=35, w=70, h=30, color="white") # Draw a rectangle to show “ Humidity value ”

gui.fill_rect(x=148, y=35, w=55, h=30, color="white") # Draw a rectangle to display humidity value data

gui.fill_rect(x=100, y=160, w=70, h=30, color="white") # Draw a rectangle to show “ Current mode ”

gui.fill_rect(x=180, y=160, w=50, h=30, color="white")  # Draw a rectangle to show the mode type

# Display text in a rectangular box

gui.draw_text(x=68, y=36, color="red", text=' Humidity value :')  # According to the text “ Humidity value :”

text_value = gui.draw_text(x=155, y=36, color="red", text="") # Display humidity value data

gui.draw_text(x=105, y=163, color="red", text=' Current mode :', font_size=11) # According to the text “ Current mode :”

text_mode = gui.draw_text(x=190, y=163, color="red", text=" Automatically ", font_size=11) # Display mode type

# Display button

''' Display the button and set the function triggered after the button is clicked , And the button is not clickable at the beginning '''

button_A = gui.add_button(x=50, y=260, w=70, h=40,text=" watering ", οnclick=click_A, state='disabled')

button_B = gui.add_button(x=140, y=260, w=70, h=40,text=" Turn off the water ", οnclick=click_B, state='disabled')

button_C = gui.add_button(x=10, y=160, w=70, h=30,text=" Switch mode ", οnclick=click_C)

# Define automatic water replenishment when the humidity value is low 3 second

def auto_watering():

    ''' Define automatic water replenishment when the humidity value is low 3 second '''

    if Soil_moisture_value < 2120:






while True:  # loop

    Soil_moisture_value =  adc0.read_analog()  # Read analog values

    print(Soil_moisture_value)  # Print and display humidity value

    siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic1, Soil_moisture_value)  # Release information to the Internet of things platform

    if is_auto_mode == 1:

        auto_watering()  # Automatic water replenishment

    text_value.config(text=Soil_moisture_value)  # Update humidity value

    time.sleep(1)  # delay1 second

3、 The program runs

STEP1 Run and observe the effect

Click on Mind+ The run button on the software , Observe the empty board 1, You can see the board 1 The interface is as follows , It can control watering in both manual and automatic modes , You can also type SIoT Of the blank board where the server is located IP Address ( Here is “”), Open... In the web page menu application switch SIoT, View humidity data remotely from the Internet of things platform and perform watering and other operations .



Tips: Only sending messages in manual mode is effective

Task description 3 Empty board 2 Detect light

here , We will be on the line blank board 2 A small light background picture is displayed on the screen of , Display the light value data detected by the onboard light sensor on the screen , Send one side to the board 3 Of SIoT On the platform .

meanwhile , Alignment plate 2 Set automatic and manual modes , In automatic mode , When the detected light value is too low , Through external connection LED To automatically fill the light ; In manual mode , Fill the light by clicking the button on the screen ; The modes can also be switched manually through the button .

Besides , Also available at SIoT Internet of things platform web page sending “led on”、“led off”、“auto” and “manual” Four instructions , Remote control LED The light is on 、LED The light goes out 、 Switch between automatic mode and manual mode .

1、 Hardware construction

take LED Access the blank board 2 Of P23 Pin


2、 Programming

STEP1: Create and save project files

Again start-up One Mind+ Software , Save the project as and name it “010、 Multi node intelligent agricultural system 02”.

STEP2 Remote connection line blank board

(1) choice “ Manual input ”

(2) Input blank board 2 Wireless connection for IP Address “”


STEP3 And board 1 equally , Directly on the line blank board 2 in gen Create a new folder , And named it “ Multi node intelligent agricultural system ”

STEP4 Create and save Python file

stay “ Multi node intelligent agricultural system ” In the folder Create a Python Program files “main2.py”, Double-click to open .

STEP5: stay “ Multi node intelligent agricultural system ” Import the material folder in the folder .


STEP6 Programming

On the whole , The programming logic here is the same as the above board 1, So we don't go into too much detail , Note that the actual line blank board is written 3 Of IP Address .

Tips: The complete sample program is as follows :

# plate 2 Detect light data , Send to board 3 Open SIoT On the Internet of things platform .

from unihiker import GUI  # Import unihiker library

from pinpong.board import Board, Pin  # Import pinpong Under the Treasury Board, Pin modular

from pinpong.extension.unihiker import * # Import pinpong.extension.unihiker All modules in the package

import time  # Import time library

import siot  # Import siot library

''' Initialize the board and hardware '''

Board().begin()  # Initialize the line blank board

led = Pin(Pin.P23, Pin.OUT)  # initialization 23 The pin is in digital output mode

''' Set the Internet of things platform connection parameters '''

SERVER = ""  # MQTT The server IP, Enter personal actual IP 

CLIENT_ID = ""  # stay SIoT On ,CLIENT_ID You can leave it blank

IOT_UserName = 'siot'  # user name

IOT_PassWord = 'dfrobot'  # password

IOT_pubTopic2 = ' Multi node intelligent agricultural system /light'  # humidity topic,“ Project name / Equipment name ”

# Define callback function

def sub_led(client, userdata, msg):

    topic = msg.topic

    payload = msg.payload.decode()

    ''' Define the operation when the instruction is received '''

    print("\nTopic:" + topic + " Message:" + payload)  # Print the received information

    if payload == 'led on':  # If you receive “led on”

        img.config(w=240, h=320, image='img/ turn on the light 1.png')

        led.write_digital(1)  # led Output high level

    elif payload == 'led off':  # If you receive “led off”

        img.config(w=240, h=320, image='img/ Turn off the lights 1.png')

        led.write_digital(0)  # led Output low level

    elif payload == 'auto':  # If you receive “auto”


        click_C()  # Switch mode -- Automatic mode

    elif payload == 'manual':  # If you receive “manual”


        click_C()  # Switch mode -- Manual mode

siot.init(CLIENT_ID, SERVER, user=IOT_UserName,password=IOT_PassWord)  # initialization , Make sure the user name and password entered are correct

siot.connect()  # Connect siot Internet of things platform

siot.subscribe(IOT_pubTopic2, sub_led) # Subscribe to Internet of things platform messages

siot.loop()  # loop

''' Display the screen interface '''

gui = GUI()  # Instantiation gui object

img = gui.draw_image(w=240, h=320, image='img/ Turn off the lights 1.png') # Show background picture

# Define callback function

def click_A():

    ''' Define the click button A Time operation -- Toggle the display of the light on picture '''

    img.config(w=240, h=320, image='img/ turn on the light 1.png')

    led.write_digital(1) # Relay Output High level

def click_B():

    ''' Define the click button B Time operation -- Toggles the display of the light off picture '''

    img.config(w=240, h=320, image='img/ Turn off the lights 1.png')

    led.write_digital(0)  # Relay Output Low level

is_auto_mode = 1  # Define a flag bit -- Automatic mode ,1 To open ,0 Weiguan

def click_C():  # Define the click button C Time operation -- Switch mode

    global is_auto_mode

    if is_auto_mode == 0: # If the automatic mode flag bit is 0, It was originally in manual mode , Then click

        text_mode.config(text=" Automatically ")

        button_A.config(state='disabled') # Set the button status to disabled, Indicates that you cannot click


        is_auto_mode = 1 # Set the automatic mode flag bit to 1 , The automatic mode is turned on

    elif is_auto_mode == 1: # If the auto mode standard bit is 1, That is, it was originally in automatic mode , Then click

        text_mode.config(text=" Manual ")

        button_A.config(state='normal') # Set the button status to normal, Indicates that it can be clicked


        is_auto_mode = 0 # Set the automatic mode flag bit to 0 , That is, open the manual mode

# Draw the fill rectangle

gui.fill_rect(x=65, y=35, w=70, h=30, color="white")  # Draw a rectangle to show “ Light value ”

gui.fill_rect(x=148, y=35, w=55, h=30, color="white")  # Draw a rectangle to display ray value data

gui.fill_rect(x=100, y=160, w=70, h=30, color="white")  # Draw a rectangle to show “ Current mode ”

gui.fill_rect(x=180, y=160, w=50, h=30, color="white")  # Draw rectangle display mode type

# Display text in a rectangular box

gui.draw_text(x=68, y=36, color="red", text=' Light value ') # According to the text “ Light value ”

text_value = gui.draw_text(x=155, y=36, color="red", text="") # Display ray value data

gui.draw_text(x=105, y=163, color="red", text=' Current mode :', font_size=11) # According to the text “ Current mode :”

text_mode = gui.draw_text(x=190, y=163, color="red", text=" Automatically ", font_size=11) # Display mode type

# Display button

''' Display the button and set the function triggered after the button is clicked , And the button is not clickable at the beginning '''

button_A = gui.add_button(x=50, y=260, w=70, h=40,text=" turn on the light ", οnclick=click_A, state='disabled')

button_B = gui.add_button(x=140, y=260, w=70, h=40,text=" Turn off the lights ", οnclick=click_B, state='disabled')

button_C = gui.add_button(x=10, y=160, w=70, h=30,text=" Switch mode ", οnclick=click_C)


# Define that the light will turn on automatically when the light value is low

def auto_light():

    ''' Define that the light will turn on automatically when the light value is low '''

    if Light< 666:




while True:  # loop

    Light = light.read() # Read the light value

    print(Light)  # Print display ray values

    siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic2, Light)  # Release information to the Internet of things platform

    if is_auto_mode == 1:

        auto_light()  # Automatic water replenishment

    text_value.config(text=Light)  # Update ray values

    time.sleep(1)  # delay1 second

3、 The program runs

STEP1: Run and observe the effect

Click on Mind+ The run button on the software , Observe the empty board 2, You can see the board 2 The interface is as follows , It can control the fill light in both manual and automatic modes ( open LED), You can also type SIoT Of the blank board where the server is located IP Address ( Here is “”), Open... In the web application SIoT, Remotely view the light value data from the Internet of things platform and perform operations such as light compensation .

Pay attention to the board 2 Of Topic And board 1 Of Topic Different , The name of the operation that needs to return the device list is “light” Project .



Tips: Only sending messages in manual mode is effective

Task description 4 Empty board 3 Remote monitoring

here , We will empty the board 3 As the main station , Receive line blank board 1 And the line blank board 2 Send to SIoT Soil moisture and light value data on the Internet of things platform , Then the summary is displayed on the board 3 On the screen , And through the plate 3 The button on the board 1 And board 2 Control , Realize respective watering 、 Turn off the water 、 turn on the light 、 Light off function .

meanwhile , On board 3 Set the automatic and manual mode switch buttons on the , Respectively used for control board 1 And board 2 Switching between two modes , It defaults to automatic mode at the beginning .

Besides , The most important , plate 3 The master station can also judge the received data in real time , When some environmental data is poor , Send an email to the mailbox remotely as an alert , So that we can get the information in time and water and fill the light .

1、 Mailbox settings

STEP1 Record qq Email authorization code

  1. open qq mailbox , Click on the “ Set up ”


 2 Turn on SMTP service , Generate authorization code and record

Tips: You need to send verification SMS through your mobile phone , Generate authorization code



 3 Wechat opens QQ Email alert

here , For the convenience of checking the mail , We can also open it on wechat QQ Email reminder function .


Tips: Please refer to the link for specific operation methods :

How to open or close wechat QQ Email alert

2、 Programming

STEP1: Create and save project files

Again start-up One Mind+ Software , Save the project as and name it “010、 Multi node intelligent agricultural system 03”.

STEP2 Remote connection line blank board

(1) choice “ Manual input ”

  1. Input blank board 3 Wireless connection for IP Address “”

STEP3 Directly on the line blank board 3 in gen Create a new folder , And named it “ Multi node intelligent agricultural system ”

STEP4 Create and save Python file

stay “ Multi node intelligent agricultural system ” In the folder Create a Python Program files “main3.py”, Double-click to open .


Step5 Programming

(1) Import libraries

here , In order to send mail successfully , We first need to import smtplib library , meanwhile , When constructing messages , We need to deal with text , And format the input , Then we need to import MIMEText Module and formataddr modular .

from unihiker import GUI   # Import unihiker library GUI modular

import time  # Import time library

import siot  # Import siot library

import smtplib # Import smtplib library

from email.mime.text import MIMEText # Import email.mime.text library MIMEText modular , Responsible for processing text

from email.utils import formataddr # Import email.utils library formataddr modular , Responsible for formatting the input content

(2) Set the Internet of things platform connection parameters

next , As we will receive the board 1 And board 2 Data sent to the IOT platform , Therefore, we need to set the connection parameters of the IOT platform first , For subsequent subscriptions .

''' Set the Internet of things platform connection parameters '''

SERVER = ""  #  MQTT The server IP Address , Enter personal actual IP

CLIENT_ID = ""  # stay SIoT On ,CLIENT_ID You can leave it blank

IOT_UserName = 'siot'  # user name

IOT_PassWord = 'dfrobot'  # password

IOT_pubTopic1 = ' Multi node intelligent agricultural system /Soil_moisture_value'  # humidity topic,“ Project name / Equipment name ”

IOT_pubTopic2 = ' Multi node intelligent agricultural system /light'  # The light intensity topic,“ Project name / Equipment name ”

(3) Display screen pages

after , We are on the blank board 3 Four parts are displayed on the screen of , The first is the board 1 And board 2 Humidity value and light value data ; The second is the analysis of the data , For example, on the screen “ Current soil moisture is appropriate ”、“ The current light intensity is appropriate ”; Next is the mode switch button and the display of the current mode ; Finally, there are four button controls in manual mode . And in the button , We define the callback function , To set its function .

''' Display screen pages '''

# Define the callback function of the five buttons

def click_A():  # Define the click button A Time operation -- Switch pictures

    siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic1, 'relay on')  # Publish the information 'relay on' To the Internet of things platform

def click_B():  # Define the click button B Time operation -- Switch pictures

    siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic1, 'relay off')  # Publish the information 'relay off' To the Internet of things platform

def click_C():  # Define the click button C Time operation -- Switch pictures

    siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic2, 'led on')  # Publish the information 'led on' To the Internet of things platform

def click_D():  # Define the click button D Time operation -- Switch pictures

    siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic2, 'led off')  # Publish the information 'led off' To the Internet of things platform

is_auto_mode = 1  # Define a flag bit -- Automatic mode ,1 To open ,0 Weiguan

def click_E():  # Define the click button E Time operation -- Switch mode

    global is_auto_mode

    if is_auto_mode == 0:

        text_mode.config(text=" Automatically ")





        siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic1, 'auto')  # Publish the information 'auto' To the Internet of things platform

        siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic2, 'auto')  # Publish the information 'auto' To the Internet of things platform

        is_auto_mode = 1

    elif is_auto_mode == 1:

        text_mode.config(text=" Manual ")





        siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic1, 'manual')  # Publish the information 'manual' To the Internet of things platform

        siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic2, 'manual')  # Publish the information 'manual' To the Internet of things platform

        is_auto_mode = 0

gui=GUI() # Instantiation gui object

# Displays the filled rectangle

gui.fill_rect(x=0, y=0, w=240, h=320, color="#99CCFF") # Draw the fill rectangle Show In the background

# Show title

title = gui.draw_text(x=30, y=5, text=' Multi node intelligent agricultural system ', font_size=14, color='blue')

# Show part1 data ( Rounded rectangle 、 written words )

gui.draw_round_rect(x=20, y=33, w=200, h=42, r=8, width=1) # Show rounded rectangle ,( Starting point coordinates (20,33), wide 200, high 42, radius 8, Line width 1)

gui.draw_text(x=35, y=32, text=' Humidity value :', font_size=11)  # According to the text “ Humidity value :”

text_value = gui.draw_text(x=110, y=32, color="red", text="", font_size=12)  # Display ray value data

gui.draw_text(x=35, y=52, text=' Light value :', font_size=11) # According to the text “ Light value ”

text_value_2 = gui.draw_text(x=110, y=52, color="red", text="", font_size=12) # Display ray value data

# Show part2 Data ( Rounded rectangle 、 written words )

gui.draw_round_rect(x=20, y=80, w=200, h=80, r=8,width=1)

text1 = gui.draw_text(x=30, y=80, text=' Soil moisture :', font_size=11, color='black') # stay (30,60) Coordinate position display “ Soil moisture :”, Font size: 11, The color is black

text2 = gui.draw_text(x=30, y=98, text=' Current soil moisture is appropriate ', font_size=12, color='red')

text3 = gui.draw_text(x=30, y=120, text=' Light intensity :', font_size=11, color='black')

text4 = gui.draw_text(x=30, y=138, text=' The current light intensity is appropriate ', font_size=12, color='red')

# Show part3 Switch mode function ( Rounded rectangle 、 Button 、 written words )

gui.draw_round_rect(x=20, y=165, w=200, h=40, r=8,width=1)

button_E = gui.add_button(x=30, y=170, w=70, h=30, text=" Switch mode ", οnclick=click_E)

gui.draw_text(x=110, y=173, text=' Current mode :', font_size=11) # According to the text “ Current mode :”

text_mode = gui.draw_text(x=178, y=173, color="red", text=" Automatically ", font_size=12) # Display mode type

# Show part4 Manual control mode ( Rounded rectangle 、 Button 、 written words )

gui.draw_round_rect(x=20, y=210, w=200, h=105, r=8,width=1)

gui.draw_text(x=33, y=213, text=' Manual control :',font_size=11) # According to the text “ Manual control :”

button_A = gui.add_button(x=30, y=240, w=70, h=30, text=" watering ", οnclick=click_A,state='disabled')

button_B = gui.add_button(x=140, y=240, w=70, h=30, text=" Turn off the water ", οnclick=click_B,state='disabled')

button_C = gui.add_button(x=30, y=280, w=70, h=30, text=" turn on the light ", οnclick=click_C,state='disabled')

button_D = gui.add_button(x=140, y=280, w=70, h=30, text=" Turn off the lights ", οnclick=click_D,state='disabled')

(4) Email Settings

Next , We will define the mail sending function , First, set the parameters required for sending mail , Including the sender's email account , Sender's email authorization code , Sender email nickname , Email account of the addressee , The recipient mailbox nickname has five parameters in total . after , Define a function to send mail , In which the message content and title are passed in as parameters , So that it can be called many times to send mail .

Tips: The actual sender account number must be filled 、 Authorization code information , Nicknames can be written at will , But it can't be empty .

''' Email Settings '''

my_sender='10******[email protected]' # Set the sender's email account , Enter your own email

my_pass = '******' # Set the sender's mailbox authorization code , Do not empty

my_name = 'IvanD.Mido' # Set sender mailbox nickname

my_user='10******[email protected]' # Set the recipient email account , I'll send it to myself

my_user_name = 'IvanD.Mido' # Set recipient mailbox nickname

# Define the alert email function

def mail(content,title):

    ret=True # Define a marker ret, Record email sending events , The initial value is True


        msg=MIMEText(content,'plain','utf-8')  # Create a message text object ,Title Corresponding text content ,'plain' Refers to the set text format ,'utf-8' Refers to the set code

        ''' Three header messages : Sender , The recipient , The theme '''

        msg['From']=formataddr([my_name,my_sender]) # Define sender information : The nickname of sender's email in brackets 、 Sender email account

        msg['To']=formataddr([my_user_name,my_user]) # Define recipient information : The nickname of the recipient's email in brackets 、 Email account of the addressee

        msg['Subject']=title # Define the subject of the message , It can also be said that the title

        server=smtplib.SMTP_SSL("smtp.qq.com", 465) # establish SMTP service , Connect qq Mailbox server , In the sender's mailbox SMTP The server ,SMTP Protocol encryption port yes 465

        server.login(my_sender, my_pass)  # Login mailbox , The brackets correspond to the sender's email account 、 Mailbox password

        server.sendmail(my_sender,my_user,msg.as_string())  # Send E-mail , The brackets correspond to the sender's email account 、 Email account of the addressee 、 The string format of the message

        server.quit()  # Close the connection

    except Exception:  # If try The statement in did not execute , Then the following ret=False

        ret=False # take ret Mark as False

    return ret # return ret Mark

(6) Define callback function

Because sending mail is detected on the board 1 And board 2 In case of poor data , therefore , We need to set to receive SIoT The functional operation of the data of the Internet of things platform .

When receiving Topic1 After the soil moisture data , We do three steps , The first is to present the data on the screen , The second is to judge the data , Update the screen to display the situation after discriminant analysis , Finally, according to the discrimination results , Set to send an alarm email when the result data is poor , And the interval between each subject email shall not be less than 10s.

And when you receive Topic2 After the ray value data under , We do the same thing .

Tips: The email sending frequency here can be modified by yourself .

soil_mail_enable = True  # Define the flag that enables sending soil alert messages

light_mail_enable = True  # Defines the flag that enables the sending of light alarm messages

soil_mail_time = time.time()  # Scheduled mail sending time record flag

light_mail_time = time.time()  # Scheduled mail sending time record flag

#  Define callback function

def sub_cb(client, userdata, msg): 

    global soil_mail_enable,light_mail_enable,soil_mail_time,light_mail_time

    topic = msg.topic # topic Data is stored in variables

    payload = msg.payload.decode() # payload The message data is converted into a string and stored in a variable

    print("\nTopic:" + topic + " Message:" + payload) #  Terminal print data

    if topic == IOT_pubTopic1:  #  Definition received Soil_moisture_value Time operation

        if payload.isdigit(): #  If the received message is of digital type, it indicates that it is the humidity value rather than the control command

            Soil_moisture_value = int(payload)  #  Convert to numeric type for later judgment

            text_value.config(text = str(Soil_moisture_value))  #  Update screen display data

            if Soil_moisture_value < 2120: #  Threshold set to 2120, It can be adjusted according to the actual situation

                text2.config(text=" The current soil moisture is too low ")  #  Update text warnings

                if soil_mail_enable == True and (time.time()-soil_mail_time) > 10:  #  If allowed, and the time interval since the last message was sent 10 Seconds or more before sending

                    ret1=mail(" Soil moisture alarm "," The current soil moisture value is  " + str(Soil_moisture_value) + ", Please replenish water in time !")

                    if ret1:  #   If there is an email event

                        print(" Mail sent successfully 1")

                        soil_mail_enable = False  #  Email has been sent , Change the flag to avoid repeated sending

                        soil_mail_time = time.time()   #  Record the time this email was sent

                    else: #  otherwise

                        print(" Failed to send mail 1")


                text2.config(text=" Current soil moisture is appropriate ")  #  Update text

                soil_mail_enable = True   #  If the alarm is cleared, subsequent emails are allowed

    elif  topic == IOT_pubTopic2:  #  Definition received Light Time operation

        if payload.isdigit(): #  If the received message is of digital type, it indicates that it is the ray value rather than the control command

            light_value = int(payload)  #   Convert to numeric type for later judgment

            text_value_2.config(text = str(light_value))  #   The screen updates the light value

            if light_value < 666:   #   Threshold set to 666, It can be adjusted according to the actual situation

                text4.config(text=" The current light intensity is too low ")  #   Update text warnings

                if light_mail_enable == True and  (time.time()-light_mail_time) > 10:  #  Send the message only if it is allowed to send it

                    ret2=mail(" Light intensity alarm "," The current ray value is  " + str(light_value) + ", Please fill the light in time !")

                    if ret2:  #   If there is an email event

                        print(" Mail sent successfully 2")

                        light_mail_enable = False  #  Email has been sent , Change the flag to avoid repeated sending

                        light_mail_time = time.time()  #  Record the time this email was sent

                    else:  #   otherwise

                        print(" Failed to send mail 2")


                text4.config(text=" The current light intensity is appropriate ") #  Update text warnings

                light_mail_enable = True  #  If the alarm is cleared, subsequent emails are allowed

(7) Subscribe to Internet of things platform messages

After defining the callback function , We set the board 3 Subscribe to the Internet of things platform , And send at the beginning “auto” To two Topic Next , In order to set the initial default mode to automatic .

siot.init(CLIENT_ID, SERVER, user=IOT_UserName,password=IOT_PassWord)  # initialization , Make sure the user name and password entered are correct

siot.connect()  # Connect siot Internet of things platform

siot.subscribe(IOT_pubTopic1, sub_cb)  # subscribe Topic1 Soil moisture data

siot.subscribe(IOT_pubTopic2, sub_cb)  # subscribe Topic2 Light intensity data

siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic1,'auto')  # Publish the information 'auto' To the Internet of things platform
siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic2,'auto')  # Publish the information 'auto' To the Internet of things platform

siot.loop()  # loop

(8) The loop keeps the program running

while True:  # loop

    time.sleep(0.5)  # delay0.5 second

Tips: The complete sample program is as follows :

''' plate 3 Subscription board 1& plate 2 Messages sent to the IOT platform , Displayed on the board 3 On , Send an email when the value is not good '''

from unihiker import GUI   # Import unihiker library GUI modular

import time  # Import time library

import siot  # Import siot library

import smtplib # Import smtplib library

from email.mime.text import MIMEText # Import email.mime.text In bag MIMEText modular , Responsible for processing text

from email.utils import formataddr # Import email.utils In bag formataddr modular , Responsible for formatting the input content

''' Set the Internet of things platform connection parameters '''

SERVER = ""  # MQTT The server IP Address , Enter personal actual IP

CLIENT_ID = ""  # stay SIoT On ,CLIENT_ID You can leave it blank

IOT_UserName = 'siot'  # user name

IOT_PassWord = 'dfrobot'  # password

IOT_pubTopic1 = ' Multi node intelligent agricultural system /Soil_moisture_value'  # humidity topic,“ Project name / Equipment name ”

IOT_pubTopic2 = ' Multi node intelligent agricultural system /light'  # The light intensity topic,“ Project name / Equipment name ”

# Define the callback function of the five buttons

def click_A():  # Define the click button A Time operation -- Switch pictures

    siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic1, 'relay on')  # Publish the information 'relay on' To the Internet of things platform

def click_B():  # Define the click button B Time operation -- Switch pictures

    siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic1, 'relay off')  # Publish the information 'relay off' To the Internet of things platform

def click_C():  # Define the click button C Time operation -- Switch pictures

    siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic2, 'led on')  # Publish the information 'led on' To the Internet of things platform

def click_D():  # Define the click button D Time operation -- Switch pictures

    siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic2, 'led off')  # Publish the information 'led off' To the Internet of things platform

is_auto_mode = 1  # Define a flag bit -- Automatic mode ,1 To open ,0 Weiguan

def click_E():  # Define the click button E Time operation -- Switch mode

    global is_auto_mode

    if is_auto_mode == 0:

        text_mode.config(text=" Automatically ")





        siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic1, 'auto')  # Publish the information 'auto' To the Internet of things platform

        siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic2, 'auto')  # Publish the information 'auto' To the Internet of things platform

        is_auto_mode = 1

    elif is_auto_mode == 1:

        text_mode.config(text=" Manual ")





        siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic1, 'manual')  # Publish the information 'manual' To the Internet of things platform

        siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic2, 'manual')  # Publish the information 'manual' To the Internet of things platform

        is_auto_mode = 0

''' Display screen pages '''

gui=GUI() # Instantiation gui object

# Displays the filled rectangle

gui.fill_rect(x=0, y=0, w=240, h=320, color="#99CCFF") # Draw the fill rectangle Show In the background

# Show title

title = gui.draw_text(x=30, y=5, text=' Multi node intelligent agricultural system ', font_size=14, color='blue')

# Show part1 data ( Rounded rectangle 、 written words )

gui.draw_round_rect(x=20, y=33, w=200, h=42, r=8, width=1) # Show rounded rectangle ,( Starting point coordinates (20,33), wide 200, high 42, radius 8, Line width 1)

gui.draw_text(x=35, y=32, text=' Humidity value :', font_size=11)  # According to the text “ Humidity value :”

text_value = gui.draw_text(x=110, y=32, color="red", text="", font_size=12)  # Display ray value data

gui.draw_text(x=35, y=52, text=' Light value :', font_size=11) # According to the text “ Light value ”

text_value_2 = gui.draw_text(x=110, y=52, color="red", text="", font_size=12) # Display ray value data

# Show part2 Data ( Rounded rectangle 、 written words )

gui.draw_round_rect(x=20, y=80, w=200, h=80, r=8,width=1)

text1 = gui.draw_text(x=30, y=80, text=' Soil moisture :', font_size=11, color='black') # stay (30,60) Coordinate position display “ Soil moisture :”, Font size: 11, The color is black

text2 = gui.draw_text(x=30, y=98, text=' Current soil moisture is appropriate ', font_size=12, color='red')

text3 = gui.draw_text(x=30, y=120, text=' Light intensity :', font_size=11, color='black')

text4 = gui.draw_text(x=30, y=138, text=' The current light intensity is appropriate ', font_size=12, color='red')

# Show part3 Switch mode function ( Rounded rectangle 、 Button 、 written words )

gui.draw_round_rect(x=20, y=165, w=200, h=40, r=8,width=1)

button_E = gui.add_button(x=30, y=170, w=70, h=30, text=" Switch mode ", οnclick=click_E)

gui.draw_text(x=110, y=173, text=' Current mode :', font_size=11) # According to the text “ Current mode :”

text_mode = gui.draw_text(x=178, y=173, color="red", text=" Automatically ", font_size=12) # Display mode type

# Show part4 Manual control mode ( Rounded rectangle 、 Button 、 written words )

gui.draw_round_rect(x=20, y=210, w=200, h=105, r=8,width=1)

gui.draw_text(x=33, y=213, text=' Manual control :',font_size=11) # According to the text “ Manual control :”

button_A = gui.add_button(x=30, y=240, w=70, h=30, text=" watering ", οnclick=click_A,state='disabled')

button_B = gui.add_button(x=140, y=240, w=70, h=30, text=" Turn off the water ", οnclick=click_B,state='disabled')

button_C = gui.add_button(x=30, y=280, w=70, h=30, text=" turn on the light ", οnclick=click_C,state='disabled')

button_D = gui.add_button(x=140, y=280, w=70, h=30, text=" Turn off the lights ", οnclick=click_D,state='disabled')

''' Email Settings '''

my_sender='10******[email protected]' # Set the sender's email account , Enter your own email

my_pass = '' # Set the sender's mailbox authorization code , Do not empty

my_name = 'IvanD.Mido' # Set sender mailbox nickname

my_user='10******[email protected]' # Set the recipient email account , I'll send it to myself

my_user_name = 'IvanD.Mido' # Set recipient mailbox nickname

# Define the alert email function

def mail(content,title):

    ret=True # Define a marker ret, Record email sending events , The initial value is True


        msg=MIMEText(content,'plain','utf-8')  # Create a message text object ,Title Corresponding text content ,'plain' Refers to the set text format ,'utf-8' Refers to the set code

        ''' Three header messages : Sender , The recipient , The theme '''

        msg['From']=formataddr([my_name,my_sender]) # Define sender information : The nickname of sender's email in brackets 、 Sender email account

        msg['To']=formataddr([my_user_name,my_user]) # Define recipient information : The nickname of the recipient's email in brackets 、 Email account of the addressee

        msg['Subject']=title # Define the subject of the message , It can also be said that the title

        server=smtplib.SMTP_SSL("smtp.qq.com", 465) # establish SMTP service , Connect qq Mailbox server , In the sender's mailbox SMTP The server ,SMTP Protocol encryption port yes 465

        server.login(my_sender, my_pass)  # Login mailbox , The brackets correspond to the sender's email account 、 Mailbox password

        server.sendmail(my_sender,my_user,msg.as_string())  # Send E-mail , The brackets correspond to the sender's email account 、 Email account of the addressee 、 The string format of the message

        server.quit()  # Close the connection

    except Exception:  # If try The statement in did not execute , Then the following ret=False

        ret=False # take ret Mark as False

    return ret # return ret Mark

soil_mail_enable = True  # Define the flag that enables sending soil alert messages

light_mail_enable = True  # Defines the flag that enables the sending of light alarm messages

soil_mail_time = time.time()  # Scheduled mail sending time record flag

light_mail_time = time.time()  # Scheduled mail sending time record flag

#  Define callback function

def sub_cb(client, userdata, msg): 

    global soil_mail_enable,light_mail_enable,soil_mail_time,light_mail_time

    topic = msg.topic # topic Data is stored in variables

    payload = msg.payload.decode() # payload The message data is converted into a string and stored in a variable

    print("\nTopic:" + topic + " Message:" + payload) #  Terminal print data

    if topic == IOT_pubTopic1:  #  Definition received Soil_moisture_value Time operation

        if payload.isdigit(): #  If the received message is of digital type, it indicates that it is the humidity value rather than the control command

            Soil_moisture_value = int(payload)  #  Convert to numeric type for later judgment

            text_value.config(text = str(Soil_moisture_value))  #  Update screen display data

            if Soil_moisture_value < 2120: #  Threshold set to 2120, It can be adjusted according to the actual situation

                text2.config(text=" The current soil moisture is too low ")  #  Update text warnings

                if soil_mail_enable == True and (time.time()-soil_mail_time) > 10:  #  If allowed, and the time interval since the last message was sent 10 Seconds or more before sending

                    ret1=mail(" Soil moisture alarm "," The current soil moisture value is  " + str(Soil_moisture_value) + ", Please replenish water in time !")

                    if ret1:  #   If there is an email event

                        print(" Mail sent successfully 1")

                        soil_mail_enable = False  #  Email has been sent , Change the flag to avoid repeated sending

                        soil_mail_time = time.time()   #  Record the time this email was sent

                    else: #  otherwise

                        print(" Failed to send mail 1")


                text2.config(text=" Current soil moisture is appropriate ")  #  Update text

                soil_mail_enable = True   #  If the alarm is cleared, subsequent emails are allowed

    elif  topic == IOT_pubTopic2:  #  Definition received Light Time operation

        if payload.isdigit(): #  If the received message is of digital type, it indicates that it is the ray value rather than the control command

            light_value = int(payload)  #   Convert to numeric type for later judgment

            text_value_2.config(text = str(light_value))  #   The screen updates the light value

            if light_value < 666:   #   Threshold set to 666, It can be adjusted according to the actual situation

                text4.config(text=" The current light intensity is too low ")  #   Update text warnings

                if light_mail_enable == True and  (time.time()-light_mail_time) > 10:  #  Send the message only if it is allowed to send it

                    ret2=mail(" Light intensity alarm "," The current ray value is  " + str(light_value) + ", Please fill the light in time !")

                    if ret2:  #   If there is an email event

                        print(" Mail sent successfully 2")

                        light_mail_enable = False  #  Email has been sent , Change the flag to avoid repeated sending

                        light_mail_time = time.time()  #  Record the time this email was sent

                    else:  #   otherwise

                        print(" Failed to send mail 2")


                text4.config(text=" The current light intensity is appropriate ") #  Update text warnings

                light_mail_enable = True  #  If the alarm is cleared, subsequent emails are allowed

siot.init(CLIENT_ID, SERVER, user=IOT_UserName,password=IOT_PassWord)  # initialization , Make sure the user name and password entered are correct

siot.connect()  # Connect siot Internet of things platform

siot.subscribe(IOT_pubTopic1, sub_cb)  # subscribe Topic1 Soil moisture data

siot.subscribe(IOT_pubTopic2, sub_cb)  # subscribe Topic2 Light intensity data

siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic1,'auto')  # Publish the information 'auto' To the Internet of things platform
siot.publish(IOT_pubTopic2,'auto')  # Publish the information 'auto' To the Internet of things platform

siot.loop()  # loop

while True:  # loop

    time.sleep(0.5)  # delay0.5 second

Tips: The actual sender account number must be filled 、 Authorization code and other information , Do not empty .

3、 The program runs

STEP1: Run the program to observe the effect

Click on Mind+ The run button on the software , Observe Empty board 3, You can see that the initial mode is automatic , Water at this time 、 Turn off the water 、 turn on the light 、 The four buttons for turning off the light are gray , Not clickable , Click switch mode , The button returns to the normal state , At the same time, the detected soil moisture value and light value data are also displayed on the screen . here , On board 3 Click on “ watering ” and “ turn on the light ” after , plate 1 The water pump on the starts to work , plate 2 Upper LED Light up . When you click “ Turn off the water ” and “ Turn off the lights ” after , Water pump and LED Stop working .


Observe the Internet of things platform , Can be seen in two different Topic Next , All have data incoming .



meanwhile , Observe QQ mailbox , When the soil moisture or light value data is poor , We will receive an email .



Tip1: here , Because we will directly Python The program file is built in the memory of the blank board , therefore , We can also run programs directly on the board , With a board 3 For example , The operation method is as follows :


Tip2: The router or mobile hotspot here must be able to access the Internet normally , To send mail .

Challenge yourself

Think about it , Among the three ways to supply power to the blank board introduced in this lesson ( The power adapter 、 Charging treasure 、 The computer USB mouth ), For scenarios that require long-term running of the program , Which method should be chosen is more suitable , For scenes that need to be used outdoors , Which way is it suitable ?

In addition to sending email alerts as a means , What are the possible methods of remote reminder ?

There is no router , And there is no mobile phone hotspot , Can we build a multi node IOT system ?

Tips: See Appendix for answers 2.


When there is no router or mobile phone and the hotspot cannot be turned on , We can also create one by turning on the hotspot function of one of the blank boards Wi-Fi Wireless hotspot , Other blank boards are connected to this Wi-Fi hotspot , Connect the boards in the same LAN . The opening method is as follows .


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